OC Comics

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Hey guys! It's me, and I know I have a LOT to do, but, I need to ask you guys this.

So I have my Oc's, who have... complicated, but interesting backstory. And I want to somehow share that with you guys. But I don't want it become boring and give you the feeling you need to read a LONG book.

So that's where drawing came into the picture.

You see, If I turn their lives (for example Lionsnap's past) into comics, I'll probably have to close the request section. Not Forever Of Course, but still for a while.

But drawing My Oc's lives can help me improve on facial and body expressions. Giving me a chance to improve the quality of my drawings!

It's just a idea, of course I could just write their backstories for you guys to read, but this is something I (kinda) REALLY want to do.

But in the end, I want to give their stories to you guys in a way you'll actually enjoy it. If that means Writing, Drawing or even doing it in an other way, Ik do that.

So, My question to you guys is:

Should I make my Oc stories into comics?

Yes             or            No

Ok I think It's clear now

Comics it is.
The requests will be closed for now.

I'll publish a new book with the first comic as soon as they're ready!

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