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WARNING: If you don't like blood, death, or any of those things LEAVE

PS: Kid Friendly version. If you want to not-so-friendly, tell me in PM >~<

I have a little list of names for her now, and I'll give some info.

(Supposed to be blood, not lipstick)

(Interweb picture)


Lina~ One Vote

Vlacy~ Two Votes



Amber~ One Vote

Avery~ Two Votes

Gracie~ One Vote

Audrey Bloodrose~ One Vote




Edit: Onto the finals!

Vote for Vlacy or Avery.

Vlacy~ Two Votes

Avery~ Two Votes

Now for the info:

Name: WHNI (Whatever Her Name Is)

Age: 14 but sometimes looks like 16 or 12

Gender: Female

Hair color: A strawberry blonde with a mix of auburn

Skin color: Slightly tan

Eye color: Green, blue, brown and amber

Clothes: A white night gown with slit-like straps. Now covered in blood and dirt.

Shoes: Doesn't have any

Other facial features: Freckles, chapped lips

Height: 5'7"

Weight: She used to weigh 247 lbs, but now she weighs nothing.

Personality: She used to be happy and carefree, before her father started drinking and her mother start doing drugs (don't do drugs kids; stay in school). After her parents killed each other, she was left with nothing and she felt nothing. She died and then took the lives of others heartlessly. 

Backstory: WHNI was a happy little child before the Phantom War started. People started fighting and many died. And then the Phantom Flu came. That's why it's called the Phantom War. The Phantom Flu was a disease that you could get without knowing. You would only know by the end of the week, when it kills you. 

WHNI's parents forced her to only wear a white night gown. Her father would beat her and her mother would force her. When she finally gave in, they locked her in her room for days. She would only get to eat the scraps. She hated this new life, but stayed the same. When her father came in to beat her, she struck him across the face, making him bleed at the nose. Her mother came and hit her and then her father for being careless. He hit her back, saying that he could have handled it. They got in a fight, and her fath grabbed a beer bottle and hit his wife. At that same moment, his wife hit him with a fork that she had given to WHNI after picking her teeth with it. WHNI just stood there and watched, horror and blood filling her eyes.

The police had asked questions, and she faithfully answered. She lied, of course. At night they sent her to an orphanage that she hated truly and purely. She would rather get beaten than learn about the Phantom War and the Phantom Flu.

After she ran away and found a shed behind her old home, she died, stained in blood and dirt, from the Phantom Flu which she didn't know that she had. But she had gotten resurrected as one who could take the lives of any person that she wishes to. She would take the lives of those who also had the Phantom Flu, just so that they could say goodbye to their loved ones.

She would always come the night before she would take them, singing the song of the poison that hadn't started the Phantom Flu. The next victims would hear it in their sleep and would say goodbye. The next night, they would listen to one of WHNI's quotes that she would say before she took them. She has many different quotes.


"Tick. Tock.

Ticking every second, your life wastes away.

Tocking after a Tick, you don't know why.

Understanding Ticks means understanding your life,

Understanding Tocks means not knowing what to do.

What do you understand?

A tick or a tock?"

This is WHNI's least heard quote

"When you see an object lying on the ground, there is always a story.

When you see things fighting, there's always a reason.

When you're alive, things don't go nicely.

When you die, you make room for more."

The quote that is almost always used

"Coming through the space

And through time

Is hard to embrace

It's hard to rhyme.

You should come with me,

It'll help your pain

Nobody wants to suffer,

So why should you?"

Her least favorite; the first one that she had made

"Strings on a harp make a different note

A note in a tune

A tune in music

A music that you hear

You hear nothingness.

Nothing will comfort you

With a flu

That nobody can handle

And nobody wants to fix..."

A very sad and true one.

Scientists are too lazy to find a cure since people always die anyways.

















Her second most used one


Mother: Jackie~

Before drugs

Father: Connor~

Lover: None

Crush: Never had one; never really saw the outside world

Kids: Nope nope nope

Pets: Never seen a dog or a cat

Other: Not yet

Whaddya think? What should I change? What is too cliché?

I am NOT posting the not kid-friendly one.... Uhm... yeah.....

It's a lot more...."bloody" and deaths and not so much "I just take their lives, whatever"



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