Art trades and MORE

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Song: No friends -Nightcore

H E L O,  I ' M  B A C K-
And with some art! Yay, so let's tackle the first few!

This is one of the art trade pieces! It's for Brindleshine (who had already seen this on discord- BuT dEtAiLs)

I tagged ya anyways girl because I was wondering: is this what Glimmerfrost is supposed to look like? Or something close to it? And  N O. I'm not finished yet-


Mcr_And_Destiel_687 Here you go soldier! (Another art trade piece :>)
I have WAY to many versions of ya boy- because backgrounds SUCK. Plus not sure if you like the goggle idea as much as I do.. so enjoy the multiple versions of him

it was fun drawing 'em!
B U T  T H E  W I N G S  W E R E  A  P A I N-


I joined an art contest! No I'm not finished yet, just wanted to show the (possible?) wip. (I say possible because knowing me.... I may throw the hole idea in the trash can and restart-) Though I cant choose between two versions HELP-

Also, I wanted to select something but then this happened and..... I'm slightly terrified-

Haha.... .... send help-

Another wip! (This one failed- DONT think I'm going to finish this... ever, so RIP. (Is there anyone who wants to finish this?))

And lastly!
I read this book called "Love cafe" (writen by: fluffyfoxella go check it, and them, out when you can!) and at one point there was this scene I just HAD to draw! the quote on the mug was inspiring♡ ... Sadly I still don't feel too comfortable with drawing people so I stuck with the treat and drink!
I also decided I wanted to tackle this differently than normal, and so it's done with blue for most part.

Annnnddddd I think that it... yeah!
Bye guys! And to everyone wondering, I'm okay now, thanks for the concern  last chapter guys ♡ it means a lot.

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