Nice try

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Nice try man. I ain't trusting this! It's gonna be a virus or something XD

I'm smarter than that. I ain't trusting links someone sends me for no reason! Especially when the text is like that. It seems TOO desperate for me to click it, so I'm not!

You see, you learn things when you are oh YouTube all the time. Fake accounts will use fancy fonts/accents/text to lure the person to click the virus. It's really simple to find them once you know them.

If anyone else got this or gets this, just ignore it. Better safe than sorry peeps! XD but seriously, don't trust the random links like this, especially if introduced like this one or if it seems to be "trying" too hard. It most likely is a virus and you shouldn't click it. It'll ruin your computer (or other device) in a heartbeat and you may loose a LOT of important things on it! Be safe everyone!

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