Leaving Auradon

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*Edward's pov*

Today me and my mate are going to her mother's vault. Malina told me last night that she wants to try and find her real dad. Though nobody can replace the man that raised her even though him and her mother are not together anymore. I know all about Hade's being Mal's father and Malina's adopted father. I know I should be scared but I'm not. I guess my respect for him raises above my fear. All guy's are afraid of meeting the father of the woman they love. Malina just happens to have a God for a father. My siblings, The pack, Evie and Evilly know about him too. Mal doesn't want everyone to know about him because she still doesn't like him for abandoning her as a baby. He still sends card's to Malina plus presents, and more. Me and Malina are going in her car to the vault because just in case we have to bring something back with us. Jacob and Evilly are going to do the same but her car is blue.
*Malina's pov*

I just finished putting on my outfit for today. Of course I got to wear a corset because it's one of my favorite things to wear. And as a bonus it drives Edward crazy.

I know that it's getting harder for him to resist the temptation of pinning me against the wall and taking me. Which I would not mind at all...when I was done I heard a knock on the door.

Me: "Come in!"

I heard the door open then closed.

Voice: "Mali."

I turned around to find a sad Mal.

Me: "What's wrong?"

Mal: "Are you really going to leave me without saying goodbye?"

I sighed while giving her a soft look.

Me: "Mal, I was going to say goodbye because I'm not going away forever."

I took her hand and sat down on the bed with her.

Mal: "I know. But it's hard because we have never been separated before for more than two day's...And I know you have to try and find your biological dad. It's just..I'm going to miss you so much."

I pulled her into a hug and rocked her like I did when she was little.

Mal: "What am I going to do when I don't have anyone to talk to?...Y-your the only one that I feel like I can talk to when I feel like I don't belong."

I let a few tears slide down my cheek as I kissed her head. Then I pulled her away and wiped her tears away.

Me: "You do have someone to talk to. Hell, you have four even seven if you want to talk to Jasper. He is a great listener so is Rosalie. Emmett is too, don't be fooled by how big he is....He is a big teddy bear. Try getting to know Seth because if he is anything like Jay, then he will listen. But you also have not only Jay but Carlos and Evie.....But you know who you should really talk to when you feel that way?"

Mal looked down then back at me while wiping her tears away more.

Mal: "Who?"

I chuckled at how innocent she can be.

Me: "Ben...When you feel that way then that is who I think you should open up to. Because I really think he cares, scratch that I know he cares....And if he doesn't listen then tell me when you see me then I will go all older sister on him and give him hell for at least two days."

We both laughed as she nodded her head yes.

Mal: "You definitely have dad's temper."

Me: "I know. Want to hear something scary?"

She nods her while smiling.

Me: "When I was a little kid mom use to say not only did I have her temper but she said I have my dad's temper. At first I didn't think much of it because I was young but now I know she was talking about my biological dad...Can you imagine how bad it can be for him if my biological dad had a worse temper than mom?"

We laughed again.

Mal: "Oh God. He is sooo not going to last two days."

We kept laughing then after we calmed down we started walking to the door.

Me: "Plus, you have my number. You can always call."

Mal: "Yeah, your right."
When we got outside I saw Edwards eyes go dark with lust causing Jasper to run away. Me and Mal just smirked at that and how Edwards reaction to my outfit is. Rosalie walks over while laughing.

Rosalie: "Wow. You two have the same smirk."

Me and Mal: "We know."

After five minutes we were ready to leave. I hugged everyone then Mal one more time.

Me: "Don't worry. I'll come back. I love you, my little devil."

We both smiled at the name I always called her growing up.

Mal: "I love you too...Now go before he goes mad over there."

I laughed then shook my head at her then went to the car.

Edward: "Ready, my love?"

Me: "Yeah. Let's go, handsome."

With that we left behind Jacob and Evilly. I looked at Mal as we passed her and blew her a kiss. I turned back to Edward and held his hand. Now a new adventure begins for me. The search for my biological dad. Who knows what is going to happen.

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