Larkfur and Mistypaw Descriptions

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Added a new deadline to the contest; Midnight

Positive)) He is calm, Loyal, and overall Respectful. He is worried easily, as he cares about all his Clanmate's. ((Negative)) He is a very clumsy tom, making him a lousy hunter and fighter. He can also be quite loud at some times, and can cause a rather loud ruckus. ((Equal Traits)) He is a little Quiet, which balances out his negative and positive traits.

Mate: Shimmerfur
Kits: Mistypaw, Wishpaw, Swirlpaw, and Briskpaw

(Very outdated bio. >.<)
Personality: Mistypaw is a very friendly kit; she is very sociable. But she worries more than she should.

Littermates: Wishpaw, Briskpaw, Swirlpaw

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