Whoa this is part 55

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Hello again, I actually did draw something other than fox!Tim and totally forgot it existed and then I drew something this morning so I figured what the hek why not.

So in A Chance Danny is a smol bean yeah? In the most recent update there was a comment about Danny wearing a scarf, now tiny bit of spoilers here, that IS going to become... canon(?) or at least fanon, in the book. Lol you know what I mean. It's gonna happen. Danny gonna get a scarf and it's gonna be adorable.

Anyway, I've tried mAny mAny times to draw Danny with a scarf, and uh, haha, it fails. Every time. Except instead of scrapping this one I decided to keep it and uh, it's uh, not happy. Lol I keep drawing a smol Danny totally beat up and while I do feel bad I also feel kinda happy. I should prolly get that checked.

Anyway, here's a beat up bean!

Yeah uh, he got bad bruises around his neck. Whoops.


It's literally the best, it's got a bEAn (that kinda looks like Dami to me) and a bIg nIce mOnsTer bIrb cAt tuRky gOat dOg. Yes. You read that correctly. His name is Trico.

So of course if there's any type of big nice beast involved ima draw it. And I did. Twice.

But first just so you know what he looks like:

And this is for scale (he a big boi)

I don't wanna give away too much of anything but here's like actual gameplay scale and stuff

You play as the boy, it's the friggin bEst

Anyway! I drew Trico!

So uh, yeah I didn't do too good cuz the ears are too small and his mouth/beak is a bit shorter and yeah I have some nitpicks with this one. But I did draw Trico again but this time full body and not digital

And there ya go! This ones much better tho his legs could prolly be better. Obviously cuz it's newer I don't hate it as much yet.

Also high key wanna crossover and make the bean boi (he never gets a name, he's just 'the boy') Damian cuz I think that would be aWesome and the repercussions to canon when he gets back cuz frick yeah.

Also here's more Trico cuz I can't help myself but spread the cuteness

Hot dang did the number of pics we can put in a chapter go up??? I thought the limit was 10?!

Ah, it's 20, excellent.

I should stop for now tho. HAVE FUN EVERYBODY AND ENJOY TRICO. GO WATCH SOMEONE PLAY IT PLZ YOUR LIFE WILL BE INFINIELTY BETTER (I suggest Jackcepticeye cuz he rEally loves Trico and it's amazing and from what I've found the other lets players get really annoyed with Trico and the boy way too fast and that annoys me cuz Trico and the boy are bEANs who must be pRotECted)

Plot-wise for the game is... not much but rEALLY INTRIGUING. GO WATCH IT NOW. RIGHT FRIGGIN NOW.

It's on PS4, and I wanna get it for my birthday so I can play it myself. Frig man I need me a Trico.

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