Explain yo name

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And you're all thinking, wow, great grammar 

Soooo, I was nominated by SteampunkPotato to explain my username, 00Warr. 

Well, before I got a wattpad it was just my artist name. Although the zeros aren't supposed to be there, but the username has to be at least six characters long. I think that when I first made it up it was short for Grumpy Warrior. I love cats, and was possibly reading the Warriors series at the time. And I don't know if it just explained me/my mood, or if the Grumpy part had to do with Grumpy Cat. Later on it wasn't short for anything, just Warr. Near the end of fifth grade I thought it should stand for something, so I tried: Wicked Awesome Rainbows Rule. It was really just random. So again, I decided on just Warr.

What you may not know is that I've actually had three different artist names, with Warr being the most recent. I've always had troubles coming up with names, so they were really just random. So, the first one was in third grade: Sailor Girl. At the time I was obsessed with Sailor Moon and Power Puff Girls Z. Why, I'm not so sure. Wait, yes I kind of am. My dad liked anime, so I did too, at time. Now, I'm like, Ew! Not realistic!the eyes take up most of the face, they have a DOT for a nose, and tiny mouths. (Sorry, those of you who like it). 

In mid forth grade, it was Ninja Cat. When in third grade, I watched the English version of PPGZ. In forth grade, I watched the Japanese version, and got good at reading sub titles. I was drawing a better version of anime, before it was just crappy drawn head shots. Still, it gives me the shudders. (I still have them, it's weird). And in fifth grade I was DONE with anime. I wanted to draw realistic. So that's where I am now. I know this was very long.

I tag:




To bad if you've already done it.


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