Day Before Family Day

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*Malina's pov*

Me and Evilly are sitting in class listening to Fairy Godmother. Jacob and Edward sat beside me and Evilly.

Fairy Godmother: "As you know that Family Day is tomorrow. And since your parents can't be here do, distance. We've arranged for a special treat."

Me and the others looked at each other very confused. She went to a screen and turned it on. Me and Evilly jumped after she did that because all we saw was my mother's face in the screen.

Fairy Godmother: "Kids come up to the front...Come on."

Me and Evilly stood behind the others while a watching a computer screen.

Mother: "I don't see anything, nor do I hear. Can I please see a remote? Is this thing on?"

Mal and Evie looks at me and Evilly. Of course both Evilly and Evie have little tiara's on their head's and both wear dresses.

Jacob and Edward stood behind us. Both looking at us with worried faces.

Mom: "It's broken..I hate electronics."

I guess the screen came on because they jumped back...Evilly stood beside Evie. I was behind Mal and Jay.

Evil Queen: "Evie, Evilly, it's mommy."

We all looked at them while both of them waved and smiled.

Evil Queen: "Look how beautiful. And Evilly, still my breath taking eldest...Still practicing your potions?"

Evilly smiles.

Evilly: "Of course."

Evil Queen: "Great! You know what they say, the poison apple doesn't fall far from the tree."

Mom: "Don't you mean weed's?"

I rolled my eye's. I was getting a headache.

Cruella: "Who's the old bat"

I put on a fake smile.

Me: "This is Fairy Godmother."

Of course my mom just had to say something.

Mom: "Still doing tricks with eggplants?"

I put an arm around Mal's shoulder.

Fairy Godmother: "I turned a pumpkin into a beautiful carriage!"

Me and Mal looked at each other when the parents laughed.

Mom: "You really couldn't give Cinderella till 1:00 a.m?....I mean really. What, the hamsters had to be back on their little wheels?"

Fairy Godmother: "They were mice! They were not."

She looks at us.

Fairy Godmother: "They were mice....They were not.."

Me and Mal both kept telling her thank you. She finally stepped away from the screen. Mom looked at us but seem to smile at me then looked at Edward and smiled more. Yeah, that's creepy. She even winks at us then turns back to the other's.

Mal: "Mom."

Mom: "Mal!"

Here she goes acting like she cares.

Mom: "I-I miss you...You too my dragon."

I raised my eyebrow at the new nickname.

Jafar: "You children are never far from our thoughts."

Mom: "I got it......How long will mommy have to wait to see you..And my future son in law?"

I looked at my mom in shock at what she just said. Edward smirked a little at that causing mom to wink at us. This can't be my mother but luckily Mal spoke up.

Mal: "There's a big coronation, coming up, I think probably sometime after that."

Mom: "When?"

Mal: "Friday, 10:00 a.m."

While they talked I started to a very bad headache. It felt like my head was throbbing. I put my hand on my head. I felt everyone staring at me.
*Evilly's pov*

We all watched Malina with concern...even her mom looked concern. I gasped when she opened her eyes because they were glowing.

They never glowed like that and especially not out of the blue. Her eye's only glowed when she did little magic like with our rooms. She closed her eyes then shook her head. When she opened her eye's they are back to normal.

Malina: "That was weird."

Edward held on to her while I grabbed her arm.

Maleficent: "Oh...I get to see my eldest get her true power!"

We all looked at her confused but that stoppes when Malina started glow. She held her head while trying not to scream. She looked like she was in alot of pain. Jacob had to hold onto me just to keep me from going to her. After a few more seconds her power stopped then she passed out. Edward ran over to her very fast. I got out of Jacobs grip and ran over to her. Everyone else followed.

Maleficent: "Don't worry...she'll be fine just give her a few hours....Oh,Evilly."

I looked at her.

Mother: "Me and Maleficent are sending over a few presents for you and Malina. Happy late Birthday, dear."

Maleficent: "And tell Malina that mommy says Happy Birthday."

They went back to talking about the wand but then started fighting.

Jacob: "When was your birthday?"

I shrugged.

Me: "Two days ago."

Jasper: "And Malina's is today?"

Me: "Yeah."

I just seen Jay shut off the computer screen. Then we all left the room with Edward carrying Malina.

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