Happy Valentine's day!

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Song: This love -Maroon 5

So.....Happy (late) Valentine's day!♡

I'm not dead, as you can see-
God What is this "intro"-

Anyways ART!

No, I haven't stoped drawing.
No, this isn't one of my best works, it's made in a record time of 32min (HOLY FRUITCAKES THATS FAST- for me)

And yes, I will be posting more soon, I just found an amazing writer and their storied are killing me, so that's why I haven't even thought about posing finished art... whoops! I'm sorry about that.

ALSO I'M AWARE there might be so many other songs that would have been better of a choice for today. But-

Hear me out.
I heard the story behind this song from my dad and it's so touching.

It's about an Angel, who has a "job" to retrieve reasently died soles, to guide them to their next life/haven or something. But there's this woman, who can somehow feel his presents. Normally this is impossible, because humans don't feel his, or any other Angel presence.
So he -the angle- stays around her, because She's the only thing he can really stuck with, after all. He's been around for centuries, watching everything die around him, without anyone ever knowing he was there. But now someone finally can.

The sad thing however, is that 1. The woman thinks it's the person she lost, and probably will never know it's him (Idk, I haven't seen the movie yet, BUT I really want to now). And 2. The Angle can't tell her or reach out more to her than staying around because he can't physically touch, or talk, or do anything that would ket her know has there. Other than what has already doing.

Now that you know that information, have fun listening to the lyrics ♡

And again happy (late) Valentine's day ❤

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