Impulse (last part! :O :3)

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I finally finished this drawing of Imppulse, and I think it looks pretty cool. I'm gonna use it as the cover for the next art book, which is part of the reason I did a black background, because it wanted it to contrast the picture of Disgust.
(UPDATE: I like this picture, but it wasn't really working as a cover, so I'm changing that. Sorry for the inconvenience!)
One bit of news before we end, my dear friend Airbourne- has a hunger games rp and needs more players! So come join us if you like that stuff! I also think she's doing a Harry potter one, so yeah.
Lastly, THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH. I can't believe how well this book did, and how amazing all of you are for all the support and lovely comments. I really hope to see you in my second art book! Bye bye and have a vonderful goot day!

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