artdump of what I've done

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Song: Yellow hearts - A completed Ashfur map


Anyways, here's some artwork I've done these past... how many days (weeks??) Has it been..?


ever since I haven't posted-

(Without text)

(with text)
A thumbnail for "Yellow hearts" a 72 hour Ashfur map! And as you might have seen the completed map is up above! (I wone the contest- yay!)

Also an extra ashfur, stick to the end of the video for a funny surprise ;)

^ Oops! Did We catch you at the wrong time Ashfur?

Another Thumbnail! This one's for "Stay calm" a completed Ravenpaw map. And can I just say, TIGERCLAW CAN GO DIE IN A HOLE (again-).

I could have finished this and saved HOURS of my time to get other things ( like drawings) done, but NOooo. Tigerclaw, just had to be a pain in the as$ for the most part and not work with me for no, damn, reason!

(Also, wth does my keyboard keep changing his name to Riverdale??)

For the curious ones, here's the map, and the process underneath. (The map's already closed though-)

Okay, that's it for the thumbnails, Next up- oh god why, school projects I had to make art for.


So some of you might remember I posted an anouncment about my art teacher and the minimum effort thing. Well-
She wanted the end result the next day anyways so I had a stressful time that day. I managed to finish.. And while it looks good(I think-) I can't help but be terrified of the thought that it might look rushed..?
I hope not-

Let's get into it shall we?

^Real life objects

^Drawn versions

Here's the first part of the assignment, we had to take objects from our home and then redraw them with shadows

Then you had to combine it and put it in a landscape with.. some changes making it look less realistic. Which ya girl is an expert at (drawing non realistic things-).

So! Boom.

And then this one with the objects close by-

And yes they're chillin' in a mugthats a supposed-to-be-hot-tub.

And yes I so so done with this that I didn't care about making the waterfall look good-

wolves752 is this okay for our art trade?

Oh! Also, Magpie2593 and Moonlightbeam123, I'm still working on our art trades! I haven't forgotten about them don't worry 😅 just takes a little because school interfered before. Hope you guys don't mind!

Anyways that's all for now, Cya!

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