Chapter 18: Vexing Woman

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Chapter 18: Vexing Woman

Eltan Storm

I was walking on clouds ever since Faith and I made things official until a text from an unknown number burst my bubble.

"Meet me alone at the XX street alley at 2 pm sharp - Mutiny."

I twitched my lips in annoyance. I had to meet Dr. Parkins as well in the afternoon. But I had no option with Mutiny. I promised her a good payment. So I decided to drive to her location. It was close to where Faith lives. I had just left her house an hour ago.

I got there ten minutes earlier and waited till Mutiny made her appearance.

When I saw her again, my heart jumped as my first instinct was to think of her as Faith and get happy. But when I noticed her high-heeled boots and black leather jacket, I reverted back to my stoic expressions.

"So have you decided what you want as a payment?" I asked, my hands buried in my pockets.

She tilted her head to the side and asked, "Did you get any call yet?"

"What call?" I asked, cooking an eyebrow at her.

"About Turqo," she specified.

"No, he hasn't spilled yet—"

"Not about that." She smirked. "It's about another thing."

"What?" Just then, my phone rang up, showing an incoming call from Denver.

I eyed Mutiny in distrust and picked up Denver's call.

"Capo," his voice sounded panicked.

"What is it, Denver?"

"Turqo just died in our cell a few hours ago."

"What the hell? How?"

"I don't know. His lips turned blue. I think he was poisoned."

"How is that possible? Only the most trusted ones were with you, right?"

"Yes, Capo. Also, he didn't eat anything in the cell. He wasn't poisoned by any one of us. I'm guessing he was given a slow poison by someone before we caught him," he explained, and my eyes shot to a grinning Mutiny.

"Okay, I got it. I'll talk to you later."

As soon as I hung up the call, I stormed toward Mutiny and grabbed her by the collar and slammed her back against the wall.

"What the hell did you do?" I yelled at her, my eyes blazing with anger.

Mutiny laughed at my face. "Haven't you figured it out yet?"

"You gave slow poison to Turqo," I spat out. "Why did you do that? I told you, didn't I? You will regret—"

"Oh, I regret nothing. Because I know that you can't kill me."

"You want to test that?" I said and brought out my gun from my holster and put it on the side of her head. "I will not hesitate to pull this goddamn trigger. So don't you dare try my patience."

"You will be the one regretting it if you kill me."

"Like hell I will—"

"Without me, you will never track down Andrew and Charles."

I pressed the muzzle harder on her skin and demanded, "What the hell do you mean?"

"I made Turqo tell me where those two motherfuckers are hiding. So I'm the only one who knows where they are," she said, smirking at me smugly.

"You mean to say that you killed Turqo just so I could take help from you?" I let out in disbelief.

"No, quite the opposite, in fact. I need your help." Her face turned serious. "You run an entire gang, and I am an ordinary person. I don't have the influence that you do. That's why I need you to take me along with you when you go to find Charles and Andrew so that I can watch their downfall with my own eyes," she spat out, her hatred and venom for those two assholes clearly visible in her eyes and expression.

"What did they do to you?" I asked out of curiosity.

"They killed my parents."

"Yours too?" I blurted out.

"What do you mean by that? They killed your parents too?" she asked in surprise.

I nodded, suddenly feeling sympathetic for the woman I had pressed against the wall with a gun to her head. I put down the weapon and asked, "So you want revenge too?"

She simply nodded. "I know you'd never let me tag along if I were just an ordinary person with nothing to offer. But hey, look, I'm the key to finding Charles and Andrew," she said with a challenging look.

I tried to analyze the situation and sighed.

So this person who looked ditto like my girlfriend wanted to accompany me to a revenge mission against my worst enemies?

Well, she wasn't the one who was my girlfriend. It didn't matter if she came into harm's way or even if I killed her after my job with her was done. I needed to agree to whatever deal she offered.

Come to think of it, she didn't want anything else besides her revenge. Not even money.

"Fine, I accept your offer," I conceded.

"Good. A wise decision," she appreciated.

"So now tell me where they are."

"New York."

"Where in New York?"

She smirked and said, "Do you think I'll go just give you the detailed address so soon? What if you kill me now after my usefulness is over?"

"And what if you are luring me to a place where Charles and Andrew can kill me?" I questioned back.

"All you can do is trust me, though," she simply said. "You have no choice. I hold the fate of our enemies in my palm." A mischievous grin formed on her face. "Speaking of fate, can I have your credit card? I want to do some shopping."

"What?" I guess I was wrong about her not wanting money. She was a lowly greedy woman.

"C'mon, give it to me. Unless your girlfriend has all of your credit cards."

I scoffed. "Unlike you, she is a self-respecting woman."

She rolled her eyes dramatically and commented, "Lame."

I gritted my teeth and backed away from this infuriating woman. I couldn't believe this woman was making me dance to her whims.

I pulled out my wallet and handed her one of my credit cards.

"Thanks." Her eyes literally had stars in them while staring at the card.

I huffed and started walking away from her until I remembered.

"Just in case you are planning to run away with this card, you should know that tracking you down is a piece of cake for me."

Mutiny snickered. "If that was the case, why couldn't you track down Charles and Andrew until now?"


"Whatever." With that, I left her in that alley, brooding at the vexing thought of her presence during the most important mission of my life.


"Hello, Dr. Parkins," I greeted the old man sitting on the chair inside his cabin.

Dr. Parkins smiled up at me and motioned me to take a seat. He folded his hands in front of himself and said, "So this person, Faith Mabel, how is she related to you?"

"Why do you ask?" I questioned back.

"No reason."

"Well, I started dating her this morning," I said, giddiness seeping into my voice.

"I see. Congratulations." He gave me a smile, but it was a sad one. "How much do you know about her?"

"I don't know much yet, but I intend to find out eventually. But I'm confident I know her personality very well."

At that statement, Dr. Parkins' expression turned grim. "Are you sure you know her personality really well?"

I nodded confidently. "Yes, I do."

"But what if I were to say that she has another personality that you don't even know exists?"

I was filled with confusion at his words. "I don't understand. A personality I don't know? If you are implying to what she's like at home or something like that or somewhere else—"

"Eltan, listen to me." I felt my hackles rise at the chillness of his tone. "What I'm about to tell you may sound unbelievable, but it is true, okay?"

"What is it?" My heart started thumping loud in my chest just like this morning, but this time, it was in fear and anticipation.

What if Dr. Parkins says that Faith has cancer or some incurable terminal disease? What if he says I have limited time with Faith? I won't be able to take it

"Ms. Mabel has dissociative personality disorder."

"What?" I let out.

"Otherwise, known as split personality disorder."

A/N: Hey, loves! Finally, the story is progressing. 👁️👁️ I assume, you guys have already connected the dots.

Please let me know how the chapter was and if you like it, don't forget to hit the star button and follow me, trimagical_, to stay tuned for more updates! Your every action toward this story is precious to me. Have a nice day!

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