Random BroZone Writing :3

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Here are some goofy BroZone scenarios I wrote during school :>

#1 - Store

R [RosiePuff]- "Okay, I need to go grab something very quick. JD, you're in charge. Watch all of you brothers and make sure nothing happens to Branch!"

JD [John Dory]- "Aye aye!" *He salutes her*

R- "...Just watch them." *She walked away to go find what she was looking for*

JD- *Turns to Spruce* "Spruce, you're in charge. I'm going to check something out and since Grandma isn't here, she will never know. Thanks bye!" *Runs away, probably to get candy*

S [Spruce]- *Looks over at Clay* "I'm gonna follow him. You're in charge! BYEEE!!!"

C [Clay]- *Kind of upset that he has to watch his brothers, but then he smirks with an idea* "Hey Floyd! No one else is here so I'm probably going to shake up a bunch of soda cans since Grandma isn't around! Watch Branch! Bye!!"

F [Floyd]- "Aw... Everyone left me. :[ Well, I guess it's just you and me, Branch!"

B [Branch]- "..." *He's a baby so he couldn't speak*

F- "Right, you're a baby- But I know you care!"

B- :>

F- *While walking and pushing Baby Branch in the cart, he noticed a chocolate bar and lost focus on Branch* "Oo! Chocolate! :>"

C- *While Floyd was distracted, he stole Branch out of the cart with a quiet snicker and started running away with him, Branch didn't even complain, he was just confused*

F- *Looks back at the cart and notices Branch is gone* "Wait- Branch? BRANCH!? Oh no I lost him!!!" *Starts bawling his eyes out*

R- *Comes back with the items she needed, only to see everyone but Floyd was gone, and he was crying at the cart* "I told JD to watch after everyone! What happened?"

F- "I-I-I-I-I-I-"

R- "Y'know what, nevermind. Let's go find your brothers." *Takes hold of the cart and starts her journey to find Floyd's Brothers, as Floyd was crying and following behind* "Alright, if I were them, then where would they be..."

S- *Across the store* "JD GIVE IT BACK!!"

R- "There they are... -.-" *Starts heading the the direction of Spruce's yelling*

JD- "Man you are so short!"

R- *When she arrived, she noticed JD holding some candy above Spruce's head, and he was trying to jump up and grab it* "Boys, what are you doing??"

JD & S- "...Oh! Hi Grandma! ^^'"

R- "Come on guys, this isn't the time to goof off. Where's Clay & Branch??"

*JD & Spruce shrug, genuinely not knowing where they are*


R- "...That might be it-" *When they arrived, they noticed a terrified Branch on top of a soda shelf, and the soda cans looked like someone had shaken them. Clay was also standing in front of the shelf with a smug grin on his face*

C- "I taught baby Branch how to climb a shelf!"

R- "Come on, Clay! That's not nice, get your brother down!!"

C- "Come onnn!!! You never let me have any fun!!"

R- "Well your definition of fun isn't safe and could put others in harm's way, now get him down!"

C- *Groans* "Fine-" *Grabs Branch down quickly, and Branch accidentally knocked down some of the soda cans. When those cans hit the floor, they all exploded and created a big mess* "0-0' Now's the time I run for my life!" *Books it out of that isle with Branch*

B- :<

After the gigantic soda explosion, one of the grocery store employees, a teenager,  walked over to the sound of the crash of the cans on the floor. He looked down at the spill, "Come on!! That'll take me forever to clean!! You're paying for that!"

R- "Oh. I already know." She was fed up with Clay's craziness. At this point she knew she couldn't take any of them anywhere without them starting something.

After paying for the soda cans and their groceries, Rosiepuff and the boys started walking home. Until, Rosiepuff noticed something off.

R- "Oh my god we forgot Branch in the store-"

C- "PFT-"

R, JD, S, F- "CLAY!"

C- "Sorry-"

F- "WHAT HAPPENED?! WHY'D WE LEAVE HIM?! AGGGHHHH" Floyd started ugly crying... again.

