Meeting Firelight

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First of all, here is a little background on how Firelight came along. A year ago, I joined DA, and joined the Roleplay Dawn of Warriors. Firelight was an Apprentice then. In this Roleplay, it follows actual time. So, Firelight was Firepaw for 6 months in real time. He is my main character in LightningClan, and I wuv him.

:Firelight's Biography:

Name: Firelight
Gender: Male
Rank: Warrior
Mate: Ripplestream
Mentor/Apprentice: Fallensun(Former)
Personality: Strong, Brave, and Unwavering with loyalty, Firelight is easily respected. He can be a little spontaneous and flirty, and a little to high on energy, but Firelight has a heart of pure gold, has a respect for every cat within' the Clan. He is tactical and smart. He would rather fight with wisdom than claws. Some Downsides to his personality is that he iis clumsy and quick to speak, giving every word little thought. He can be careless at times, only when he is being playful. He also enjoys playing with the Kits.

Firelight was born within' LightningClan, But unknown to him, he didn't know his parents. He was more of a foster kit, But never connected well with any Of the Queens. He was a prankster as a Kit, usually leaving thorns in the nests of his Den-Mates, or the Nests of the Elders. Upon becoming an Apprentice, he matured slightly, Slowly growing out of he pranking habitation. He developed his skills rather sluggishly, being slightly un-Coordinated due to a lower standard of visibility is his right eye.
Firelight developed into a more natured character as time passed on, he also developed a close relationship with Ripplestream. He never admitted it out loud, until he eventually confessed that he did indeed love her. Firelight didn't have a very...strong connection with his Mentor, as he rarely saw Fallensun around. That, to his dismay, made him slightly less confident is skills. However, Bleakshade trained him at times, and he will always thank her for that.

-The Lightning-Highclan Battle-
Firelight was on the patrol that discovered Highclan's battle patrol. He was rather wary, as he didn't really enjoy fighting, and found that this battle was unnecessary. There was no motive towards it except for Talonstar's ambition and greed. He was pinned into battle against Clarkpaw, and received a few scratches, though he won against the Apprentice.

-Becoming a Warrior-
Firepaw was proud to have completed his training. He felt accomplished and felt that he could protect his clan full time at this point on. He took the name Firelight proudly!  Firelight continues serving LightningClan to his full potential.

-Facts about your character-

Firelight is very shy at first, but will slowly open up to you. Kind of like a newly blossoming flower.
He has poor sight in his left eye, Possibly from when he slipped and fell, his head slamming into a small rock.
He limps a lot on his foreleg due to a fox attacking him and Ripplestream.


Parents: N/A
Siblings: None.
Mate: Ripplestream
First Litter- Flickerpaw, Tinypaw, and Riverpaw


:bulletwhite: = Mixed Feelings/Curious
:bulletblue: = Friend/Good Friend
:bulletgreen: = Great Friend/Best Friend
:bulletorange: = Respect/Looks up to
:bulletpurple: = Family/Related
:bulletpink: = Crush/Attraction
:bulletred: = Love/Mate
:bulletblack: = Discomfort/Hate
:bulletyellow: = Scared/Terrified of

:bulletred: :bulletgreen: "Ripplestream...Oh, Ripplestream. I can't even say how much I love you! Words can't comprehend it as my heart does! I promise I will always protect you! I would die for you in a heartbeat!"

Bleakshade -
"You were my first friend in the Clan, Bleakshade. You are my best friend. I'll beat anyone up who hurts you. Watch your back, Hawk. WATCH IT."

Fallensun -
"We train little, but You are an amazing mentor and I hope to learn more from you!"


"She is absurd, no leader leads a Clan built on accusation and lies! She thinks it's OKAY to cross OUR Borders! She hasn't even thought about the fact that scent drifts, and that prey can scamper over any border. She's lost any ounce of Respect from me."

:bulletorange: :bulletblue:
"Littlestar is a very good friend, in my opinion. He seems to get me, and I feel I get him too. It's hard to come across cats like that these days. He's a very noble, ans defined Leader aswell. I hope to follow in his footsteps."

:bulletred: :bulletpurple:
"My daughter is growing quickly by the day." He purrs warmly, "She is quite the little warrior. I'll have to keep an eye out for any searching toms. They'll have to go through me first!"

:bulletred: :bulletpurple:
"Flickerpaw, my son, my very energetic son." Firelight smiles proudly, "So handsome like me! :D Quite the hunter you are turning into. I'm very proud of you."

:bulletred: :bulletpurple:
"Tinypaw, don't ever let your size define you. You have the biggest heart I know, and that's all that matters. You can be whatever you want to be, son. Be proud of who you are." A purr rumbles softly in his throat.

"I'm very happy to be your mentor! I'll make a Warrior put of you yet." He promises.

:bulletgreen: :bulletorange:
"She may be from HighClan but she is really great company! I'm happy to be able to call her a great friend, and I definitely look forward to meeting her kits one day!"

"He's a very mysterious character in my head. Though I suppose he is careful and quiet. He is a skilled fighter, I will admit. He was a worthy opponent, and I definitely look up to him for his skill. He will be a great warrior for HighClan."

"He seems nice. He's one of the LeafClan cats that is taking refuge in LightningClan's camp. I can see promise in him, he's strong."

"Such an energetic bundle of fur! LeafClan will have a pawful with you!"

Roleplay Information and Example

Roleplay example:
In the crack of the night, FirePaw's stocky bodice moved with ease over the ridge, his pelt fluffed up against the cold, merciless winds. The tom would gladly step into the apprentice's den, feeling the gust of warmth that had radiated from his sleeping den-mates. 'Everyone seems to be sleeping.' He observed open-mindidly, his tail flicking once.
He yawned slightly, and lowered his body into the tangle of moss that was of his nest, and felt his eyelids begin to droop over his solid green gaze. 'Goodnight.' He thought, before curling into a ball, and allowing his tail to rest over his maw.


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