Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

       Wilder really wanted to go to the horse ranch today but both his parents were unable to take him there, so I offered to. Riding his horse was one thing that made him really happy, and that was all I wanted after everything he has gone through.

       We got into my new car and right as I started it up, my cell phone rang. I looked at the caller id, wondering why Alan would be calling me so I answered it. "Hello?"

       "Hey," Orchid said. "Sorry to call you from Alan's phone. My dad took my cell phone away."

       I furrowed my eyebrows. "What? Why?"

       "Because he has been overreacting from everything that has been going on," Orchid said. "He's mad that I'm dating a Smythe because they're evil."

       "We're not evil," I said.

       "I know, he's just childish," Orchid said. "Anyway, he's at work right now, so want to hang out somewhere? It would be easier for me to sneak out without him here."

        "I'm actually about to go to the horse ranch with Wilder," I said. "He goes there almost every Saturday to ride his horse. You want to come? I always just watch him ride his horse so it will be nice having some company. We can even go to a drive-through first to get food."

       "Sure," Orchid said. "When are you leaving?"

       "Right now, in fact," I said. "We're in the car and we were about to leave."

       "Okay, I'll get ready now," Orchid said. "I'll see you then."

       Once we hung up, I pulled out of the driveway and headed to Orchid's house. She was already waiting outside for me and got into the backseat once I pulled up to the house. I first drove to a fast food restaurant to get food so Wilder could eat it now and let it digest before riding Baron.

       "So....How's Nolan?" I asked Orchid while I was driving to the horse ranch.

       "Surprisingly well," Orchid said. "He's being really optimistic about it, which isn't like him at all. I mean, he is normally a happy person but when negative things happen to him, he isn't really optimistic about it. It's probably because Jerome has been really helping him out."

       "Yeah, I've noticed Nolan is a lot happier with Jerome nearby," I said. "Especially now that Jerome has been going to school with him. How did they meet anyway?"

       "Uh....I think online?" Orchid said. "Wait, no, when it was when Ryder and his girlfriend Mae, now his wife, were having a long distance relationship and they were video-chatting. Jerome is Mae's best friend, and he was over at her house when she was video-chatting Ryder. And then they met in person at a dance competition Ryder was in. Our whole family is really happy they met each other."

       "I could tell," I said. "Is he still...." I stopped talking since Wilder didn't really know.

       However, he knew I stopped talking because of him. "Don't worry, I'm not a gossiper," he said. "I'm very good at keeping secrets."

       "No, you're not," I said. "Once you promised Alec you wouldn't tell anyone that he got into your Dad's chocolate stash, but you did as soon as your dad got home."

       "Uh, that's because Alec is a fucking pest and doesn't deserve me keeping his secrets," Wilder said. "I could have told your dad that you're in a forbidden relationship, but I didn't because you're worthy enough for me to keep your secrets."

       "Worthy enough?" I asked.

       "Yes, worthy," Wilder said. "So, what is Jerome still doing?"

       "You promise you won't tell?" Orchid asked. 

       "Yes," Wilder said. "Jerome's cool and a savage, so he deserves to have me keep his secrets."

       "He's planning on proposing to Nolan really soon," Orchid said. "He's a bit worried about it, but my dad has been talking to him about it. If it feels right, then he should do it."

       "Aww, so cute," Wilder said. "Wait....Isn't Nolan only seventeen? I don't know when your birthdays are, but he is seventeen, right?"

       "Yep," Orchid said. "Our birthday is the day after Christmas, but trust me, if anyone can get engaged at seventeen, it's Nolan with Jerome. They won't get married until he's eighteen of course, but it will give them a lot more time to plan for the wedding."

       "That makes it even cuter," Wilder said. "They're so cute."

       We got to the horse ranch and Wilder excitingly got out of the car before I ever turned it off. He was so lucky the brakes were already on.

       "He really loves his horse," I said as I turned off the car.

       "I can see that," Orchid said before we got out. I locked the doors, then led Orchid over to the gate where I stood whenever Wilder was riding around.

       It wasn't long before Wilder was out of the barn, riding Baron around the field. Shortly after, he told me he was going to go on the trail for a bit.

       After Wilder was on the trail, Orchid asked, "So, how has your dad been taking the news about us dating?"

       "Well, he hasn't really brought it up," I said. "I think he's waiting until the aftermath of the car crash dies down because he knows I'm still affected by it."

