48. Happy Holi!

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Happy Holi to all (In advance)

Part – 48


"Holi Is A Special Time Of Year To Remember Those Who Are Close To Our Hearts With Splashing Colors!"


Mithra is standing near the balcony, with one hand holding the railing & other hand gently caressing her warm soft belly as she gazes the night sky. I got late at work & just now reached home & I let myself in hoping Mithra would have fallen asleep but she is waiting for me. How sweet!

"Hey, baby" I whisper near Mithra's ear as I wrap my hands around her little bump from standing behind her.

"You didn't sleep?" I ask her & kiss the side of her cheek.

"Waiting for you" She says softly & leans her head back on my chest.

"You had your dinner, Karthik?" Mithra asks me.

"Yep. You?" I ask her though I already know she had. I called her & forced her to eat on time saying I will be late & I don't want her to wait for me. In fact I was online till she finished her meal. 

"Yep!" She says & rubs her stomach. She has got that habit recently. When I asked why she was doing that she said the cutest thing that she was putting the baby to sleep. It's her way to make the baby feel safe. In these 24 weeks of pregnancy she quite well got bonded with our child, so do I and as a result of it even I started talking with our baby girl but only when Mithra is asleep. I feel awkward to coo our baby when Mithra is watching me. I don't know why.

"Shall we go to bed, Mithu?" I ask.

"Nope" she says & turns around to face me. I look down at her wondering what she wants now.

"I want you to play guitar and sing for me" she demands. That's it? Cool!

I smile & leaning down I kiss her soft lips. "Okay. It's getting cold out here so shall we go to our room and there I will play & sing for you?" I ask. I don't want her catching cold.

"Nope! You will sing here only. It's so romantic here in balcony so you go get your guitar." She insists and pushes my chest.

"Mithra..." I try to argue..

"Please!" She asks me with those puppy eyes. I sigh & walk back to our room to get my guitar. It's been so long since I played lastly.

When I return back to the balcony, I find Mithra sitting on the floor, her legs stretched out & her back leaning against the wall. She holds her hand out for me and when I took it she pulls me down to the floor.

“Karthik, move & sit" Mithra pushes me away when her stomach hits the side of my hip when she tried to turn & lean close to me.

"Sorry!" I whisper & scoot away from her.

"Hey! Come close! Come close!" Now she wants me to sit close so that she can rest her head on my shoulder.

"What song?" I ask after adjusting our position.

"Anything of your choice, I will just love anything you sing for me... um, for us" she corrects.

"Okay! This song is for you two" I say & kiss her lips while my hand caresses her belly.

#...You're the light, you're the night
You're the color of my blood
You're the cure, you're the pain
You're the only thing I wanna touch ...#

When I end the song swiping the pick on my guitar for one last time and turn my head to my right I find Mithra fast asleep. I couldn't help but smile at her angelic face. She looks unbelievably adorable when she is asleep. And the effect of her pregnancy is so palpable, her face is glowing & her long lush hair is now so rich & glossy.

"See, baby darling, your momma asked me to sing & now she is sleeping." I complain to our daughter. "At least I hope you heard my song" I say and place my hand over Mithra's baby bump and I gently caress it. "Did you like the song & the way papa sung it for you?" I ask softly.

Suddenly I felt something. A movement! This is strange! I have never felt like this before when I caress Mithra's belly. Then I feel a subtle thump against my palm. Omg! Is she kicking? Mithra didn't tell me about the baby's kick before? Why?

"Mithra! Mithra!" I gently wake her up. I can't hold myself till tomorrow morning to ask her why the hell she didn't tell me about this.

"Mithraaaaa" I call little loudly & shake her shoulder.

"Hun... Hun..." Mithra sleepily blinks her eyes. “What happened?” she panics.

"Why didn't you tell me about the kick?" I ask.

"What kick?" she frowns.

"Baby's kick?" I ask.

"What?" Her eyes widen in shock & surprise. Hasn’t the baby kicked before?

"Our little girl kicked me?" She asks.

Oh no! I am in trouble. Now, she will burst into tears for missing our baby’s first kick. She cries a lot lately for every silly thing. 

"Er…you never felt her movement before?" I ask.

"Baby usually swims in, I mean moves around… but never have I ever felt a kick”

“How is it possible? The baby is in you so obviously you would have felt the kick, right?”

“No! I was sleeping. I didn't feel a damn thing."

Uh-oh! I forgot she is a sound sleeper. I have my own personal experience. At times, during midnight I get so horny and want to make love to her so I try my best to wake her up but she won't budge at all. I even give her love bites & hickeys still she will not feel a damn thing. I get highly frustrated on her for sleeping peacefully when I couldn’t sleep because her alluring scent. After trying few more times I give up and take a cold shower before going back to sleep. So it's understandable that Mithra didn't feel the baby's kick.

