Chapter 2

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Shout out to Lunagust for the cover!

Chapter 2

       Wilder now had to go back to school and he was very worried. I didn't blame him. The high school we went to had way too many bullies there. People got picked on for their size, their sexual orientation, basically anything the bullies could think of.

       However, I kept telling Wilder he had nothing to worry about. People knew better than to mess with me after all the fights I got into and because of the fact that both my dad owns a martial arts studio, and I have been training in there since I was four. They would know better than to pick on my little cousin.

       Since we lived beside each other, I always drove him to school. You know, unless he was staying home. When I pulled into the parking lot of the school and parked my car, Wilder didn't move from his spot.

       "Wilder, don't worry, you have nothing to worry about," I said.

       "That's easy for you to say," he said. "You're not stuck with this your whole life."

       "That isn't what I meant," I said. "I mean you have nothing to worry about going to school. If you ever feel like you need someone to talk to, just come to my classroom, okay?"

       Wilder nodded and we both got out of my car. After I locked the door, we walked into the school right as the first bell rang. "Atticus, I don't think I can go," Wilder said. "Please don't make me go to class...."

       "Hey, you'll be okay," I said. "The school knows. Just do what your dad did when he was in high school and listen to music or if it gets too bad, you can always text me. I'm good at using my phone without the teachers looking. Come on, I'll walk you to class."

       When we got to Wilder's first classroom, he hesitated before he walked in. Once I saw that he was sitting in his seat, I made my way to my classroom. I didn't even sit down before I got a text message from Wilder, him telling me he didn't think he could be here.

       I replied, telling him that it was going to be tough at first but then only way he could overcome the scared feelings of being at school with schizophrenia was if he faced it himself.

       The bell rang, but I didn't put my phone away since Wilder texted me back again. "Atticus," my teacher said. So much for me being good at using my phone without it being noticeable. "Phone away."

       "In a minute," I said as I was typing a reply back to Wilder.

       "No, not in a minute," she said. "There's a no cell phone policy in this classroom so you either put it away or I take it away."

       "I'll put it away," I said. "In a minute."

       She walked over to my desk and held out her hand. "Cell phone. Now."

       "I'm just texting my cousin," I said. "Wilder."


       "Obviously. Are there any other Wilders in the school?"

       "Oh. Well, finish up the message, then put your phone away."

       "Sure thing."

       I didn't really put my phone away. I kept it on my desk just in case Wilder replied, but he didn't.

       The first two classes went by extremely slow and I was really tempted to fall asleep. I was feeling my eyes clothes, so I just had to distract myself by staring at....someone.

       When it was lunch, I went to my locker before heading over to Wilder's locker so we could go to the cafeteria together. Although, he would probably like it if we went to a fast food place for lunch.

       While I was walking to Wilder's locker, I slowed down when I saw one of Orchid's brothers, Nolan, at his locker with a very annoying girl pestering him. Even after over two years of him coming out, people could not just leave him alone and I was getting very annoyed with people pestering him because of it, especially when he had a boyfriend he had been with for over two years.

       "Can you just go away?" Nolan asked the girl whose name I didn't know because she was insignificant. "I literally do not care at all what you have to say."

       "You should," she said. "I could help you out. Being gay is wrong."

       "Help me out?" Nolan asked. "Right, which is why you kept asking me out when I told you I'm gay, and you used to bully my sister."

       The girl snorted. "I never did."


       "Seriously though, you are just going to be living a miserable life because you will never be happy being the way you are," she said.

       "Hey, at least he gets more dick than you do," I spoke up before I continued making my way to Wilder's locker.

       "Wha....No, he doesn't!" she yelled after me.

       I turned around, but kept walking backwards. "Not something you want to announce out loud," I said.

       She scoffed and turned around before marching away.

       "Thanks," Nolan said. "I'll put in a good word about you to Orchid."

       I stopped walked. "I....I don't....I have no idea what you're talking about."

       "Sure, sure," Nolan said before he walked away.

       I sighed and went to Wilder's locker. Was it really obvious?


       When I walked into the animal shelter, the boss, Bruce, chuckled. "You know, you're in here a lot more frequently than the actual employees."

       I shrugged. "I love animals."

       "Yeah, I can see that," he said. "Nobody volunteers here as much as you do."

       "How's the rescue?" I asked.

      "Not good," he said before leading me to the cage where a rescue puppy was. It was a husky that the animal shelter rescued from an abusive owner once they got a call about it. "He still won't accept food from anyone except you."

       The husky was laying on the floor, whining softly, but when he caught sight of me, he perched up and hurried the the gate of the couch. Bruce opened the door and the husky immediately run out and began pawing at my legs. I smiled and knelt down, rubbing the sides of his head.

