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Part - 42

"I Like When You Smile But I Love It When I Am The Reason"

(Karthik’s POV)

"What's that?" Sanjeev asks me.

"What?" I ask with a frown. Sanjeev & I are waiting for Mithra in the Airport lounge.

"That" he points to my face. "That ridiculous grin on your face?"

"Oh that!" I laugh. "I am happy, dude... after two years my wife is coming back to stay with me, permanently" I say grinning.

"Still I wonder how you two managed to stay apart for two long years." Sanjeev says in disbelief.

"Well, not two years exactly... I spent around 247 days in Australia with her" I tell grinning.

"247!" his eyes pops out of the sockets.

"And not to forget Mithra came over here to spend her two summer vacation with me... that was around some 40...45 days... so we were together for nearly ten months... & the rest..."

"Skype!" Sanjeev adds. Yeah we did a lot of video chat. Our days started & ended with video chat.

I rise up seeing her angelic sleepy face & I go to bed wishing and virtually kissing her good night.

"In spite of doing all that you could have simply kept her with you & made her study in some reputed college here in Mumbai, right?" Sanjeev asks.

"You know why I did this, Sanjeev" I sigh. It's not like there’s no other go other than sending her to Aussie for higher studies... but I wanted to fulfill all her dreams & wishes.

"Yeah I know!" he nods.

"I wanted her to lead her life independently. You know... she was getting so dependent on me. Karthik... Karthik... Karthik... though a part of me likes being the center of her universe and doing everything for her... the other part of me wants her to live her life the way she likes"

"You are her life, Karthik"

"I know" I give him a look that clearly shouts “I-know-my-Mithra-better-than-anyone-so-you-don't-tell-me”

"But you guys missed to notice the changes in her"

"What are they?" Sanjeev asks, puzzled.

"She changed a lot after our divorce..." I say & rub my forehead. "I know she is still living with her guilt & insecurity & I don't know how to get rid of such stupid thoughts from her thick head."

"So you sent her to Aussie for a change"

"Not really!"


"I didn't plan anything. She got a scholarship & I didn't want her hard work to go waste so I just encouraged her to take up the once in life time offer... but on a hindsight I had my own plans"

"What was that?" Sanjeev asks with a frown.

"You see, Sanjeev... she felt the need to make me happy in every possible way for all the pain she gave me… Her love was over powered by her obsession for me... she forgot herself, her career, her family... it was only ‘Karthik... Karthik... & Karthik’. I felt like I was becoming a bad influence on her...”

Sanjeev shook his head in negation. He won’t agree with that but I felt it.

“Sanjeev, the girl I grew up with was chirpy, bubbly, adventures and funny...well, not that she is not like all that now... but she's changed a lot over the time... I would have been glad if it was her natural development, getting mature & all...but it was not that... she changed her nature for me... you know she was a very ambitious girl, getting top grades, pursuing higher studies, taking up her dad's business & embracing success were all her plans... her dreams... but poor girl was pushed into an unwanted marriage... then divorce drama... her late realization... her forever regret... God! So much mess & in all that her actual goals & dreams were buried.” I feel really bad for my little girl who went through so much of pain in such a young age all because she couldn't take a right decision.

“When I asked about her future plans after our proper wedding, she said she wanted to be a perfect wife for me... she wanted to look after my kids & me and that's all!”

“Really?” Sanjeev asks in disbelief and I can see his eyes glowing with pride. He can’t believe his sister said that.

“Yeah and I know she will be happy doing all that... but I don't want her to regret her choice later... I don't want her to sacrifice her career for me, for my happiness... Her father has high hopes on her. He raised her like a boy... strong, stubborn and courageous who will take over his business one day... & I think Mithra is ready to shoulder his burden, now"

"Oh man! Now I get your point" Sanjeev says & pats my shoulder.

“Karthik..." suddenly Sanjeev & I hear Mithra's high pitched voice. I turn around to the source of sound & right then Mithra hops on me wrapping her arms around my neck tightly. I take a step back to balance & prevent our fall as I secure my hands around her waist holding her in place.

"Ahhh…" We hear Sanjeev shrieking bloody loudly. What the hell is his problem?

"What?" I ask.

"My toe! This girl dropped her hand luggage on my big toe" he shouts as he grimaces his face in pain. Mithra giggles against my neck & tightens her arms, clinging on me.