Wow! Wait! So, I am the first one to feel our baby’s kick, not even the baby's mommy who is carrying her inside her tummy. I don't know why but that thought makes me so happy & I grin goofily. 

"Tell her to kick me, Karthik." she orders. I frown at her. How will that work?

"Mithu..." I hesitate. Her eyes already start welling up, ready to cry if I deny doing as she said. "Alright! I will tell her. Baby, come on, kick once more, please. Your momma wants to feel your kick." I whisper leaning closer to her bump. Then I place my hand on top of her tummy & wait but feel no movement.

"Tell her again" Mithra forces me. I sigh. 

"Just one kick, baby, please." I plead but no use. 

"She must have slept, Mithra" I reason to her.

"Then wake her up."

"No! It's not fair" I can't disturb my poor little baby when she is sleeping.

"You woke me up when I was sleeping & now you are going to wake her up"

Whoa! You deserve it Karthik for waking her up.

“Karthik, you sing and she might kick" Mithra gives me an idea. Yeah, she might kick then because only when I asked her whether she liked her dad's singing she kicked me. Oh my little darling! Was that your reply 'Yes' you liked my singing?

I start singing one song after the other but nothing works. My little girl is so like her momma, I guess, so naughty & defiant!

“Karthik, you play guitar" Mithra is getting cranky now. I played for quite a few numbers but no desired result.

"Enough, Mithra. Let’s go to bed" I tell her in a stern voice.

"No, I won't come, not until she kicks me" she says stubbornly.

"She will kick you, tomorrow. Now, come." I stood up & hold my hand out for her to take.

Mithra turns her face to the other side. "Baby, kick me! Please! Only once! Then you can go back to sleep mode. Please" she tries her luck but fails.

"Stop torturing the poor baby, Mithra" I lose my patience & scold her. Mithra sadly looks down & I hear her sniffing. Jeez! I made her cry.

“Mithra, baby, I am sorry" I kneel down and cup her face. I kiss her wet eyes but she angrily pushes me away. Then she struggles to stand up refusing my offer to help her up. I watch her kneeling up first and then holding the railing she slowly stood up on her heels. Throwing a hard glare at me she marches to our room.

After taking a quick shower & changing into my track pants & T-shirt, I went around to Mithra's side & leaning down I kiss her forehead. She is still awake but gladly she doesn't push me away again. I slowly slip in under the covers & hug her from behind, my hand stroking her tummy gently.

"Keep your hand to yourself." She throws my hand off her tummy. Why this hostile treatment to me? What, pray have I done? 

"I don't want to get confused with your stroking & our baby's kicking" she tells. I chuckle & turn to my side, facing away her. If I face her side I surely can't keep my hand unwrapped from her.

"Don't you love me..."

"How many times I told you not to ask me that question, Mithra?" I ask her pissed.

"I am not talking to you so you shut your mouth!" She scolds me. 

"Don't you love me, baby? Why didn't you kick, momma?" 

"She will kick you tomorrow as it’s a very special day nah?" I tell to appease her.

"I told you to shut your mouth, Karthik" she grits her teeth and fists her fingers. 

"Okay. Good night" I wish her & turn to my front & bury my face in my pillow.

After few minutes, I feel Mithra resting her head on my shoulder & her hand hugging my torso. I smile & drift to sleep.


(Next morning)

"Good morning, husband" Mithra wishes me with a bright smile. She is up & ready. She looks so fresh like a beautiful flower. 

"Hey, baby" I smile at her as I tuck her wet strand of hair behind her ear. What a change? Last night she was mad at me for no reason & now she is all smiling at me? What could be the reason? Does the baby kick her? Dare I ask about that! I am just glad she has snapped out of her bad mood.

"Happy Holi, Karthik" she says smiling & applies red color power on my cheeks, gently. 

"Happy Holi, my love" I wish her & take a pinch of red color & place it on her forehead. 

"Here" she exposes her stomach by pulling her white saree aside. "Now, put some color for your baby"

"Our baby" I correct her & sit up on the bed, comfortably. I take some natural made color in both of my hands & gently rub it around her belly. 

"Happy Holi, angel" Mithra & I wish in unison. Then I feel a little thump against my palm just like I felt last night.

"Did you feel it?" I look up & ask Mithra. She nods in ecstasy as her eyes stung with happy tears.

"She kicked you, Mithra" I say & laugh in relief.

"Love you, baby" she tells to our baby & throws her arms around my neck & hugs me tightly.


Now, we are at my parents place. Mithra's parents, our friends & few relatives are here to celebrate the day of colors.

All are playing with colors in the lawn.

