Sketchbook 7 PT.3

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I straight up forgot about having another chapter for this sketchbook already done.

I will have another one, but I have to keep drawing.

I still need to draw this thumbnail. I love it so much.

Here's my crazy girl Olivia. I have like four other monster OC's that I created. The others suck because I haven't actually done anything with them besides give them names.

Here's a zentangle that took two days. One complete day for drawing all the designs. A little bit of day two to finish designs. And like fifteen minutes to color some of it.

One line eyes. The lips were not one line. I kind of like this style for some reason. I make the nicest stuff doing a one line/scribble style.

Trying to study a face and draw it accordingly. Really happy about the 3/4 view but it kind of looks like a character from Overwatch.

Pen thumbnail sketch. I was actually thinking of doing an entire piece in pens.

Bored pen doodles.

Again thumbnails I want to get to eventually.

Here's a really cool thumbnail idea that I like. I'm actually afraid to do this one because I'm not sure how it would look.

Two good doodles beside one really bad doodle.

Pen hair. I like the cotton candy looking one best.

Look at that lovely lamp. I can't draw much symmetry to save my live. Also, the face down in the bottom left really sparked like an abstract feel, but it's also not super abstract.

Pose ideas.

Another one of those scratchy line things with colors. I skecthed a very rough face then scribbled on it. And I color it pastel because my mood was rather pleasant that day.

Yes. Another mothman. It's fun to draw these simplified fellows. I just make it complex with the wing details.

Alright, if you've been here for a while, you know my character Card Master. He pops up every once in a while. He's like a gang leader. So, what better way to make it more better than giving him like managers. Not really managers, but they are below him on like a gang scale. They control those below their level but report to Card Master.

I decided there would be four of them and they would represent a card deck. Like this fellow is based off of diamonds. He's got some info there with his name.

I have three others to decided. Also, he is not blind I just didn't give him any pupils.

Sketches from two days ago. Look at that lovely deer.

And a concept sketch. I have been wanting to do the zodiac signs for a while. I just can never decide how I want to draw them. If I want to draw them as dragon's, as like galaxy and feminine girls, or as warriors.

Yeah. That's all I have for this chapter. Don't worry I'm cranking out part four soon. If I keep sketching ideas in it, it'll be filled in no time. But I'm lazy and procrastinate.

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