Just This Once

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As promised, this chapter has some wonderful Gale lemon! (I'm so sorry at how bad I am at writing it though, so be warned. XD)

“What the hell,” I frowned as I stopped outside of Levy’s closed door. Again, there was a red sign on the doorknob, signaling that, for whatever reason, Levy wasn’t to be disturbed—even if she asked.

That makes two days in a row. I had avoided her until she had fully recovered, knowing she would be inside Fairy Tail (and safe) for the three days she was instructed to take it easy. When I saw her the day after that, two days ago now, she had looked sickly again, just as she had the month before. Her face was pale, she had dark circles under her eyes, her hair was dull, and she looked exhausted. I had attributed it to the fact that she had been shot just a few days before, but I was now starting to think it was something else.

“What are you doing?” Lily’s voice came from beside me, and I realized he was standing right next to me.

“This is the second day in a row,” I told him, motioning to the tag.

“It happens sometimes,” he shrugged. “We should leave her alone.”

“What if she’s still hurt?” I asked, wondering why he acted so causally about it.

“She isn’t.”

“What if she is?”

“If Levy were hurt, she would seek Lady Porlyusica’s help. The red tag is for something different, so just leave it alone,” Lily said, his voice stern.

“What’s it for?”

“If Levy hasn’t told you, then she doesn’t want you to know,” Lily frowned. “It isn’t my place to tell you.”

“I’m her—”

“It’s doesn’t matter what you are,” he sighed. “Some of the guild members don’t even know what that means, so drop it. She’ll tell you when—and if—she wants you to know. For now, it’s best to leave her alone until she comes out.”

But she didn’t. By dinner she had still not come out of her room. Actually, no one had seen her at all since she had disappeared into it the day before. What’s going on? Is she really alright in there?

“Hey,” I said, stopping the elf, Lucy, on the stairs as she and Salamander made their way down to the cafeteria.

“Yes?” She asked.

“Have you talked to Levy?”

She shook her head. “Sorry, but I haven’t. She’s been in her room for two days, and hasn’t let anyone in. I knocked yesterday at dinner and was promptly told to fuck off.”

“That doesn’t sound like Levy,” I frowned.

“She has her days,” Lucy chuckled. “Don’t worry about it. Levy’s a big girl, and she can take care of herself. If she needs help, she’ll ask for it.” I nodded, knowing she was probably right. She had known Levy for a lot longer than I had, anyways, so I decided to trust her.

Unfortunately, trusting her did little to ease the bad feeling that persistently remained in my stomach.

As I laid in bed that night, staring up at the ceiling, I told myself that I would definitely knock if the tag was still on her door the next day. But, when the next morning came, and it was still there, I didn’t knock. Part of me was a little afraid to knock, having no idea what I might find if I opened the door. Or what she might do to me if I open it. She was liable to attack me or something.

That was a little exaggerated, I frowned at myself as I collapsed on my bed after getting back from duty with the others. We still hadn’t found any clues about Levy’s shooter. Nor had we made any progress in our mission from the Academy. Great. Now I suck as a protector and an Eradicator.

Forcing the thoughts that threatened to make me go crazy out of my head, I allowed myself to be lulled to sleep. Unfortunately, as usual, the dreams came as soon as sleep took me. However, since Levy had shut herself in her room, they had been different.

“About time you showed up,” Levy smirked, getting up from the desk she had been sitting at and putting her book down.

“I got caught up with stuff,” I shrugged, matching her smirk as I closed the doors behind me. As soon as I reached her, I pulled her against my chest, kissing her hard. She moaned against my mouth, pulling my bottom lip between her teeth and applying pressure until I echoed her moan.

“That’s not fair,” I growled, shoving her onto the bed as I did away with my shirt and pants.

She chuckled, wiggling out of the small gown she had been wearing. “What’s not fair is that you’re still over there.”

“I can fix that,” I grinned, covering her body with mine as I returned my lips to hers. My entire body was on fire as she ran her hands down my torso, taking her sweet time as she moved them to my groin.

“My, my,” she purred, tracing slow circles with her fingers up and down my erection, “so eager.”

“It’s your fault,” I huffed, barely able to think straight with her damn hands on me.

“I can fix that,” she teased, mocking me.

“You’d better,” I groaned, unsnapping her bra and throwing it to the floor. “My God,” I breathed, staring down at her, “you’re absolutely perfect.”

“You’re just saying that because I’m laying underneath you naked.”

