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Don't bully people
This can hurt more than you undertand

You never fully know what a person is going through in their lives, so why be dumb to them?
They might have anxiety, depression, a hard time dealing with life in general. You never know.
So why be mean in the first place.
Even if they have been mean to you, you still shouldn't be mean back at them.
You can't solve a problem whith negative reinforcements. It will just make things worse, and maybe you star bullying the bully.

I know that bullies might have their "reasons" to bully people. But it still doesn't make it ok to do it.
The bully might have hard times at home, got depression or anxiety, have been bullied themselves, got into bullying because of peer pressure from their friends, are jealous of others. But this still doesn't make it ok to be mean to others.
You can solve your problems, and you don't need to bully to feel "strong" or "be popular". This is just in your head.
People don't like bullies. They fear them.
Real strenght is to tell someone you have a problem and to accept help to fix your problems.

There is always someone who can help you and wants to help you. ALWAYS. I know some think there is no one to help them but it is not true.

You can talk to anyone you trust about your problems.
It can be a family member, your best friend, any of your friend's family members, a psychologist, a therapist, a teacher, a neighbour, a friend online.
There are so many options.
And yes, it can be hard to trust.
And yes, it can be hard to talk about your problems.
It will be worth it in the end
You will make it through
You have the strenght

Hear me out
Don't be mean to others
Don't tell people that they aren't worthy to live
Don't hurt people
Don't let mean people get to you

DO spread love and posetivity
It can save a life

And I know that you might think "why does this person say 'I know how it is' you don't understand me"
And yes that is true
You feel in one special way
And I feel my special things
Things that are hard for you might be easier for me
I am aware that we're all different
But I know from my own experiences and from what I've heard from others.
And that is all I can go on

As someone who has been bullied and helpt friends that have/are being bullied
I know how it felt for me
And it was not nice
So please
✨Be nice to people and spread love✨

If you get bullied online
Block them
Talk to someone you trust (irl or online)

If you get bullied irl
Try to avoid the person
Don't give them your energy, or be mean to them
Talk to someone you trust so that you can solve the problem

There is more to say about this
But I'll stop there
(The message was too long to post in my announcements so I had to make a chapter)


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