Chapter 25: Twisted Love

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Chapter 25: Twisted Love

Eltan Storm

I was worrying over Faith, sitting in my cabin at the Berserkers.

Even though I told Lisa that I was leaving, I came to my office to calm myself and wait for Mutiny. I was really freaking out over what Faith would say. In haste, I revealed my truth, but...

I shook my head to jerk off the negative thoughts. There was no point in overthinking until I met Faith myself.

Besides, I needed to talk to Mutiny about something after taking Dr. Parkin's advice. I needed to know her behavioral patterns in detail so that I could distinguish between her and Faith to avoid incidents like the one at the factory. I didn't want to keep doubting Faith again and again.

I let out a sigh when I checked the time. Mutiny should be here by now.

I left my cabin and went to the bar to look for her, but she was nowhere in sight. At that time, I heard some guys talking.

"Hey, didn't Mutiny come today? She promised to partner up with me tonight."

"I think I saw a redhead a while ago, but I'm not sure if it was her. Maybe she decided not to swing by tonight."

I frowned.

Of course, she didn't come on the one day I wanted to talk to her.

Shaking my head in disappointment, I made my way out of the casino. I was walking toward my car in the parking lot when I got the smell of something burning. Maybe someone was burning a ton of paper.

I was about to brush it off until the smell got stronger.

No, wait, this smell is familiar. It isn't the smell of burning paper or leaves. It's the smell of a burning human. But here? At this place? Am I mistak– I'm sure of it.

I looked around frantically to search for any suspicious location, only to spot an alley near the parking lot. I ran toward it with my hand on my holster and got welcomed by the sight of bright flames. Accompanied by it was a peal of familiar maniacal laughter.

"This is what you get for touching what is mine," the red-haired woman laughed cynically.

"Mutiny?" I called out.

She froze up, then she turned around, her expression flashing with fear. "Eltan!" She screamed and ran into my arms. "I'm scared of the fire. Do something."


Who is this person? Is this Faith or Mutiny?

I swear just now I heard Mutiny laugh. But this was clearly Faith. Maybe it was Mutiny acting to be Faith. God, I swear it was so confusing.

"Eltan, I'm so scared." She buried her face in my chest, her body trembling.

My heart melted. What if on the off-chance it was Faith? I couldn't let my Faith be scared.

So I wrapped my arms around her, shielding her sight from the raging fire. I looked at the fire, and it was clear that there was a person inside, but I couldn't care less about them. Faith was here with me, and everyone else in the world except my family could die for all I cared.

Since Faith was shaking, I picked her up bridal style and took her toward my car away from the scene of the fire. I made her sit on the hood and inquired with care, "What are you doing here, Faith? I thought you went home."

She burst out laughing.

"God, you can be so gullible."

My face turned flat. Of course, it's this psycho.

I sighed, not surprised at this point. "Who did you burn out there?"

"Just some pesky woman."

I arched an eyebrow. "Why?"

"I felt like it."

I glared at her. "That's your reason?"

"Isn't it good enough? I thought you could relate."

"I don't kill people just because I feel like it—"

"Oh? What about Mark, then?" she asked, feigning an innocent look.

I stayed quiet.

"Cat caught your tongue now?" She chuckled.

"How do you know?"

She stood up, standing only a few inches away from me, and said in a low tone, "I know everything, Eltan."

I rolled my eyes and took a few steps back. "You know nothing."

"Anyway, I saw you were waiting for me. Were you missing me?" she teased, tilting her head and smiling at me in her creepy way.

"As if. I just wanted to talk to you about a few things."

My eyes secretly went over her outfit—revealing as I have always seen her with—and open hair. I could spot a few distinct differences between her and Faith's appearances. Faith rarely kept her hair open; she liked them tied. Plus, Faith would never go for such dark shady makeup. Although I had to admit that if Faith wore this shade of red, I would want to kiss the hell out of her.

Mutiny cleared her throat.

Oh, shit, I forgot I was supposed to secretly check her.

