Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

       "You really need to stop getting in trouble," I told Wilder. Right now, I was sitting beside him by the principal's office because he was kicked out of class for being disruptive. At least, that was what Wilder told me. He didn't tell me exactly how he was being disruptive.

       "I really didn't mean any harm this time," Wilder said. "I didn't even know I was being disruptive until my teacher kicked me out. He could have just given me a warning."

       "What exactly did you do?" I asked.

       Wilder sighed. "My music was too loud. Everyone could hear it."

       "Was he teaching then?" I asked.

       Wilder shook his head. "No, everyone was just working on a few questions. A lot of people were talking as well, and they didn't seem to mind that they could hear my music."

       "Well, that's stupid," I said. "At least it's your dad coming, so you won't get into any trouble from it."

       "Yeah, I won't get in any trouble at home," Wilder said. "But here, they might not let my listen to my music anymore."

       "They can't do that," I said. "Both your doctor and your psychiatrist said listening to music helps."

       "Well, this school hasn't been the fairest when it comes to people who aren't the 'norm'."

       I couldn't disagree with Wilder, unfortunately. The school sometimes favored certain types of people, which was completely stupid.

       Sometimes the school did something about it, however. The last vice-principal we had was fired because he favored bullies over the victims just because they were on the basketball team and had made it quite far into the competition.

       One time, those bullies were picking on Nolan and were so close to hurting him, but I intervened just in time and they were the ones who ended up hurt. Oops.

       Well, the vice-principal wasn't happy because one of them had to sit out of the next basketball game, so I got three weeks worth of detention. I would have gotten suspended, but I threatened to tell the other schools that our basketball team had a few homophobes in that.

        Of course, VP didn't like the potential hatred towards our school, so he settles with giving me detention. I would have taken the suspension, but my parents wouldn't have liked that and probably would have taken away my car, my violin, and my laptop.

       That wasn't even the worse part. VP also suggested that Nolan go into a support group for people with his 'condition', and that he should learn to stand up for himself. Yeah, Nolan was told to stand up for himself instead of doing something to those bullies.

       A few other students found out about that and went on strike. Seriously, we all just sat in the middle of the hallway and refused to go to class, especially when VP told us to.

       The strike got a bit crazy because of certain people. Wilder started a chant, and the Princes' cousin Aaron decided to wear a gorilla costume.

       Good times, good times.

       Dax showed up and looked over at Wilder. "What now?"

       "My music was too loud and my teacher didn't even tell me before kicking me out," Wilder said.

       "That's it?" Dax asked. "I came all the way here for that."

       "Yes. Can you take me out for ice cream when we're done for wasting your time?"

       "Of course," Dax said.

       "Hey, Uncle Dax," I said. "Do you know anything about a Grayson Prince?"

       "Yeah," Dax said. "Why?"

       "Atti likes his daughter, but Uncle Seb is being too dramatic and not letting them date," Wilder said. "Same with Grayson. He's not letting his daughter date Atti. Like Romeo and Juliet."

       "Wait, seriously?" Dax asked. "How did they meet again?"

       "Grayson's son and I both got kicked out of a sex ed class," I said. "Well, he got kicked out because he was 'being disruptive' when he really wasn't, so I walked out. Anyway, both Dad and Grayson showed up, got into a huge argument, and now Dad won't let me date his daughter and vice versa."

       Even though I was already dating Orchid.


       Dax laughed for a bit. "Aw, man. They're still so childish. You should have seen them when they first met. Hilarious."

       "Can you try talking to Dad?" I asked. "See if he could, I don't know, get over it?"

       "I would, but I doubt I could change his mind if your mom can't," Dax said. "Just....wait for things to pan out."

       "You really think it will if it's been going on for eighteen years?" I asked.

       Dax shrugged. "Who knows? They're both really stubborn."

       I sighed and got up. "Well, I should be heading home now before my dad thinks I'm having some sort of secret rendezvous."

       I headed to my locker since I first stopped off at the office when I saw Wilder sitting there. Shortly after I got to my locker, Orchid walked up to me. "Hey, any chance you can give me a ride home?" she asked.

       "Wouldn't your dad be mad if he sees me dropping you off?" I asked.

       "Yes, but you can always stop right before my house so he can't see you," Orchid said. "Please? I don't want to walk home. Alan left during the last period because he was feeling sick and he took the car, so Nolan texted Jerome to see if he could pick us up and drive us home. But now, stupid Jerome and stupid Nolan are too busy making out by his car. I mean, it's nice seeing my brother not caring anymore and showing PDA, but I would like to get home. So, can you drive me home?"

       "Of course," I said. I grabbed the notebooks I would need to do my homework tonight and put them in my backpack before closing my locker. I then held Orchid's hand and she smiled at me before we started walking towards the exit of the school.

       However, Dax must have been done talking to Mrs. Goth because he was know talking to Wilder by the door.

       "Let's go to a different exit," I said, about to pull Orchid in another direction, but then Dax saw me.

       "Atticus?" he said. I sighed and looked over at him. "So, when your dad told you not to date Grayson's daughter, you're doing it anyway? I mean, I assume she's Grayson's daughter because you've liked her for years so I doubt you're dating someone else."

       I gave him a look that told him to shut up. "Aww, you've liked me for years?" Orchid asked.

       "Thanks," I said sarcastically to Dax. "You can't tell Dad. Please."

       "Oh, relax, I'm not going to," Dax said. "His and Grayson's feud is too childish anyway, so there's no point of adding fuel to the fire." He then looked at Wilder. "Come along, child. Let's go out for ice cream since I wasted my time coming here."

       "Speaking of, can I not go to last period tomorrow?" Wilder asked. "I'd rather not go to that class after the teacher kicked me out. At least, just for a day."

       "Yeah, sure," Dax said. "I'll pick you up tomorrow before then, okay?"

       "Okay," Wilder said. "Thanks, Dad."

       After they left, Orchid looked at me. "Your uncle is really cool for being okay with Wilder missing class just because he doesn't want to go," she said.

       "Well, when Wilder doesn't want to go to a class, it's probably best not to force him to go," I said.

       "Why?" Orchid asked.

       "I can't really get into it," I said. "It's Wilder's thing to tell, not mine."

       "Oh, okay," Orchid said. "Is he okay, at least?"

       "It's....complicated," I said. "For the most part, he is. It's just....again, complicated. Come on, I'll take you home now."


I seriously love that Nolan now doesn't care what people think about him. If he wants to make out with his boyfriend in public, he will. cx

And I really love Dax and Wilder's relationship. <3 They're honestly one of my favorite father-son relationships. Probably second favorite, because no one can top Grayson and Ryder.

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