💖💙My Broppy Children💙💖

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Hello! So yeah! Y'all may know about my Broppy Children, like for example, Rosealyn... but to tell you the truth, it ain't just her... I have now 3 broppy children I'd like to show you! :D (One I literally just came up with today XD) {February 16th}

So! Here we go!


Rosealyn is my oldest Broppy child! I first designed and drew her back in early July!

Age: (Current) 8
Gender: Female
Pronouns: She/they
Sexuality: Panromantic asexual (Like me :3)
Nicknames: Rose, Rosie
Birthday: June 20th

Appearance: Rosealyn has pink hair (like Poppy's) with violet strips in it, she has light blue skin with light pink blush on her cheeks and tips of her ears. She has heterochromia (Two different colored eyes), her eyes are magenta and violet. She wears a pink dress that looks like Poppy's type of dress and a leaf vest that looks similar to Branch's. She wears a singular flower on the top of her head (Similar to the ones on Poppy's flower crown in Trollstopia), while when she was younger, she wore a smaller flower clip in her hair.

Personality: Rosealyn is a very sweet and kind troll. Though, she can be fairly stubborn. She also takes after Branch with his sarcasm. She can also be very sensitive and shy. She is more introverted (Like Branch) than her friends and the rest of the trolls. She doesn't really like to sing out in public, only when everyone else is singing louder than her and she thinks no one can hear her. Rose also has anxiety.


•Her Parents and Siblings
•Encanto (Her favorite movie)
•Flare (A party crasher OC of mine ;3)
•Hanging out with friends (Small groups)
•Being alone
•Anything sweet
•Being with her parents
•Singing alone (Or at least when she thinks she's alone)


•Loud noises
•Big crowds
•Anything scary
•Horror Movies
•Big parties
•Anyone who disrespects her or her friends/family


Honeydew (New OC I'll talk about later, but they're besties xd)
Flare (She really has a crush on her but eh XD)
Luna (She looks up to her and she feels comfortable talking to her about life and stuff)
Maddie (Grew to bond with her because she was always with Luna {Around the time Rose hatched, they were married x3})
Skip (She thinks he's funny)
Piper (She likes her personality)
Silver (She can relate to them a lot, so she bonded with them)

And lastly, here's a picture of her! (It's old and I need to update it but yeah XD)

(Edit: 18-2-22 I updated it :3)

Next up is the middle Broppy child!


Age: (Current) 5
Gender: Female (She's a Demi girl though)
Pronouns: she/they (Like Rose)
Sexuality: Asexual
Nicknames: (No current nicknames, she only gets called the mute kid at school cause she's mute and can't speak)
Birthday: November 7th

Appearance: Cleo has gradient blue hair, on the ends, it's a darker blue, but in the middle, it's light blue. Cleo likes to wear her hair up in pigtails and wear a Rose clip in her hair. Her skin is a light violet color, and she has a pink nose like her sister. She usually likes to wear purple dress with a pink heart in the middle and blue fluffy sleeves (I'll show you what it looks like at the end because I DO have an example).

Personality: Although Cleo can't talk, she can be VERY expressive most times. Cleo is ALWAYS sarcastic (Like her father x3) and she isn't really the most cheerful troll out there (Due to her being unable to speak), but deep down (deep down ✨uNdEr tHe sUrFaCe✨ hah- Encanto reference-), most times she's really sweet and kind. She is Introverted too.


•Being alone
•Her parents
• Listening to music
•Watching movies with her siblings
•Her tablet (She uses it everyday to help her speak so she grew attached x3)
•Anything sweet
•NOT going to parties (She hates them for some reason)
•Staying at home


•Loud noises
•Going to parties
•Large Crowds (She can get very anxious like her sister)
•Creep (Oops my bad aGaIn I meant Creeeeeee- -eek 😀💦)
•People who hurt her family
•Being forced to do things
•Sympathy from random Trolls (Makes her feel uncomfortable {Like me xD})


(Due to her being mute, she doesn't have many)
Flare (Bonded while she was around her older sister so much 😏😏😏)
Luna (Luna always came around to help her Parents with things, she they bonded)
Maddie (Maddie was always around when Luna was around, and so she bonded with Cleo too)
Honeydew (They didn't bond THAT much, only when she was at the house to play with Rosealyn)
Silver (She could relate to them A LOT)
Skip (She thought he was funny too)
Piper (More acquaintances than friends but they still bonded)

And lastly, here's some pictures that I could find of her x3

(If she could sing, she'd sing Surface Pressure, but since she can't this is just a though. YES THE LYRICS ARE WRONG OKAY I DID THIS WHEN I FIRST HEARD THE SONG 😂💀🗿)

Here's a Gacha Club photo that includes her :3 (THIH FORM)
Last but not least is my youngest Broppy child!! (The newer one)


Age: (Current) 1
Gender: Female
Pronouns: she/her (Far in the future {Like 18} would be they/them)
Sexuality: (Right now, she is too young to find out but she ends up being Lesbian like Maddie)
Nicknames: Baby Orchie (Rose), Orchie (Poppy, Branch, Rose, Cleo, Luna, and Barb for some reason XD), Little Popsqueak (Barb), The Little Rocker (Barb and Val call her this but Poppy and Branch are confused by it)
Birthday: December 13th

Appearance: Orchid's hair had royal blue, hot pink, and violet in it, kind of giving it a wave effect. She wears it up in a ponytail like Poppy and has hair over one of her eyes. She wears a little yellow clip in her hair that looks like some sort of candy. Her skin is light pink with purple tips of her ears and her hands and feet are also this color. She wears a little yellow onesie all the time and she has a yellow pacifier to match it. (As you can tell, she loves yellow XD, and btw I mean like a light and pretty yellow, not an ugly greenish yellow XD)

Personality: Orchid is a very kind and good-hearted troll. She loves to laugh and she's positive most to the time, so much that her parents rarely have to deal with her crying (Cause she barely ever does. Except for like the first few nights, that was when she cried a lot but it eventually got under control), she can also be VERY VERY stubborn (Like wow XD And Poppy and Branch know, a l l t o o w e l l), she's basically like Poppy most of the time and that's how she got the nickname "Little Popsqueak".


•Meeting new people
•Croco (Yes Branch gave her Croco because it helped her sleep at night)
•Watching movies and TV shows with her siblings
•Her parents
•Her siblings


•Mean people
•The dark
•Loud sounds
•Nap time or bed time
•Bright lights/flashing lights
•Anyone who's mean to her family
•Being crowded


(Winces she's young, she doesn't really have many, she just knows random people at her Mom's school can her and her sisters go there with her all the time)

And lastly, here's her photo!

(I didn't have a color photo or a good quality one so sorry take this XD)

And lastly, here's a photo of the whole family together!! :3

Well, that's all from me! I hope you like them all! ^^


-STZD (6-3-22)

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