“Mithra, stay close to me and be careful, the ground is wet & slippery." I warn her.

Holi is Mithra's favorite festival ever since she was a toddler. She likes to play with color powders, color guns, color water. Of course I do like to play Holi but not as much as she does. 

"Okay, Karthik! I will be careful" she assures me. 

"And strictly no to bhang lassie" This is an order. I don't want anything wrong to happen to Mithra or to our child.

I was actually not much interested in celebrating Holi this year giving regards to Mithra's condition.

You see, playing Holi during pregnancy can land you in a number of disastrous troubles. But Mithra being Mithra didn’t agree with me & forced me to bring her here so that she can enjoy her day. But no worries, I will keep my eyes on her like a hawk.

"I am not mad to drink bhang" She growls at me. I guess she got offended. But it’s my duty to caution her.

"And don't eat too much of sweets" I advise her. I don't want her to develop gestational diabetes.

Right then Sanjeev jumps in from nowhere & stuffs Mithra's mouth with a humongous sized ladoo. 

"Happy Holi, little devil” he says pecking Mithra’s cheek. “I was waiting for you only since morning.” He says excitedly. Holi is Mithra and Sanjeev’s day. They celebrate it like crazies that they are. “Come on, we will go to the pool area.” Why? I frown. “Let’s leave all the oldies here in the lawn & we will occupy the pool area & have a blast." Sanjeev drags Mithra by her hand.

For fuck's sake Sanjeev, at least you grow up if not Mithra.

Roshan is far mature & smart compared to his dad but he is only two.

"Oh I forgot" Sanjeev stops & turns to me. "Happy Holi, my love" he says just like how I wished Mithra in the morning. Does he really love me? 

Then he puts some color on my face & I reciprocate the process before sharing a friendly hug.

Then he takes some color to put on Mithra’s face but I stop him.

"No, Sanjeev. Not this year. These colors might affect her & the baby" 

"Oh please. You should stop acting like a mother hen to her. These are all herbal colors so no worries." He says.

I wanted to argue but I didn't because I know Sanjeev cares for Mithra as much as I do so if he says the colors are natural & not chemical made, then I trust him. He didn't gently apply the color on her cheek but almost slapped her. Ouch! My poor baby!

"You idiot!" She shouts & takes a plate full of green color & throws it right on his face. Good job, baby!

Then he & Mithra start throwing colors at each other like small kids. 

"Mithra... Mithra... Stop. Come, we will first go wish our parents and take their blessings before joining our friends, okay?" I stop her as she is exerting herself too much, already. 

After spending some time with our parents, I take Mithra to the pool side where our friends & their kids are playing.

I am shocked to see the state of the swimming pool. The water is fully mixed with deep dark colors. 

"Wow!" Mithra shrieks in excitement. I catch the childish glee in her eyes & I know she wants to get into the pool. Swimming is good for pregnant women but not this dirty colored water so I won’t let her get into the swimming pool.

"Aunty! Come" Siddarth, Tara’s son calls. Mithra gets tempted.

"Baby, you look lovely in this white net saree. Don't spoil it by drenching in the dirty water." I trick her.

Already her white saree got ruined with all the color Sanjeev threw on her but that’s not my concern here. Yeah, okay, I am frustrating Mithra by refraining her from enjoying her Holi but I promise, only this year. Next year she can play all she wants and I will keep our baby away from the pollution.

“Karthik, I know what you are trying to do. Don't worry I won't get into the water." She pouts. I grin sheepishly.

"Um... You really do look lovely in this white saree." I tell her, genuinely. I like Mithra more when she is in traditional attire but she mostly wears western outfit. I can't deny the fact she looks cute and young wearing jeans-shirt or skirt-top but still I prefer her in saree.

"No! You are lying. I look fat in this saree" she pouts prettily.

"Yeah, you look like a white elephant" Sanjeev says from behind. Why the hell he is hovering over us? And why can't he keep his f**king mouth shut?

"Really, Karthik?" Mithra asks, her eyes brimming with unshed tears.

"No, baby, you are not fat. You really look beautiful to me." I tell her with a smile & pull her in my arms. 

"Have you ever talked this romantic to me, Karthik?" Sanjeev asks me in an accusing tone. F**k! He looks ready to cry. 

"Go to hell!" Mithra shouts at him & pushes him into the pool. 

"Love you, baby" I kiss Mithra feeling grateful for what she did. She giggles & kisses me back.

We watch our friends play with their kids by sitting at the edge of the pool; just our legs immersed in the water.

Next year our little one will join us to share the joy. Mithra leans her head on my shoulder & dangles her legs in the water. Suddenly, I feel her toe teasing my calf. I look down & smirk at her. 

"Wanna have some naughty time?" I whisper near her ear. 

