Chapter 39: Best For You

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Chapter 39: Best For You

Eltan Storm

"C'mon, Faith, don't be stubborn," I huffed, grabbing a handful of clothes from the closet.

"No, I won't go," she declared, dumping out the clothes I just put inside the luggage.

"We need to go. We won't get a second appointment if we miss the first one," I reasoned out.

"I still won't go. Why didn't you ask me beforehand if you are so concerned about missing the appointment?"

"Because I knew you would say no."

We were currently back home in Vegas at Faith's apartment.

After we returned from New York two weeks ago, Faith saw a psychologist here since she didn't want to take the hassle of traveling to New York every time for a session with Dr. Martin—the psychologist Alena suggested.

I heard that therapy sessions usually weren't so bad the first time, so I didn't worry too much. However, the shrink Faith saw managed to terrify her to the bones just on the first meeting. She was extremely mean to her. So Faith declared she was not going to see any more psychologists.

But behind her back, less importantly, I destroyed her first psychologist's career forever, and more importantly, I booked an appointment with Dr. Martin.

After all, just because she wanted to self-destruct, as a person who loves her dearly, I couldn't let her go through with it.

Dr. Martin was an extremely busy person. I only managed to secure an appointment by pulling a lot of strings, otherwise, we might not have been able to see him for the next six months.

But the appointment was tonight, and it was eleven in the morning right now. That's why by hook or crook, I had to get Faith on the plane before three.

She was being unusually stubborn, though. Maybe I got on her bad side by coming to wake her up before noon. Mutiny partied till late last night, after all. She must be exhausted. Even I felt tired as I was there with Mutiny.

Dancing in the club without a care in the world was a different kind of therapy—one that was unhealthy and left exhaustion in the body.

"If you knew I would say no, you shouldn't have booked the appointment. It's my problem, isn't it, Eltan? If I don't want it to be dealt with, isn't it fine?" Faith argued.

"All I want is for you to get better, okay? You may think it's fine the way you are now, but you still get headaches and I don't understand how memory lapses work, but I'm sure they aren't any fun. Please, just cooperate, baby?" I pleaded.

Faith stared at me for a long moment before heading out of her room toward the kitchen.

"Where are you going?" I asked.

"Breakfast," she curtly replied. "You can pack my luggage meanwhile."

I felt bad for forcing her, but it was for her own betterment.

I packed her luggage for a one-week trip. If her first appointment went well, her next appointment would be within a week.

"Faith, I am done—" I became quiet when I saw the empty kitchen. "Faith?" I called out and started looking around the entire apartment, but she was nowhere to be found.

I came back to the kitchen where I noticed a sticky note on the fridge.

Dear Eltan,
I am not going for any therapies anymore. You can go to New York alone if you want. Have a nice trip. Don't look for me. I won't be back until the appointment time is long past.

I groaned.

"She tricked me," I muttered. Mutiny must be affecting Faith. It was like she was in her rebellious phase.

Well, I have got no choice but to look for her now. Mutiny or Faith, I was the one who had to deal with her.

Good thing I knew the places she could have gone to.


I pushed open the big metal gates and flashed the light, soon discovering the person I was looking for. Instead of panicked squeals, I was met with silence from her.

As I got closer, I realized she was sound asleep, sitting in the corner of an abandoned factory. How safe!

"You are so defenseless," I rebuked quietly, picking her up in my arms. "Now you are going straight to the plane. I don't care if you are in your pajamas." With that declaration, I proceeded to my car and put her inside.

I then drove straight to the airport where my private jet was waiting for us.

Just as I was about to climb the stairs, Faith blinked her eyes open.

"Eltan..." She snuggled to my chest until realization hit her like bricks. "Where am I?" She frantically looked around her surroundings. "Plane?"

"Yes, my love, we are about to board the plane." I shot her a tight-lipped smile and climbed the rest of the stairs, and soon, the door was closed.

I dropped her on her seat and fastened her seatbelt.

"Eltan, please no. I don't want to go," she requested.

