I do too many tags, and always tag the same people but thats okay

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Another tag lol

le sprinkles

1. Gardavor? I don't play/watch Pokémon, and it's been a while- but I think that that's her name. She seemed really super cool when I was little.

2. Desperate or Explosive

3. My music

4. This: (thanks sunsets_at_midnight - I stole this from your account- you're really coolio)

5. Pancakes or Chocolate Muffins

6. There is no question 6, but my favorite animal is Jellyfishes.

7. Idk not saying

8. Umm.... my eyes...? That's probably it

9. Favorite movie....? Strange Brew... or whatever I saw last. That's probably like... umm.... I don't watch movies often. Pride and Prejudice? Thor? Idk anything marvel? I have a vast taste in movies

10. I like big words. Such as:
• antidisestablishmentarianism

Lol, I just looked those up- but yes- big words impress me.

I should add "intricate wording" to my list of things I have a weird obsession with.

Here's my list:

• Zodiacs
• Art
• Eye Color
• Identical Twins
• Psychology
• Intricate Wording

Lol, but yeah.

TAGGGSSSSS: (I'm only doing a few)

whispofadream you're really smart, so I'll tag you.

Planitalia I tag you every time anyway

Archangel_Sariel you have an appreciation for big words as well

Lartspoon because your art is dope...?

Derbyanime cause you're cool

greymalfoy just cus yr meh friendo

Queen_Levana :>

Amethisa you're art is dope too

Pr0tzel dannnnggg art is dope over here as well

FluffyTheArtist all the dope artists

JCWine you're art is very very dope

sunsets_at_midnight you're art is very very VERY dopeeeeeee

torameo your art is so dope it makes me wanna die lmao


I think that's it....? Idk- those are just meh friends off the top of my head

Also, not this dope:

I mean this dope:

Hype sonny peacho


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