       "You really shouldn't be blaming yourself over it," Orchid said. "We all said, and know, that it wasn't your fault."

       "I can't help it," I said. "I walked away from the crash perfectly fine and your brother didn't."

       "Nolan doesn't blame you either," Orchid said. "You should see how he acts at home. He's smiling, he's laughing at Jerome's very lame jokes, he's whining that it's too early to be awake. He's acting the same and he's not letting what happened control his life, and neither should you."

       I sighed. "I still hate what happened."

       "I know," Orchid said. "But we can't change what happened."

       "Yeah, I guess," I said. "So, your dad took away your phone...."

       Orchid groaned. "Don't remind me. He always grounded me because he doesn't want me dating you. That's why I asked if you wanted to hang out because it's not often he works on a Saturday."

       "What does your mom think about all of this?" I asked.

       "That he's being very childish and should get over it," Orchid said. "She let me come here with you and said she'll cover for me if my dad gets home before I do."

       "My mom would do the exact same thing," I said. "They knew each other, right?"

       "Yeah, I think so," Orchid said. "I just hope in the end, they'll be able to convince our dads to get over this stupid feud."

       "Probably not because my dad is very stubborn," I said. "But at least my mom will be on my side since she knows I've liked you for a long time."

       "How long have you liked me?" Orchid asked.

       "Uh....Well....Do you remember going to a ski lodge with your family when you were about six?" I asked and she nodded. "And a little boy kept tugging on your hair?" Another nod. "Yeah, that was me. I thought you were cute."

       "That really was you?" Orchid asked. "Wow, what a small world. But....That's sweet. That you still liked me after all those years."

       I smiled at her, but my smile soon faded when something in the distance caught my eye. Baron was running back into the field from the trail, looking as if something spooked him. He was running out of control, which made me call for David.

      David got out of the barn and once he spotted Baron, he quickly got into the field and calmed down Baron, and that was when I noticed something. 

       Wilder wasn't with Baron.

       "Where's Wilder?" Orchid said.

       "He's probably still on the trail," I said before climbing over the fence. Orchid climbed over as well and we quickly headed towards the trail.

       I started calling Wilder's name, hoping he was nearby, but I wasn't getting an answer. Now I was starting to get worried.

       And that was when I saw him.

       Laying unconscious at the bottom of a very steep hill.

       I slid down the hill, kneeling down beside him and carefully turning him onto his back. He had a huge gash on his forehead.

       "Wilder," I said, gently trying to shake him awake. "Wilder, can you hear me?" He wasn't waking up at all. "Wilder, come on, you have to wake up."

       Wilder slowly opened his eyes. "Atti?" he aid in a quiet voice twisted in pain.

       "Yeah, it's me," I said, looking over at Orchid to see her already on the phone with a dispatcher.

       "My head hurts," he said, shakily moving his hand to his forehead where his gash was.

       "I know," I said. "You'll be okay. The ambulance will be here soon."

       He pulled his hand away and saw the blood on his hand, which made him whimper. "B-blood?"

       "It's okay, it's just a small cut," I lied.

       Wilder whimpered again, moving his hand back to his head. "My head really hurts, Atti."

       "Yeah, you had a pretty bad fall," I said. "Do you remember what happened?"

       Wilder shook his head. "No. Will....will I be okay?"

       "Yeah, of course," I said. "The ambulance is on their way and they'll be here soon. You just have to stay awake."

       "But I'm tired," Wilder said.

       "I know, but you have to stay awake, okay?" I said. "Stay awake for me."

       Wilder nodded, but I could already see his eyes trying to close. He was trying his best to keep his eyes open, but it wasn't working.

       When they completely closed, I tried waking him up again. He wasn't waking up.

       "Wilder, come on, you have to stay awake," I said, starting to feel the tears in my eyes. "Please, I can't lose you."

       He still wasn't waking up by the time the paramedics showed up. It took them a bit longer since they had to bring a stretcher all the way up the trail.

       I felt helpless as I watched them gently place Wilder onto the stretcher. I really needed him to be okay. I didn't know what I would do without my little brother.


Aww, Atticus referring to Wilder as his littler brother instead of his cousin. <3

Omg I don't know why I've been getting distracted by the tinniest of things. I started writing this around 9:40 pm and now it's 1:17 am. cx OOPS.

I now miss playing the Smythes on Sims 3. I'll have to get back to doing that. cx

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