I sighed and sat beside her. "Look, Faith, I know that you are scared. But all psychologists are different. You just happened to have a small bad luck and ended up meeting one of the worst. Trust me, I have researched on Dr. Martin. He is seriously the best of the best. He won't ask you disturbing questions like your previous psychologist did."

Faith listened to me carefully and settled down in her seat. She seemed to understand. Nevertheless, she turned her face away from me.

"Go and sit somewhere else. I don't want to sit beside you," she said, her cheeks puffed.

I rolled my eyes. "Try me. I will sit right here beside you."

"I can't believe you brought me here in my pajamas," she pouted, and I chuckled.

"If you only had agreed to come along and didn't run away like a teenager, then you wouldn't have to be in this situation."

She didn't reply to me anymore and decided to nap.

But just within a few minutes, she came snuggling up to me.

"Why are you coming to me now?"

"It's your fault for spoiling me."

I kissed the top of her head and said, "Good. I want to spoil you more."

She hummed and didn't talk to me further.

The next time she woke up after four hours, she asked for some clothes to change into. Since I already prepared some for her, she changed into them but still continued to give me silent treatment.

After we got off the flight, it was already close to the appointed time, so we headed straight to the clinic.

That was when she finally stopped ignoring me and clutched my hand tightly while we were seated in the waiting room.

"You will be fine," I assured her when her turn finally came.

She nodded reluctantly before heading to her first session with Dr. Martin.

I waited for one and a half hours. I was a little worried since it was supposed to be only an hour-long session. But the receptionist told me that Dr. Martin usually took more than an hour with his client, and I understood why his schedule was so cramped—because he valued his client's emotions and didn't set a time limit to hearing them out.

When Faith finally came out, she was glowing.

She ran up to me like a lovesick puppy and chirped, "I had so much fun talking to Edward!"

What magic did this psychologist do to her that she forgot all about her cold shoulder toward me?

"Already on a first-name basis?" I arched an eyebrow, a little tinge arising in my chest.

"Yes!" She intertwined our hands and started to walk toward the exit as she talked, "At first, I was a little reluctant to open up to him. But he started by asking me basic questions like my name, hobbies, job, etc. I really started blabbering once he asked me what I loved the most. I answered your name in a heartbeat."

My heart fluttered hearing her say that. "Is that so?"

"Of course! I love you the most!"

"Seriously, don't say that so casually. We are out in the public right now," I said, looking around the busy streets outside the clinic.

"Huh? What do you mean?" She tilted her head in confusion.

I pecked her lips and said, "I want to do this to you but for a longer time and somewhere more private."

Her cheeks flushed red, understanding the meaning. "Oh."

"Let's take a walk around here. We will come back to the car again," I told her and started walking on the sidewalk. "So anyway, continue what you were saying," I urged.

"Oh, right. After that, he asked me to tell him more about you. Naturally, I lost track of time and world once I started to talk about you, and Edward listened carefully with a warm smile. For some reason, he reminds me of my dad so much."

"Wait, how old is Dr. Martin?" I asked.

"I'm not sure exactly. Maybe around forty or forty-five."

"Oh, okay then." No risks. Unless... "You don't have a thing for older men, do you?"

"No. Why?"

"Nothing." She was just talking about a guy so fondly with so much excitement, I got jealous for a second there. Phew.

"You are strange," she commented. "Anyway, I want to meet up with Martin again soon. Thanks for forcing me to come here."

"Of course." I smiled and told her, "By the way, you are in luck. Because your next appointment is next Thursday."

"Are we staying here until then or are we going to Vegas again?"

"We are staying."

She hummed and murmured, "It's going to be such a hassle traveling."

"About that," I started, and she looked at me curiously, "I was thinking of moving here."

"What?" she let out blankly.

"Yes. I think it would be more convenient if we just moved to New York. Your treatment is a long-term process."

"But you and me..." she mumbled.

"I know it's really very soon to ask such a thing in our relationship. But Faith, I want the best for you, do you know that?"

"Yes, of course. You proved that today."

"So will you move in with me?"

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