Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

       Right as I was about to leave the house, my dad stopped me. "Where are you going?" he asked.

       "What's it to you?"

       "Uh, the fact that I'm your dad," he said. "I should know where you're going."

       "No, not when I'm eighteen," I said.

       "Why do I have the feeling that you're mad at me?" Dad asked.

       "Gee, I don't know," I said.

       "So....You are mad at me?"

       I scoffed. "Yeah, I am."

       Dad sighed and looked over at Mom, who was sitting on the couch watching TV. "Mind telling your son to stop being a moody teenager?" he asked.

       "Or I could ask him why he's mad," Mom said. "So, Atticus, why are you mad?"

       "Because Dad is acting like a little baby and told me I'm not allowed to date Orchid," I said.

       "What? Why?" Mom asked.

       "I don't even know," I said. "Dad met her dad yesterday and suddenly, I can't date her."

       Mom looked over at Dad with furrowed eyebrows. "Why on earth won't you allow Atticus to date someone just because of who her dad is?"

       "Uh, it's because who he is," Dad said. "You know who he is? Grayson. As in Grayson Prince. That douche bag that almost hit Atticus in the head with a beach ball."

       "Oh, that actually makes sense," Mom said before looking at me. "Is Orchid that same girl you liked when we went to the ski lodge one day and you kept bugging her because you thought she was pretty?"

       "Yeah," I said. "She ended up being in my class next school year."

       "Well, ignore what your father says," Mom said.

       "Uh, no, you will not ignore what your father says," Dad said. "Grayson doesn't want you dating Orchid, so you two better stay away from each other."


       "No, I'm serious," Dad said. "It's not happening."

       I scoffed and opened the front door about to leave, but Dad stopped me.

       "Seriously, where are you going?" he asked.

       "To rob a bank," I said sarcastically. "It's a bit past eight in the morning on a weekday. Where do you think I'm going?" I left the house and admittedly slammed the door behind me before walking to my car where Wilder was waiting.

       "Is he still not letting you date Orchid?" he asked as we both got into my car.

       "Yeah. He's unbelievable."

       "You know what you should do?"

       "Ignore my dad?"

       "No. Well, kind of. I was going to say you should fuck it and ask Orchid out."

       "Yes, and get grounded and have everything taken away from me."

       "No, you won't tell your dad, you fucking idiot. I swear, all of my cousins are fucking dumbasses and I'm the only one who knows how to use my brain."

       "You're also the only one who knows how to swear like a trucker."

       "Shut the fuck up and start driving to school."

       Everyone always thought Wilder was so innocent and pure.

       Yeah, he wasn't when it came to swearing. I had never heard someone swear as much as he did. He got in trouble at school so much because of it.

       His dad just had to teach him to swear at the tender age of three.

       Parenting goals right there.

       When we got to the school, I turned off the car and Wilder looked over at me. "What?" I asked.

       "Do it."

       "Do what?"

       "See? This is what I meant when I said I was the only person who used my brain. Fucking ask Orchid out, you dumbass. You like her. She likes you. At least, I assume she does."

       "Nolan told me she does."

       "And you really think her....would you say twin brother or triplet brother? Maybe just triplet....Anyway, would her fellow triplet lie to you?"

       "Nolan doesn't really seem like someone who would lie about it."

       "Then it's simple. Ask her out before I announce to the whole school that you like her."

       "You wouldn't."

       "I fucking would, bitch."

       "Okay, Mrs. Goth is right. You need a filter on your mouth."

       "I do not. Freedom of speech."

       I rolled my eyes and got out of my car. Once Wilder was out as well, I locked the doors.

       "Hey, Atti, do you have an extra pair of earphones?" Wilder asked.

       I opened the smallest pocket of my bag and grabbed my earphones before handing them to him. "You doing okay?" I asked.

       "Yeah," he said. "Yeah, they're not hear right now, but I left my earphones at home and if they do show up during class, I wouldn't want to leave just to get earphones and have everyone wonder why I walked out."

       I put my arm around his shoulder and gave him a side hug. "I'll be here for you if you do need to talk to someone," I said.

       "I know," he said. "And I'll be at my locker while you go ask Orchid out."


       Wilder didn't reply as he walked towards the school.

       Well then. 

       Should I listen to Wilder or listen to my dad?

       I sighed as I headed towards the school, already knowing the answer.

       I heard someone say my name as soon as I walked into the school, so I turned around to see Orchid approach me. "So, my dad is apparently mad at your dad and said I can't ever associate with you," she said. "Nolan tried telling me what happened, but he was confused. Do you know what happened?"

       "Oh, apparently, they met eighteen years ago, I'm guessing at the beach, when your dad threw a beach ball and it accidentally hit my dad who was holding me, and they've been in a feud ever since."


       "Yeah, I know," I said. "So, I have a question that will probably make our dads mad, but I really don't care at all."

       "What is it?" she asked.

       "Will you go out with me?"

       Orchid didn't say anything for a while. She just stared at me, not giving me an answer. "What?"

       "Will you go out with me?" I repeated.

       "Are you serious?"

       "Well, this isn't April Fools Day. And Nolan told me you liked me, so...."

       "That traitor."

       "I'm taking that as a sign that you do like me."

       "Yeah, I do, so I will love to go out with you. Under one condition."

       "Name it."

       "We can't tell our dads."


Ooh, such earliness a couple got together. :D I think it's the earliest a couple started dating. Actually, it's tied with Avivachi. It makes sense though since Atticus and Orchid had liked each other for years, and this book will be more about their relationship with feuding fathers.


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