"Here?" She asks, shocked. Don't be stupid. Kids are around us so no pool show.

"In our room" I tell her huskily. 

"Okay!" She agrees, blushingly. Why the hell didn't I think of locking her in bed knowing full well she is one sex mad?

"Come!" I stood up first & then help her up. 

"Aunty, you’re going?" Roshan asks, disappointedly.

"Um… no, darling, aunty is feeling little hungry so I will have something to eat & come" Mithra says smiling at him. “Something? You will be having only me to eat" I whisper near Mithra's ear making her poke me with her elbow.

"Aunty, I am also hungry. Feed me." Roshan asks, cutely. I snort. He is so like his dad Sanjeev always coming between our romance.

"Go ask your mom to feed you" I say rather rudely.

"No. I want aunty to feed me." He says stubbornly & glares at me, crossing his hands over his chest. 

I look down at Mithra and she is giggling at me. “Not at all funny, Mithra” I growl. Then I accept my defeat and gesture Mithra to take him with her and feed him.

Soon all the kids surrounded her asking her to give food for them as well & Mithra very patiently dishes out the food on the plates & hands one to each of them.

Roshan insisted Mithra to feed him.

Boy! You are two & half years old & you can eat on your own man!

“Mithra, you hungry?" I ask. 

"Very!" She says hotly. I know she is not hungry for food but for me.

"Eat fast, Roshan" I tell him. This boy will take forever to eat I guess. He chews really slowly & for every single bite he needs to sip water. He is pissing me off.

"Mithra, you too eat." She feeds Roshan & I feed her.

"She is not a baby then why are you feeding her?" Siddarth asks confused. He denied Mithra’s offer to feed him as well saying he was a big boy now so he got the doubt.

"Yeah of course your aunty is not a baby anymore but I am feeding the baby inside her" my little girl must be hungry. When I look at Mithra, she is glaring at me. 

Uh-oh!! What have I done now? Why is she giving me that murderous glare?

"I can eat on my own" Mithra suddenly refuses to eat from my hand. What's wrong with her now?

"Okay!" I leave Mithra with the kids & went to talk with my mom as I couldn't spend much time with her earlier when we arrived here.


An hour later, I escape from my family & went to my bedroom to check on Mithra. Yeah, today we will be staying at my parents’ place. 

Mithra has taken a bath & changed into fresh cloths, white leggings and white loose kurta & now she drying her wet her, standing in front of the mirror.

"Sorry, I got late. I was talking with my mom & other relatives." I say hugging her from behind.

"Karthik, go, shower" 

"Join me?"


"Why? I thought we both could shower together and even thought I will give you a back massage? But now, you are saying no?" I tell with a pout. She stood silent. Strange!

"Why were you glaring at me in the dining hall?" I ask, delicately.

"For what you said" she says without looking at me.

"What did I say?" I forgot. 

"That I was not your baby anymore! And you were feeding only for your baby?"

"Oh baby!" I wrap my hands around her shoulder & lean front to kiss her cheek. "What am I going to do with you, Mithra?" I rest my chin on her shoulder. "Do you think you will ever grow up?" I ask with a smile.

"No! I won't" she turns around & hugs my waist.

"Then you will always be my baby" I tell her & kiss her lips tenderly.

"Whom do you love more? Me or your daughter?" she points to her baby bump.

"Both" I answer without any hesitance. Of course I love both of my babies.

"Give me one answer. Me or your daughter?" she is not going to let this go.

"First you tell me. You love me more or the baby?" I ask her the same question.

"Huh...um... well, you both are equal to me." She says.

"One answer" I insist.

"See, I am a mother so obviously I love our baby more..." She tells, honestly. I actually feel so proud of her for choosing our baby over me. That's the sign of a good loving mother.

If you ask the same question to my mom she will give you the same answer that she loves me more than my dad.

There is no love that’s so pure & unconditional than a mother's love in this whole wide world. I am so glad my child will get her mother's utmost love.

"But then what I feel for you…It’s…I just... I don't know how to express… to be honest what I feel for you is beyond love, Karthik. You are my heart and soul. You are my happiness. You are my world, Karthik."

Mutual feelings, baby!

"I love you more" I whisper my answer to her looking straight at her eyes. She smiles widely making my heart skip a beat. Then she tip toes & takes my lips in hers. We share a deliciously sweet kiss.

"Shall we get dirty now?" I ask Mithra breaking our kiss. She blushes & nods her head.

"Where you wanna get dirty, in bathtub or in bed?" I ask.

"No 'or'. Always 'and’, okay?” She says with a wink. I smirk. "First you will give me a back massage in bathtub 'and' then we will do it in bed"

I grin salaciously & lead her to our bathroom, to get dirty, then fresh & dirty again!

... To be continued!

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