13 year old Drawings

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Hey y'all!

Since I have many drawings when I was 13, I thought I could showcase some of them to you!

I won't show much but if you want so see more (like just some doodles or even some drawings that I'm not a fan of, comment to let me know if you want more of my old art)

Some of them have bad quality so I'm terribly sorry for that!

What I hate about this drawing :

A. The arms (especially the left one)

B. The crown

It looks like 2 little creatures with horns wearing weird tall hats. In between those creatures is a volcano spewing out a heart or something. What do you see?

Inspired by youtuber Vexx ^o^

This is an unfinished piece that I'll never continue.

Supposedly, there would be a very big tree on the right with a silhouette of a girl sitting on a branch, thrusting her arm to the air to receive the balloon.

If you look hard enough, you can see a stickman on one of the buildings. (He sent the balloon)

It represented long distance relationships and I thought I was being cool and stuff when suddenly, realization hit me.

The balloon will just go up to the sky until it pops and falls down. It won't glide over to the girl so easily.

Even if there was a solution to this, I wouldn't know of it so I scratched out the entire drawing because of balloon problems.

(Also 'cause I was lazy--)

My friend drew the hair while I did everything else

A heavily edited version


Those 4 drawings were made when I was still 13

I started this at 13 but I finished it when I turned 14

(It took a long time to finish this because I had a flood of school assignments/projects/presentations and I couldn't waste my time and attention for this drawing)


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