"You are checking me out?" She grinned. "Are you now catching feelings for me?"

"Who would catch feelings for a crazy asshole like you?" I shook my head in disbelief.

"Wow, that's some abusive language you use against your girlfriend. You are toxic."

I pointed my index finger at her and said sternly, "For the umpteenth time, you are not my girlfriend, Faith is."

"And we are the same person!" she exclaimed.

"No, you are not. You guys couldn't be any more different."

"But we both love you."

"No, Faith does. You are just messing with me."

Anger flashed in her eyes. "I have said it many times already. I love you! Why won't you believe me?"

"Because a selfish woman like you cannot love anyone else."

"But you are also selfish. Yet, you love Faith with all your heart," she pointed out.

"Yes, but can you say that you love me like I love Faith?"

"I love you way more, Eltan." She stepped closer to me, her voice like a mere whisper. "You have no idea how much I love you." She placed her hand on my cheek, tracing her fingers lightly, and I felt goosebumps rise on my arms.

I shoved her away instantly. "Get the hell away from me."

She laughed, albeit sounding a little sad. "You are so loyal to Faith," she mumbled.

"I thought I wanted to talk to you. But never mind that. It's impossible to have a normal conversation with you!" With that, I was about to open the door of my car when I noticed something on her arm.

I swear this woman...

I went to the other side of the car and pulled out the first aid kit from the glove box.

Mutiny was just staring at me with a blank look when I grabbed her hand and pulled her down on the hood. "Sit here." Sitting down beside her, I took out the burn ointment and started applying it on the back of her left hand where there was a small burn. "I swear you keep hurting yourself," I let out, annoyed.

Mutiny didn't say anything and just stared at me in a daze.

"Eltan," she called out softly.


"I love you."

"Again, with that nonsense—"

"I burned that friend of yours. Lisa was her name, maybe?"

I looked up at her in shock. "What?" She nodded her head. "Why?"

"She was trying to flirt with you. She even touched you. I couldn't tolerate it." Her face twisted into a loathful expression. "I can't tolerate it when any other woman is near you. Two weeks ago, when that girl—"

"You have done this before, too?"

"Yes, of course." She cupped my face, her expression unusually soft, looking almost like Faith. "I really love you. It's fine if I don't get my revenge as long as I get to have you. I love you that much."

I could feel my heart softening for Mutiny, but... that was impossible. Mutiny was like a different existence, and feeling something for was like betraying Faith.

I shoved away her hand and said, "Stop. This doesn't suit you. Go back to being a crazy bitch."

Mutiny laughed. "You're right. Instead of confessing my love with words, I would be better off writing a graffiti with blood."

"There's no need for that." I finished putting a bandage on her small wound. "Go home now."

"But I want to go drink—"

I shot her a glare. "Go home. Your hand isn't all well, and yet, you are here to gamble. Get some rest."


"I'll drop you."

"It's okay. I brought Rebel."

"Now, who is Rebel?" I frowned.

"My motorbike, duh."

I stared in disbelief. "Who gives a name to their vehicle?"

"I do. Rebel is my best friend. Don't belittle him."

I shook my head, not knowing if I should be surprised anymore. Not only some of her screws were loose, but all of her screws were fucked up. But in a way, it was cute.

"Fine then. Go home with Rebel. Text me when you are home, and don't you dare lie."

"Okay, my darling."

"Eww, don't call me that."

"Oh? Then perhaps, baby?"

"Shut it."

"No? Then my love?"

"Please just stop." I placed my hands over my ears, and she roared with laughter.

As she laughed, I couldn't help but think that even Mutiny had a good, fun playful side to her.

But at the same time... the fact that she loved me... what should I do with that? Her confession seemed pretty genuine and real. She was a straightforward person, after all.

So a person had two personalities, and both of those personalities loved me. Twisted was the only word that came to my mind which was appropriate for this situation.

What have I gotten myself into?

A/N: If you are loving my novel so far, please follow me, trimagical_, and stay tuned for more updates! Have a nice day!

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