Oh God! Already they started their fight! I moan inwardly.

"I am back" she whispers

"Finally" I smile & set her down on her feet.

"Chalo! Let's go home" she hurries.

"Hey! I am here" Sanjeev says to seek our attention.

"Suit yourself. We are leaving. Bye!" Mithra says arrogantly & drags my hand.

"You still haven't changed a bit" Sanjeev grunts.

I smirk while Mithra frowns.

"Still you are an arrogant brat" Sanjeev hits her forehead with his mid two fingers.

"Why you brought this obnoxious pig along with you, Karthik?" Mithra asks, obviously pissed.

"Sorry, baby... I tried my best to discard him on my way to Airport but he was sticking his ass to my car like a gum..." I tell apologetically.

"You are such a sissy!" Sanjeev growls

"You don't call my husband names... Then I will turn real ugly."

"Real ugly? You have an even worse side?" Sanjeev asks acting shocked.

"F**k, will you two stop your bickering?" I ask, irately.

"Come on, Karthik, let’s go" Mithra says & hooks her hand in mine. Sanjeev follow suits. What the f**k is he doing? Gladly he didn't rest his head on my shoulder like Mithra but just holding my arm. I jerk his arm away & glare at him.

By the time I load Mithra's luggage in the trunk, Sanjeev takes the passenger seat ready to put another fight with Mithra. She obviously would want to sit next to me. Why the hell I accepted Sanjeev's offer to come with me to pick up, Mithra?

“Mithra... Get in" I tell softly knowing full well she is not going to budge.

"Ask him to sit on the rear seat!" She orders.

“Karthik! If you favour your annoying wife once again then it’s over between you and me" Sanjeev says as if he’s my fucking girlfriend who is about to break up with me? Of course I value his friendship but he is not above my Mithra. For fuck’s sake, I love her and she is my life.

“Karthik, ask him to move his ass from the passenger seat”

Sanjeev shook his head, stubbornly.

I rub my forehead frustrated. These two are getting into my nerves by behaving so adamant & childish.

“Karthik... Give me the keys. I will drive the car. If I can't have you then I won’t let him have you!" Mithra says glaring at Sanjeev.

Sanjeev smirks.

And I am torn between this two.

I silently thank my stars for making my baby brat come up with a solution… but I think I am not all too fortunate. I am praying to all possible Gods I could think of at the moment to save our lives from my wife because she is driving like a maniac.

“Mithra... Stop the car!" I order.

"Hey! Psycho! Slow down!" Sanjeev shouts & holds the head board for support.

"Shut the f**k up, Sanjeev!" I shout at him. It’s not the time to test her more.

"She is going to kill us. I didn't even father a child!" Sanjeev says in a horrid tone.

"Me neither!"

"You don't worry, Karthik... I am back nah so now we will start planning for a family" she says blushing looking at me through the rear view mirror.

"For the love of God, focus your attention on driving, you little Devil" Sanjeev shouts at her.

Will she ever oblige to him? That too when he is ordering?

"Baby... Slow down... Please!" I say softly as if I’m talking to a cornered wild animal. I gently run my hand over her shoulder to calm her down & gradually she slows down & drives at reasonable speed. I sigh in relief.

"Baby, could you please stop the car over there?" I ask.

"Why?" She turns her head & asks me suspiciously.

"Eyes on the road, baby. Just stop over there so that I can treat you with your favorite pani puri"

"Pani puri?" She asks excitedly & brings the car to an abrupt halt throwing us forward.

"You drive from here" I hiss. Sanjeev nods. "I thought I won't get back in one piece to my wife because of your crazy little wife" Sanjeev says in a horror stricken face. I couldn't help but laugh at him. Poor boy!

"Not funny Karthik! I wonder how you tolerate her madness." He sighs dramatically.

“Karthik... Haaa..." Mithra comes running to me with a pani puri & asks me to open my mouth & I do for her to push the pani puri into my mouth.

"Enough, Mithu. You go eat. We will wait here." I tell her smiling as Sanjeev & I stay near the car.

"You are done, Mithra?" I ask when she returns to the car.

"Yep! It was too spicy but damn tasty. Nothing can beat pani puri in this world" she says & pushes me to the rear seat of the car.