“I’m not,” I insisted, kissing her. When I felt moisture on her cheeks, I pulled away. “What is it?” I asked, wiping away tears that were suddenly running down her cheeks. “What’s wrong?”

“Help me,” she whispered.

A sense of déjà vu hit me, and I couldn’t shake the feeling that I had seen this before. “Tell me what’s wrong,” I told her, sitting up and pulling her against me as I hugged her. “I’ll do whatever I can.”

“I’m dying,” she sobbed, clutching my arms. “Gajeel. Help me!”

“Nothing’s going to happen to you,” I reassured her. “I’m right here.”

“Help me,” Levy repeated. “I—” A cry of pain stopped whatever she had been trying to say next, and then she disappeared.

“Levy!” I shouted, looking around the room for her. When I didn’t find her, I threw my bedroom door open and went to hers. The red tag was hanging from her doorknob, but I ignored it, banging loudly on her door with both fists.

“Gajeel,” I heard a muffled call from inside her room.

“Levy, open up!”

“Help me,” came the quiet plea. Over and over she said it, and no matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t get inside.


I gasped as my eyes shot open, jolted awake. I was covered in sweat and couldn’t steady my breathing. After a long time, my heart stopped pounding in my chest and I could actually take a few deep breaths to calm myself.

“Third night in a row,” I sighed, getting out of the bed. I knew sleeping would be pointless because I’d just repeat the same process of falling asleep and being awoken from the odd dreams, disoriented and even more exhausted than when I had gone to bed.

Tonight something felt off, though. As I made my way into the hallway, I suddenly stopped. The red tag was still on Levy’s door, but it was open slightly. She didn’t give me a rule for that. Allowing my curiosity to get the better of me, and feeling a strange pull that urged me forward, I opened the door a few more inches. When it bumped into something, I stuck my head inside, looking for whatever was in the way.

“Levy!” I gasped. She was laying on the floor, her eyes closed and her entire body covered in sweat. Trying not to move her, I squeezed through the door, slamming it shut as I rushed to her, crouching down and cradling her against my chest before standing back up. Despite the sweat, she was ice cold. “Levy, hang on. I’m going to—”

I froze when her eyes shot open and she let out a small gasp. Her eyes met mine and widened. “Gajeel?” She asked, breathless.

“What the hell happened?” I frowned, relieved that she was at least conscious.

“I-I’m fine!” She snapped, shoving against me until she was standing on her own. “Didn’t you see the tag on the door? Get out!” She quickly walked to the other side of the room, wrapping her arms around herself as she kept her back turned to me.

My frown deepened. “The door was open, and you’ve been missing for three days. I wanted to make sure you were alright.”

“I’m fine. Now go.”

I marched over to her, grabbing her shoulder and spinning her around. “What the hell is your problem?”

“I—ah!” She clutched her stomach and bent over, breathing hard. Her eyes closed as her face contorted in pain, and I instantly forgot that I was angry with her.

“Levy,” I said, touching her arm, “what’s wrong?”

She suddenly straightened, a smile planted on her face. “Nothing, I’m fine.”

I frowned when she opened her eyes. They weren’t their usual hazel. Instead, they were tinted with red, and her pupils were too large. “What was that just now?”

“You’re so cute when you’re concerned,” she smirked. “It reminds me of that naïve kid I once knew.”

“I haven’t been a kid for a long time,” I frowned, wondering what the hell was going on.

“No,” she said, eying me very openly, “you most certainly haven’t.”

Now I knew there was something wrong. The Levy I knew would never say anything like that. “What’s going on?” I asked. “You’re acting weird.”

To that, she frowned. “I’m acting perfectly normal. I’m not some shy little thing. I’m a two-hundred year old succubus! You can’t even imagine the things I have done in my lifetime.”

Maybe not, but that didn’t stop my damned mind from trying. And that was making the fact that she was standing right up against me that much more uncomfortable. She could sense it, too, because a sly smirk spread across her face.

“Would you like me to show you?” She purred, coming even closer. Her entire body was pressed against mine now. Slowly, she trailed her hand up my arm, resting it on my shoulder.

Shaking myself out of my daze, I gave her a hard shove, backing away even as she stumbled back. “I don’t know what’s going on with you, but—”

She suddenly cried out again, clutching her stomach as she fell to her knees. “C-Can’t…I’m going to…” She fell over before she could finish.

“Levy!” I shouted, rushing to her. I shook her gently, at a total loss of what was going on.

