ah yes, i post dis

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Okay let's see...

Name: Emma D. Sanders
Nickname: Em or Emmy
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Straight
Personality: usually quiet if she doesn't know you otherwise is pretty childish and odd
Looks: dark brown hair that is almost black with sun bleached highlights. Curves on her sides with a slightly toned stomach from running and climbing. She also has bright emerald green eyes and is 5'2 and likes to wear as little as acceptable like a oversized shirt with maybe short shorts. She also got little arrow earrings that she NEVER takes out
Weapons: a small knife and a pistol and carries a bow and arrows
Group: maybe prison, idfk XD
Likes: CANDY (if she finds it ;3;), small animals, friends if she gets any, reading, and quiet
Dislikes: lack of friends, being alone and lost, hunger, healthy foods, hunting, obviously zombies
Love interest: Bish ain't got one
Family: they ded
Backstory: hmmmmm can I bs this? Yes? Okay XD
She was at the park with her friends when it started, her always-arrive-late-friend showed up bloodied and hurt so they rushed to to the closest house, Emma's. They laid her down on the couch and her friends and family told her to go out and get medicine and so she did. When she arrived home there was blood and guts everywhere. She ran out back and got her weapons then ran and ran. And yeah ig that's good o3o
Extra info: uhm... nah

Dr-TrainVerse hope this is good enough XD

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