"Driver! Please start the car" Mithra teases Sanjeev. Sanjeev scowls but keeps his mouth shut not daring to tease her back and risk his life. Good job, Sanjeev!

All too soon Mithra curls up on the seat and resting her head on my lap she falls asleep.

"She is sleeping like a baby nah?" Sanjeev comments with a smile as he glances at her sleeping form.

"That she is!" I say. She is my sweet little baby.

"She looks so sweet & innocent when she has her mouth shut" Sanjeev adds, showing his annoyance.

I laugh & leaning forward I kiss her forehead lovingly.


I am now lying beside Mithra in our bed, watching her sleep. She must be really tired that she didn’t even wake up when we reach our apartment so I had to pick her in my arms & Sanjeev helped me in bringing her luggage up here.

I gently trace the tip of my index finger down her cheek, her jaw and her throat.

I pull her lower lip with my finger & thumb & kiss it softly.

I can't believe she is really here in our bed.

I have spent so many nights pretending she was with me, in my arms but now she is really back to me successfully completing her course and it feels surreal to me.

Suddenly, Mithra opens her sleepily & smiles at me.

"Hi" she says smiling.

"Hi" I kiss her cheek.

"What you doing?"

"Watching you sleep"

"Don't adore me while I am asleep"

"Why?" I ask with a frown.

"Then my life span will reduce. I want to live, at least, 100 years with you"

"Oh really?" I ask. "Okay, I won't adore you when you are sleeping though it’s very difficult"

"Who brought me up here?" she asks.

"Who else do you think?” I ask cocking my brow. She stuck her tongue out cutely realizing her stupid question. “Of course I brought you up here & put you to bed but Sanjeev only brought your things here"

"Oh! I should thank him for helping you." She says sweetly

Why these two can't be nice when they are face to face? At that time they both are so ready to pick a fight and piss me off.

"You are still in half sleep so go back to sleep!" I say & peck her cheek.

"Hmm... Sorry, I am dog tired." I don't know why she is feeling apologetic? For not having sex? Oh, baby! There is no hurry. I got you back all to myself now so we can have fun any time.

"Jet lag! I can understand."

"You too sleep, honey" she pulls my head & places it over her chest & weaves her fingers through my hair lulling me to sleep & I position my head between her breasts, inhaling her sweet delicious scent, I went to sleep.


"Alone at last” I mutter, leaning my back against the door. She steps towards me & run her fingers over the lapels of my jacket.

"Such a long day, eh?" she asks, her eyes smoldering hot.

Of course it was. Mithra woke up really late this morning & we had breakfast together before I took Mithra to her parents place for lunch as they were dying to see their darling daughter, especially Mano uncle, he got too emotional seeing Mithra & kept repeating how much he missed his baby girl in this two years. He pretty enjoyed talking with Mithra about her time in Australia & he even asked Mithra to join his office & take the responsibility of running the business which she agreed though she asked for sometime... time to relax and time to get trained a bit more. Quite reasonable! Then Padmini aunty nearly pissed off Mithra by pestering her to teach few Australian special recipes as if she was going to open a multi-cuisine restaurant. Boy! Give a break to my poor wife!

Later by evening we went to see Tara & her son in the hospital. Yes, two days back she gave birth to a beautiful baby boy & they have decided to name him Siddharth.

I actually like the name, so does Mithra. She was so fascinated seeing the new born baby. Her excitement was so palpable in her eyes but she was so scared to even touch him fearing she might hurt him. Then she got little confidence when I held the baby boy & even Tara & Sunny encouraged her to take him in her hand. Still she didn't dare to hold him but just caressed his cheek gently, then played with his little hands & legs whispering 'aww... he is so beautiful... he is so soft... he is so tiny... he is so cute... see... see... he looked at me... ask him to smile, Karthik...' that smile & happiness on Mithra's face was priceless.

I couldn't help kissing her cheek making Tara warm me 'Karthik! Behave! I don't want my little boy to become a play boy" I just laughed at her comment.

After that we headed to my parents' place. We had our dinner with them. My mom excelled herself by making all Mithra's favorite dishes. It was a pretty good welcome home party until my mom started embarrassing us by asking us to start working on having kids... that she can't wait any longer to bounch her grand kids on her lap. Mithra didn't know how to assure her but just kept blushing profusely. Then my mom went overboard saying she was even ready to babysit our child whenever we want some adults time or to go on some trip or when we were busy with our work.