       "I'm afraid we won't be able to find a family to take him in if he refuses to come in contact with any humans," Bruce said. "Are you sure you can't take him?"

       "I wish, but...." I stopped and pulled out my cell phone. "I actually might know someone who will want the husky, and the husky might get along with." I went to my contacts to call Dax before holding the cell phone up to my ear.

       "So what is my favorite nephew doing calling me?" was the first thing Dax said when he answered.

       "Favorite nephew?" I asked. "I'm your only nephew."

       "Such a shame my brothers and sister couldn't produce males with their significant others."

       "Uh....My dad did."

       "Yeah, one, aka you. So, why are you calling?"

       "When you Skittles, he helped you a lot, right?"

       "Yeah. May he rest in peace. Why?"

       "Because here at the animal shelter, we got a rescue in who refuses to go near anyone but me. I was thinking that he might be able to get along with Wilder as well."

       "You want to get Wilder a dog?"

       "Yes. A husky, to be exact."

       "Ooh, a big dog."

       "Yeah, and I'll even buy pet supplies for him."

       "Well, I can't say no, even though I already have two animals in the house."

       "You do? Since when?"

       "Since the twins were born. I swear, they're half monkey. Or even full monkey. They're always....Hold on a second." He pulled his phone away, but I could still hear him, especially because he was yelling. "Hey! Alec! If you eat another brownie when I told you not to, I swear, I will be donating you to the animal shelter your cousin volunteers at!" Dax sighed and went back to the phone. "You guys to accept humans, right?"

       "Uh, no...."


       "So, it's a yes for the dog, right?"

       "Of course. I am one with the dogs and shan't refuse one."

       "Good to know."

       "No but seriously, Skittles helped me a whole lot. I really think a dog will help Wilder too, especially so early into his diagnosis."

       "Great. I'll bring him over when I'm done volunteering. Don't tell him, though. I want him to be surprised."

       "Yes, sir. Thanks, though. For thinking about Wilder."

       "Of course."

       After we hung up, I looked up at Bruce. "My cousin will take him and he lives right beside me so if the dog won't want to be around him, then he can just stay with me until he is fine being around my cousin."

       Bruce smiled. "Great. I know you love volunteering here, but how about you take the dog to your cousin now?"

       "Sure," I said. "I did come here mostly to check up on the dog, anyway."

       I stood up from my knelt position and picked up the husky, who immediately began licking my face. I laughed before I got him to stop. I then went outside of the animal shelter and to my car.

       When I was in the driver's seat, I placed him in the passenger's seat before buckling up my seatbelt then starting up my car. I drove a lot more carefully than I normally did towards my house. After I was parked in the driveway, I got out of my car with the husky and carried it as I went to my cousins' house.

       I didn't even bother knocking. We never did. We lived beside each other, so what was the point of knocking?

      When Dax saw me walk in, turned towards the stairs. "Wilder?!" he called. "Atticus is here! He has something for you!"

       Wilder slowly walked down the stairs, looking a bit upset, but as soon as he saw the husky, he smiled brightly. "You got me a dog?"

       "Yeah, he was a rescue," I said. "He's a bit wary of everyone except for me and my boss was a bit worried that he wouldn't want to go with anyone, so I decided to see if he would do well with you."

       I placed the husky on the floor and he just stood there for a bit while looking around. Wilder carefully approached the dog, kneeling on the floor and holding his hand out. The husky sniffed Wilder's hand for a bit before moving closer to Wilder and eventually jumping onto his lap.

       "Well, that was easier than I thought it would be," I said. "What are you going to name him?"

       "Name him Skittles 2.0," Dax said.

       "....I kind of want to name him Skittles 2.0," Wilder said. "In tribute of the world's greatest dog."

      "I have the sweetest son ever."

      "I've got to go out and buy some dog supplies," I said. "I'll be back later with them."

      "Wait," Wilder said before I could leave. He placed the husky, which I guessed was going to be called Skittles 2.0, on the ground before getting up and giving me a hug. "You're the best cousin ever. Thank you so much."

       "You're welcome," I said.


And here is a picture of Skittles 2.0 who I would add to the cast list if I make one:

I do have someone for Atticus and Orchid (who isn't the original person I casted for Orchid since she's older in this book). I don't think I can cast someone new for Nolan though because Levi Miller. cx Once I think of a cinnamon roll for Wilder, I'll add the rest of the cast.

And another shout out to Lunagust for what Atticus said to the girl bothering Nolan. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° ) It was the best thing ever.

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