"15" Facts

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I was tagged by my dear Senpai JadeTheCandyCaneFox To give you ten fn facts about myself. =_=

I'm not very sure what the heck I'm supposed to say. :T But let us give it a go! ^^

1: I'm secretly a really twisted person,  I'm not even trying to be funny, or be depressing and weird. I'm just stating a fact. I'm best left alone.

2: I love irony😙

3: I have a cat named Jasper😏

4: I love drawing~❤

5: I have ten Senpai! 👋👋

6: When I was seven I was introduced to an anime, and now I spend every Saturday trying to find it 😢

7: 😏😙💖❤♥🍰👅🍫 Are my favorite emojis, mostly because there cuter on this phone.

8: I have five songs that if I hear I'll break down and mentally be gone for a while after.

9: I'm deadly afraid of bridges, or rather falling to my death because of them.

10: I have insomnia, when I say I'm going to sleep I'm really just watch YouTube or TV before my body crashes.

*Evil smirk* Before I tag! I want to take it up to 15 facts. It was gonna be 20 but I'll be nice. And here!

11: Even though it doesn't seem like it, I love talking in old tongue/ Old English dialect.

12: When I was five my mom took in a Chiwawa, my siblings and I thought it would be a good idea mess with it. Long story short I didn't get to the safe spot in time and it bit a hole in the back of my thigh. Now I'm terrified of Chiwawa, not small dogs, just them. >~<

13: I love poetry, not good at writing it, but I love reading it.

14: The song Blood makes me shiver in many different ways.

15: I've listened to Gravity (the song in media) for three days in a row. *shrugs*

I did fifteen too. :3

The lucky people that I tag! And yes you must to fifteen. =3=

JadeTheCandyCaneFox (need to start saying no tag backs. Yes I'm childish
Avee-chan(randomly tagged! Yay!💖)
gabriel_the_knight(same with you Gab! Sorry(not really ^^))
-SevenAteNine-(*chuckles* Just for the fun of it! xD)
X3 okay I love chu guys!💖❤
Thank you! :3

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