"God! You don't have to spell it out loud, Mom. We got the message loud & clear & we will work on it!" I told her bluntly and then only she stopped her annoyance, well not annoyance, maybe, excitement.

Then I talked with my dad about business for a while which of course was boring as f**k! I couldn't take all the crap for long so we took leave from our parents' place a bit earlier than planned & finally reached our apartment now.

"Yes, very long day and I had to share my wife with my parents, her parents and our friends which wasn't fun at all." I tell. She laughs.

"Happy to be home?" I ask Mithra circling her cheek with my thumb.

"You can't tell?" she beams at me. Then tightening her hands around my lapels, she pulls me down to her level and takes my lips with hers as we start kissing deeply, longingly and hungrily.

"Fuck! I love you" I mutter resting my forehead on hers, letting us to catch our breathing.

Mithra starts giggling and it sounds melodious to my ears.

"What's so funny?" I ask

"Even for saying such a lovely sentence you use the F word?"

"Oh! Yeah, that reminds me..."


"Come with me" I want to show her something. I lead her to the guest room.

"Get in" I let her walk in first & switch on the lights.

"Omg!" she gasps.

"Here" I hand her 'penalty'' 100 Rupees note.

"You have been keeping count on the F words you use & paying fine for it?" she asks in surprise. The guest room is almost filled with ceramic piggy banks in which I put the fine amount.

"You never told about me this? That you are still following the rule I created?"

"Just to surprise you" I grin cheekily.

"So how much money does it roughly makes? Thousands or lakhs?" she asks.

"Lakhs" I say embarrassed.

"Oh Karthik!" she laughs & swings her arms around my neck. "Then we are going shopping tomorrow" she declares. I look at her horrified, now itself getting nightmares of the shopping.

“Mithra, at least, now put an end to this rule. I don't think I can stop using that fucking 'fuck' word and If I keep on paying you penalty I will soon go bankrupt"

"Hmm... okay, since you have strictly followed my rule & paid me the money even in my absence, I will slightly amend the rule of this game."

"What?" Please don't squash your little brain & come up with something stupider than this one.

"Every time you use the F word, you will give me…”


"A kiss!" she winks & I grin widely.

"F**k! I love this deal" I seal the deal with a kiss.

I kiss her roughly, sweeping my tongue in her mouth and feeling the silky smoothy sides of her mouth. Then she straddles on me & I carry her to our bedroom.


"Did I fill your appetite, baby?" I ask after giving her an intense orgasm.

"Yes" she grins looking at me with her lust filled eyes.

"Oh God! How much I missed you... missed your touch... missed your kiss..." I whisper running my nose down her throat as I gently ease her out of me & make her lie on the bed. I was about to roll off her body but she clasp my neck with her hands stopping me from slipping away from her so I tower her body with mine once again as I start raining kisses on her soft pale skin.

I nibble her soft earlobe & bite it gently making her moan in ecstasy.

"You. Are. So. Sweet." I kiss every inch of her of-so-familiar-yet-oh-so-new body. "You are so f**king beautiful, Mithra" I hiss kissing her bellybutton and crawl up to kiss her lips. I keep my word. If I use Fuck word then I will give her 'kiss' on time without any delay.

"I love you so much, Mithra"

"Tell me again?" she asks.

"I love you"

"Again, please" she pleads.

"I love you, baby. Why do you feel so insecure?" I ask. This question is bugging in my head for long. I want to know why is she feeling so insecure of losing me even after having me in life now?

"Tell me? What can I possibly do to make you reassured that I am yours & I will be yours forever. I won't leave you, Mithra, even if you ask me to, this time." I promise her. Last time I was so foolish to grant her wish and give her divorce just because she asked for it but not happening again.

"It's not that I don't trust you or your love... I do know how deeply you love me..."

"Then what's your problem?" I ask gently.

"It's me... I am scared of me... I don't want to mess up things like last time... I don't want you to hate me ever... And I only want to give you happiness... because I love you, Karthik & I will love you till my last breathe."

"Your love is enough to keep me happy, love" I say & claim her lips again for a kiss.

... To be Continued!!!

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