The Mikelson's have arrived

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(In Auradon)

(I know that it's 6 months but for this story Ben and Mal have been together for less say a month)

*3rd pov*

It's been a week since Mal as heard back from her sister, and she is trying so hard to hold it together. Mal thinks that if she changed her hair and clothes then she could pull off being in Auradon. While Mal try's to figure out how she feels, three guys and a woman are currently be greeted by Adam and Belle. Adam smiles at his friend.

Adam: "Klaus, I'm so happy to see you. How have thing's been?"

Klaus hugs Adam who has been his friend for years, he even considers him as a brother. Klaus was there when Adam married Belle they even named him Ben's godfather.

Klaus: "It's been good."

Adam smiled at the people behind his friend.

Adam: "Finally undaggered your siblings huh?"

This question makes Klaus smile at his siblings who surprisingly forgave him.

Klaus: "Yeah."

Klaus looks at Belle then gives her a soft smile then hugs her.

Klaus: "Belle, just as beautiful as ever."

Belle laughs at his compliment.

Belle: "Well I think I am ageing good."

Both Adam and Klaus laugh and agreed with Belle.

Klaus: "Come, I want to introduce you to my siblings and new friends."

They walk over to a group of people who had mostly looks of shocked and confusion on their faces.

Klaus: "Adam, Belle I would like to introduce you to my siblings. The one in the suit is my older brother Elijah"

Elijah shakes Adams hand and kisses Belle hand.

Elijah: "It's a pleasure to meet you."

Next he introduced them to Kol and Rebekah. Both had excitement and shock on their faces.

Klaus: "We have a couple more people on the way. I hope that's alright?."

Adam: "That's fine."

Belle: "The more the merrier."

Elijah looks at Adam then at his brother. Klaus nods at Elijah to talk, that it's okay to talk to Adam. Klaus already told he could if he wanted to, hell Klaus was going to ask Adam for help anyway.

Elijah: "We were also wondering if you can assist us with something?"

Adam look's at them both with concern.

Adam: "Whatever I can. What is it?"

Klaus pulled out three pictures that he has painted and sketched. The first picture was of a Island.

Klaus never saw the Island of the lost because he last saw his friend before it was created. He handed it to Adam and while Adam looked at it, Klaus spoke.

Klaus: "Me and Elijah have been having dreams about this place. A place we never seen or heard of....Do you know this place?"

Adam and Belle looked at him with wide eyes.

Adam: "Yes. This is the Island of the lost. It's where I banished all the villains and all their followers there."

Belle: "Ben made his first action as king. To bring some kid's from there here to give them a chance at life. A good life."

Rebekah smiled.

Rebekah: "That's nice. You don't find many people that would do something like that anymore."

Kol looks at Adam confused.

Kol: "Why punish all the kid's for what their parents did?"

Adam: "Everyone including myself were worried that they would end up like their parents."

Kol started to get upset but stayed calm, well as calm as he can.

Kol: "Well not giving them an option will certainly make sure they end up like their parents because that is all they will know. That was so stu-"

Elijah cut Kol off real quick.

Elijah: "Kol. I think they are seeing where they went wrong. But we have more important issues right now."

Elijah looked at Klaus as he nodded his head to continue. Klaus handed Adam two more pictures. One girl with blue hair and the other with purple hair.

Adam and Belle were both shocked at the picture's.

Adam: "We know them. They are from the Island of the lost."

Elijah and Klaus were shocked more then Rebekah and Kol.

Elijah: "Really? I have been dreaming of the girl with blue hair for a few years. I just thought that it was my mind playing tricks on me."

Klaus: "Same but mine is with the girl with the purple hair."

Belle looks at Adam both sharing a look. Just as he was about to speak another car pulled up. Once the car stopped six people stepped out.

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