R- "Oh my goodness- let's just go back everyone-"

Turns out, Branch had been placed on a stack of apples by Clay right before they left. He slipped off of them and landed on a soft bag. Unfortunately for Rosiepuff, all of the apples fell and she had to pay for them.

Moral of the story: Don't take 5 boys to a grocery store. 💀

#2 - [W]rappers

F- "I really like Eminem."

C- "I'm more of a Skittles guy."

F- "No- Like- The Rapper?"


F- "..."

[Recognize That? LMAO]

#3 - TV Trouble

F- "Finally! After hours of composing the next song for our band, I can finally relax and watch some..." *He paused, noticing that the remote had disappeared off of the coffee table. Someone stole it* "...Hey! Where'd the remote go??"

*Floyd heard snickering in the distance. He turned around on the couch and noticed Clay holding the remote in his hands and giggling.*

C- "Looking for this?" *He smirked evilly*

F- *Jumps off the back of the couch and runs up to Clay. He grabbed ahold of the remote and tried to pry it out of Clay's hands, but his grip was too strong* "CLAY!!!! LET GO!!!"

C- "NO!! IT'S MY TURN!!"

*The two kept trying to steal the remote from each other, but were too busy yelling to even realize that they were no longer trying to steal the remote from each other. The remote was gone.*


C- "YOU KNOW I WOULDN'T CARE!!" *Suddenly, he looked down and stopped fighting Floyd, noticing that the remote was gone. He had a dumbfounded look on his face*

F- *Floyd pulled his hand away from Clay, thinking that he'd won* "Haha! I got it!!" *He looked down at his hands, only to notice that they were empty* "...Huh??"

*The two heard a whistle. They looked over in the direction of the whistle to notice JD standing on top of a table, remote in his hand*

JD- "Hey, dummies! Looking for this??"

*Floyd and Clay looked at each other, and then back at JD. They both glared at him in pure anger*

F- "John!!!! Give it back!! I'm tired and don't wanna argue anymore!!" *He pouted and cried. He had black tears from his eyeliner*

C- "Don't be such a baby. Besides, it's my turn now! LEMME HAVE IT 👹" *He made a creepy facial expression at JD, but John didn't react at all*

JD- "Nope! It should be the rules! Oldest gets the first pick!! Besides, that's the rule for everything! Haha!" *Floyd and Clay growled at him, getting more angry by the second as he laughed more*

*As JD was laughing, he was quickly caught off guard by the remote being tugged out of his hand as a familiar set of purple hair rushed by his face*

JD- "Huh- Wha??" *He looks from his hands, to the ground, then to the right to notice Spruce breathing heavily and holding the remote in his hands as he stood on the back of the couch*


*The 4 of them all started yelling at each other over who would get to control the TV. It went on like this for a while until they all stopped as they heard a baby cartoon starting to play on the tv*

C- "Eww! Who's playing THAT show?? Bad taste-"

F- *He whined* "But I like that show! I watch it with Branch all the time!!"

C- "...weird."

JD- "Well, it wasn't me..?"

*The other boys didn't do it either.*

F- "Well, if it wasn't any of us..."

C- "Cause we don't like baby shows..." *Floyd glares*

JD- "And Grandma isn't home..."

S- "Then... It must've been..."

*The 4 of them slowly turn their heads to the center of the couch. Right there, their baby brother, Branch, was sitting on the couch, eating the remote*

JD, S, C, F- "BRANCH!??"

Branch: :>

C- "The baby show makes much more sense now..."

*The four boys watched their baby brother as he happily watched the TV. JD, Spruce, and Floyd didn't want to steal the remote from him. Mainly, because he was eating the remote. Touching it would be gross. Also because it would make him cry, then they'd all get busted.*

C- "Aight, imma take it back now..."


*Clay started jumping over the back of the couch, reaching for the remote while his brothers held him back. He ended up yanking the remote from Branch, and he cried until Rosiepuff got back. Clay got in trouble, thinking it was worth it.*

Moral of the story: Sharing is caring :> AND DON'T STEAL FROM BABIES.


~SkipTheZurroDragon [20-5-23]

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