What kind of artist am I?

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Stole this from a bunch of other people >:)

1. When did you get into art?
My answer: When I was around 10 or 11

2. What art-related sites have you ever signed up for?
My answer: DeviantArt :)

3. Show us your oldest piece of art you have on hand.
My answer:

(Wuherhfjwbd this was so bad 💀)

4. What defines your artistic style?
My answer: The way I do the fur, eyes, and body

5. Do you practice other styles/have you tried other styles in the past?
My answer: Hmm, no, not that I know of.

6. What levels of artistic education have you had?
My answer: I took art in 6th grade, does that count? :^

7. Show us at least one picture you drew or sketched recently that you did not put on a public site.
My answer:

(This was kinda old)

8. What is your favorite piece that you have done?
My answer:

(Definitely this!)

9. What is your least favorite piece that you have done?
My answer:

(A contest entry for Moosh_Moosh)

10. What do you like most about your art?
My answer: Everything tbh. In my opinion, my art style is very cute and I love it :)

11. What do you like least about your art?
My answer: The fact that I suck a full bodies ;-;

12. Have you ever considered taking commissions?
My answer: Ngl, I did think about it, but since I'm so busy drawing people's OCs on here, I feel like I won't have time to do it anywhere else. But what do you guys think?

13. Are you looking to pursue a career in art?
My answer: No, actually, I just want to be an author :^

14. What do you like drawing the most?
My answer: Animals

15. What do you like drawing the least?
My answer: Humans

16. Do you draw more fanart or original art? If fanart, what fandom do you draw most of?
My answer: I do both of these actually. I mostly draw warriors anyways.

17. What would you absolutely refuse to draw?

18. What is your purpose for drawing?
My answer: Hmm, maybe to improve my art style? Idk :|

19. What medium/program do you use for most of your art?
My answer: IpisPaint X

20. How could you rate your art? (Poor, medium, good, etc.)
My answer: I'd say it's good :)

21. Do you believe there is such thing as a "bad art?"
My answer: Absolutely not! All kinds of art is amazing!

22. List at least one of your "artspiration."
My answer: Animals and my irl friends since most of them can draw way better than me :)

23. What do you think you could stand to improve on?
My answer: Hmm, definitely full bodies and many other things.

24. Do you have a shameful art past? (Recolor sprite comics, tracing art, etc.)
My answer: Yes unfortunately :')

25. Draw a picture!
My answer:

I was too lazy to make it on digital, but I will in the future!

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