Ruined Movie Night and My Teacher is Dying

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Emma's POV:

Today started off like another Friday. I get up and get dressed in a white, long sleeved crop top, baby pink skirt, and converse. I put my hair in a pony tale and apply a little makeup. I then teleport to the place where I'm supposed to meet Benny.

He soon arrives and we walk to school together. "Ready for tonight? We're going to watch Jacuzzi Time Machine tonight." He says like he's a little kid in a candy store. I giggle. "Tu es si adorable (You are so adorable)." I say. "What?" He asks. "Nothing." I say, smiling at him.

On the way to school we talk about all we're going to do tonight. Ever since my first night in town Mr. and Mrs. Morgan hired me to help Sarah babysit. When we get to school we go our different ways. The day passes by quickly and soon Sarah and I are teleporting to Ethan's house.

When we knock Jane opens the door. "Hey Sarah, Emma." She says. "Bonsoir." I say. Jane has been begging me to give her French lessons. "Hey guys." Sarah says. "Hi." Mr. Morgan says. I go over to Benny and kiss his cheek. He smiles at me and wraps an arm around me.

"Oh, look at you. All dressed up for the Senior prom." Sarah says. "Check out Miami Vice." Benny says. Mr. Morgan pops his collar. "Freeze turkey." He says in a deep voice. "Whoah." Benny sats jokingly. "In France you would be called a 'Homme de stature.' (man of stature)" I say.

"What does that mean?" He asks. "Never mind." I say. He shakes it off. "Ethan's mom thought it would be a good idea to wear the same things we wore to our Senior prom." He says. I smile, that's sweet.

"I think it's really cool you guys are chaperoning the Senior Citizens prom." Sarah says. "Oh, Senior prom. I just got that." Benny says. I smile slightly and back lis arm. His doesn't use his head sometimes. Then Benny's grandma walks into the house. "So, who's ready to party?"

I laugh and smile at her. "Vous fêtes belle (you look beautiful)." I say. "Mercie (thank you)." She says. She is the only one who speaks French in this house. "Votre petit-fils n'est pas le plus brillant, mais je l'aime (your grandson is not the brightest, but I still love him)." I say.

"Oui (yes)." She says, laughing. "Can you two speak English? It's getting annoying." Jane says. I laugh, but nod. "Grandma, you look-" "Hot." Ethan says, interrupting Benny. "Thank you sweetie. You look a little surprised dear. Can't a grandma get her groove on?" She asks.

Benny looks horrified. "I have no idea how to answer that." He says. I laugh and side hug him. He wraps an arm around me and kisses my head. Then Ethan's mom comes down the stairs in an outdated old dress.

"Ok, so what do you think? This is the exact same dress I wore to my Senior prom." She says. "It's a little 1981 isn't it?" Benny's grandma asks. "Well, yeah I know, that's the point isn't it?" She asks. "Mom, I bet it looked great 30 years ago." Ethan says.

"Yeah, grandma can loan you something out of her closet." Benny suggests. "Ok, maybe I should change." She says. "Oh no, I don't want to miss the vote for prom queen. I'm a three to one favorite. Let's drop it like it's hot." Benny's grandma says. I smile at this

They all leave, Mrs. Morgan asking the whole way out if the dress was ok. "Ok, Jacuzzi Time Machine starts in T-minus 2 minutes." Ethan says. "I'll get the drinks." Benny says. "I'll get the popcorn." Sarah says. Jane comes up to me. "Can I stay up late tonight?" She asks.

"If you promise not to tell your parents we're letting you watch Jacuzzi Time Machine." I say. "Ok." She says and I smile. I go sit at the foot of the couch. Sarah and Benny both go to sit by Ethan and fight over who gets to. "Siéger." I say and Benny is soon siting next to me.

"I want you to sit here." I say. "Fine, I can live with that." He says, wrapping an arm around me. The movie starts and I start to get excited. It's been forever since I've seen this. "Suddenly there is a thump on the roof and the satellite dish must have broken because the TV goes static.

We hear a voice outside and it can only be one person. Rory! We let him in and then go into the kitchen to eat. Benny stays in the living room commentating the movie. "How do you know?" Sarah asks him. "Because we're 92 minutes in." He says.

"He knows this movie by heart." Ethan says. "Wow, that's lame." Sarah says.Suddenly my phone rings. "I'll be right back guys." I say once I see who it is. They don't pay attention. I leave the room and go onto the porch. "Bonsoir Crystal (good evening Crystal)." I say.

"Emma, quelque chose d'horrible est arrivé (something horrible has happened)!" She shouts into the phone. "Calmez-vous, qu'est-ce qui c'est passé (calm down, what happened)?" I ask, this sound serious.

"Miss Lilith est malade et les guérisseurs disent qu'elle pourrait ne pas le faire après la semaine, pouvez-vous vous téléporter ici lundi (Miss Lilith is sick and the healers say she might not make it past the week, can you teleport here Monday)?" She asks.

"Oui, au revoir (yes, bye)." I tell her and hang up. I stay outside for a little while. Miss Lilith was my teacher back at MAE and she was the best teacher I could ask for. Crystal, Miss Lilith, and I are the only elemental witches left so that is why we are so close.

If Miss Lilith dies then Crystal or I shall proceed her in the Council of Witches. I don't care honestly. I love being back in Whitechapel. I love being here with Benny and Sarah and Erika and Rory. If they do give me the title then I might just give it to Crystal. I have no want for it.

Composing myself I go back into the house. When I get in there Benny, Rory, and Ethan are playing with a Ouija board. Idiots! I go upstairs where I know Sarah and Jane are. They're playing dress up. I smile and sit on Jane's bed.

Suddenly I feel a chill go down my spine and hear crashing noises. "Hey, what are you doing down there?" Sarah asks. "Nothing!" They yell back. I roll my eyes. Suddenly a dark red mist comes into the room and enters Sarah's body. I scream and She turns and grins evilly at me.

"Belle erit ad virtutem refertur (you will do  nicely for a power source)." It says in a language I think is Latin. I scream,but it lifts me off the ground and carries me to Ethan's room. She pulls Jane in and locks her in the closet, I'm pined against the wall by some unknown force.

I try to speak, but I can't. I struggle and struggle, but it's no use. She then leaves, but I am still trapped, also, I feel like I'm being drained of power. She's down for awhile until she comes back up and Jane screams. I try, but it's no use. I hear the boys coming up the stairs.

"Jane, Emma?" "Em!" "Jane! Emmi!" I hear them yell. They open the door and scream like little girls. "EMMA!" Benny yells, but Sarah closes the door in his face. I feel so drained, then I pass out.

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