Another one of those Pass along Things.

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Q- Are you named after someone?
A- Yes.

Q- Last time you cried?
A- That's confidential.

Q- Do you like your handwriting?
A- Sometimes.

Q-Favorite Lunch Meat?
A-Depends on the day.

Q-Do you use sarcasm?
A-Nooooooo. I'd NEVER do thhhhhaaaat....

Q-Do you still have your tonsils?
A-Yes, surprisingly.

Q-Would you bungee jump?
A-I'm SUPER scared of heights- but yes, I think I'd man up enough to if the opportunity came around.

Q-Favorite Type of Cereal?
A-Almost anything fruity or chocolate-ty. Example: Krave or Fruit Loops.

Q-Do you untie your shoes before you take them off?
A- No, I don't have time for that.

Q- Do you think you're strong?
A- Yes, I do- usually.

Q- Favorite Ice Cream Flavor?
A- Mint Chocolate Chip or Moose Tracks (whatever they're called)

Q-What is the first thing you notice about people?
A- Their attitude and body posture/ stance.

Q- Football or Baseball?
A- I'm not one for sports, but to play... id say Football.

Q- What is your least favorite thing about yourself?
A- I don't know when to stop.

Q- What color pants are you wearing?
A- Black sweats.

Q-Last thing you ate?
A- Toast.

Q-What are you listening to?
A- Some random crap on the radio & my bros argue.

Q- If you were a crayon- which color would you be?
A- Intense Red or Gold.

Q-Favorite Scent?
A- I love all smells, I legit don't care. Farts haven't even phased me.

Q- Last person talked to on phone?
A- Texted: My cousin, Called: Babysitting client.

Q-Favorite Sport?
A- None.

Q-Hair Color?
A- Dirty Blond. Don't mistake me for some dumb blonde.

Q-Eye color?
A- Blue/brown. My eyes are half and half.

Q-Favorite Food?
A- Pancakes. They will never not be good.

Q- Scarry Movie or Happy Endings.
A- Always the latter.

Q-Last movie you watched?
A- Legend of Korra. lol I know.

Q- What color of shirt are you wearing?
A- Red, even though I despise the color. Lol

Q-Favorite Holiday?
A- Christmas, because it's during my favorite season, I get to see family, is all about giving and I get presents.

Q- Beer or Wine?
A- I don't drink, but wine seems more sophisticated.

Thanks for reading, once again- Comment and Vote! Anyone who wants can do this. :)

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