“Always running to my rescue,” she chuckled, weakly, as she opened her eyes. “So sweet.”

“Stop messing around,” I snapped. “We need to get you some help. I don’t know what is going on, but—”

“No,” Levy protested, sitting up, “I don’t need anyone’s help. The tag was on the door for a reason, you need to leave. Now.”

“A minute ago you were hitting on me,” I joked, dryly.

“Gajeel,” she wheezed, frowning up at me, “go.” I noticed that her eyes were normal now. They were dim from exhaustion, but there was no red.

“I’m not going anywhere until you tell me what’s going on with you. You’re in pain, so let me help you.”

“You don’t even know what you’re offering,” she said, sadly. I grabbed her arm when she got to her feet, making sure she wouldn’t fall again. “I’m fine now,” she frowned.

“I told ya, I’m not leaving until you tell me what’s going on.”

With a sigh, she met my eyes. “You need to go back to your room. I didn’t mean to call you here and—”

“Call me here?” I asked, confused.

“You’ve been having strange dreams about me, yes?”

I looked away from her, not really sure if I wanted to admit that. It’s not like I want to have those damned dreams.

“My body was failing, so it called out to someone I trust—someone I thought could help me. Apparently, that was you.” She winced slightly, and I noticed the red tint in her eyes slowly come back. “You need to leave—now!”

“What do you mean, your body called out to me?” I asked, ignoring her warning.

She smirked, stepping closer to me and putting a hand on my bare chest. “I told you. I called out to you for help. Didn’t you just say you wanted to help me?”

“If there’s something I can do, then—”

“You can start by leaning down here a little closer,” Levy grinned, tugging on my shoulders. Before I could even react to the movement, her lips crashed into mine. As if on an impulse, I wrapped my arms around her waist and kissed her back. Despite how rough the kiss was, her lips were incredibly soft, almost like silk, but they were cold.

I finally realized what I was doing when she slid her hands down my torso, dragging her nails gently along the skin. “Wait, wait!” I gasped, shoving her away. “What the hell are you doing?!” I snapped, furious.

“You told me you wanted to help me,” she giggled, unaffected by my anger as she approached me, “and this is what I need to get better.”

I frowned. “What do you—”

“I’m dying, Gajeel!” She said. “I haven’t been able to feed since I got shot, and it’s your fault. So, either shut up and kiss me, or get the hell out of my room.”

“How’s that my fault?!” I growled, trying to ignore how her breasts pressed against me as she came even closer.

“I can’t get you out of my head,” she admitted, meeting my eyes. “Ever since you rushed me back here, and sat by my bed in the infirmary, I haven’t been able to stop thinking about you. And, annoyingly, I couldn’t bring myself to have sex with anyone because your damned face kept popping into my head!”

I shook my head, not really believing what she was telling me. “Wait,” I said, realizing what that meant, “you haven’t had sex in over a week?” I had heard of succubi going crazy after three days without sustenance, let alone going an entire week without it. Damn, I’m surprised she made it this long.

“Gajeel,” she gasped, grabbing my arms as her legs gave out, “please help me. Just this once. I’ll never ask this of you again, I swear. I’m in so much pain I can’t stand it.”

“Damn it,” I growled before bringing my lips down to hers. She met them with an intensity that nearly sent me to my knees. Her hands went to my shoulders as I pulled her up against my chest.

All too soon I had to pull away to breathe, and she took that opportunity to yank the small nightgown she was wearing over her head and toss it to the floor. When her hands went to my pants, I helped her shove them down, returning my lips to hers. Even as she led me towards her bed, and her hands snaked around my neck to pull me down on top of her, I knew this was a terrible idea.

This is the whole damned reason I joined the academy and became an Eradicator in the first place! She was just using me to fulfill her needs, not because she had any feelings for me. Then again, I was the one who had spent all these years convincing myself I didn’t have any feelings for her, either. I had told myself over and over again that I hated her for manipulating and using me. If that were true, I wouldn’t be here right now. I was frustrated beyond hell that this damned woman had this kind of effect on me.

I came out of my thoughts when she grabbed my face, forcing me to meet her eyes. “You know, most girls would get offended if you zoned out while in bed with them,” she teased. “I don’t know what you’re thinking about, but it can wait. I, on the other hand, cannot.” She kissed me then, not giving me the chance to answer. It’s just a one-time thing, like she said. I’m only doing this because she’ll die otherwise. That’s it. Just this once.


