Webcomic That I'm doing But Just A Character for said Webcomic

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HEY I POSTED!!!1!1!1!!!!

So um... there are a few  reasons why I haven't been active on here.  One, I have school and tons of homework and junk. And two, I've been posting all my art on Amino instead of here. This weekend I finally got a break from homework, and I recently deleted Amino because two people where criticizing everything I did and harassed me when I tried to make it better, causing me to delete all my posts and leave Amino for good. 

I did in fact finish the fan art for @TheStormgod , but it recived so much criticism from the people on Amino that I've decided I won't post it here until I feel comfortable with it and get over all the stress cyber bullies have put on me. 


So this character is for a web comic that I'm starting in IDK how long, but since I have an unhealthy obsession with drawing Incineroar and Primarina... they immediately were the first choice of main characters for said Webcomic. I'm not gonna reveal more about this until I've made all the character sheets, but I'll make a different book for the Webcomic so it doesn't get confusing. 

Proof ^^^^^^^^^^

Peace ✌️ 

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