Whats dis? My first redraw?

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Hullo, I'm at college, it hasn't started yet but on the way there I drew Flashdemon again, Y'all remember him right? This time I had a point of reference from a movie, The Great Wall. Totally B-list movie but if you love weird demonic alien creatures in hoards with eyes on their shoulders, have at it, it's got Matt Damon in it too. I think it's worth the watch, very pretty movie, it's also got a Kpop band member in it for those of you who like/know that kinda thing. (I forget who it is, my sister is much well versed in Kpop than I, but He's adorable in the movie) Anywho, the alien creatures are called the Tao Tei and I decided Flashdemon was a bit more like that so I decided to combined my design of Flashdemon with the Tao Tei design, so I'll give you all of that.

This is my first Flashdemon design;

I also made a sketch of it for comparison reasons (it sucks but it's a sketch so that's the point);

This is a rough sketch of the Tao Tei:

And here's the sketch of the combined Flashdemon and Tao Tei:

And here's the finished product:

Now all of them on one page:

Yeet, so TADAAAA!!!

Eventually I actually wanna write this, the bat part of this AU is a lot farther along, but surprisingly they both have lots of art. Huh, I should make a comic. Lol if I could I would, that would be fun and amazing. I've actually always wanted to make a comic, maybe that'll be a lil side project for fun to practice my comic making skills, as well as drawing and writing. Comics are hArd maN. It's a lotta commitment for something that may not pan out, but also where would I put it?? Idk maybe no where, maybe shouldn't even make it at all, it's just a thought.

Wow so you can tell I'm writing this on the seat of my pants cuz I ain't editing the insecurities out of that. Point being; Flashdemon is cool and deserves a story, eventually I wanna do it weather it be words on a digital page or pictures in a comic.

Farewell friends, for now I am entering college and do not know when I will resurface. I bid you all a good day/night and have fun in life, and remember to eat, cuz I seem to be forgetting that a lot lately... also sleep. Sleep is good. Don't find amazing completed fics at midnight. Just don't. You'll be left agonizing later for days cuz you can't squirrel away 5 min to figure out if Dick is gunna be mentally okay or not. (He's not btw, and I can get away with this cuz ya don't know what I'm readin so it ain't spoilers) (but he's gonna be okay cuz he's got a smol Dami with him and Flashpoint Batman) (yep Thomas Wayne) (Okay I've said enough, GOOOOODBYYYEEEEEEE!!!)

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