Gajeel trailed kisses down my jaw, nipping gently at my collarbone. I gasped, clutching his shoulders tightly, as he continued downward. I shouldn’t be doing this, I couldn’t help but think, despite how good it felt. But, I had been telling him the truth about not being able to have sex with anyone else. Something in me felt disgusted with the thought of anyone else toughing me, so I had locked myself in my room and prayed that it would go away if I grew hungry enough. Unfortunately, it hadn’t.

I leaned up when Gajeel reached behind me to unfasten my bra. He wasted no time in pulling it off and throwing it somewhere off the bed. Returning his lips to my skin, he kissed across the top of my chest, then slowly brought his lips to my nipple. I cried out as he sucked it into his mouth, swirling his tongue around it until it was a hard bead. Taking his time, he did the same with the other one.

“Gajeel,” I gasped, tangling my hands in his hair, “I can’t take much more of that. Hurry up.”

“So impatient,” he smirked, propping himself up on his elbow and staring down at me.

“You’d be impatient too if you were dying,” I tried to tease, but my breath was coming too fast for it to sound like anything other than a plea.

He nodded, kissing me hard. I shoved impatiently at his boxers until he kicked them off, leaving my annoying underwear the only thing separating us. I circled my fingers around his erection, glad that I wasn’t the only one tired of waiting. I smirked, trailing my fingers along his length, just barely touching him. He moaned into my mouth, his hips involuntarily moving towards my fingers as he sought for release.

Instead of giving him what he wanted, I grabbed his face, pulling his mouth away from mine and meeting his crimson eyes. God, I could have looked into those eyes forever. They had been haunting my dreams since I met him—they were so full of life, so clear in showing exactly what Gajeel was thinking.

I smiled and stroked his face. “Even with all those piercings, you’re still rather handsome,” I giggled.

“Handsome?” He snorted.

“Yes, handsome,” I grinned. “My sweet Gajeel.”

Pain flashed across his face briefly, but before I could ask him about it, he was kissing me once more. His rolled his hips against mine, his erection pressing against my sex through the—what I was sure was—soaked fabric of my underwear.

“Gajeel,” I moaned, begging now for him to stop the torture. My body was practically shaking with need, knowing I was so close to getting what I so desperately craved.

Giving in, he mercilessly ripped the fabric away and put his hands on my knees, shoving them apart. Slowly, his hand slid down my thigh. I bit my lip when he slipped a single finger between my folds, using it to rub my clit with torturously slow movements. Once I had started squirming, he added a second finger and increased the pressure.

“M-More,” I groaned, fisting my hands into the sheets at my sides. He obliged, working his fingers into my entrance, moving them in and out with steady motions, all the while using his thumb to continue rubbing my clit. As he increased the speed of his hand, I felt my orgasm building. My muscles were growing tighter with every passing second, and just as I could feel myself on the brink of coming undone, Gajeel’s hand disappeared.

“W-Wait—” I tried to plea, but was cut off when something else pressed against my sex.

I met Gajeel’s eyes for just a moment before he kissed me, pressing into my opening as his tongue explored my mouth. He moved his hips in quick thrusts, and I met each one of them with my own. I felt my nails digging into the taut muscles of his back as I clung to him, but he didn’t seem to mind. He had returned to his previous job of teasing my breasts, causing so many sensations to course through my body that I wasn’t sure which ones were coming from where.

Suddenly, those sensations all centered on my core and began to pulse with every thrust of Gajeel’s hips until they were so intense that a scream ripped itself from my throat. My back arched as I found release, the orgasm sending me to a blissful world where all I could feel was the most intense pleasure I had ever felt before. I was vaguely aware of Gajeel’s release, hearing him whisper my name into my ear over and over until we both began to sink back down to Earth.

I gasped for air as he rolled off me and fell onto his back beside me. The orgasm faded into a dull hum as I listened to Gajeel’s heavy breathing. When I glanced over at him, I saw that he was fast asleep. Some of his hair, soaked with sweat, stuck to his face and shoulders, just as it had five years ago.

My sweet Gajeel. That was how I had thought of him since the day he caught me after I fell from that ladder in the library. He had tried to come off as cold, but I knew that he had a kind heart deep down. Before I knew it, I had been won over by how kind he was to me. Because I was a succubus, I drew men in, making it so they wanted me more than anything else in the world. I could tell that Gajeel wasn’t kind to me for those reasons, though, which made me want to be around him even more.

However, after I had slept with him, I knew it would be a bad idea to stick around. He was a human, after all. No matter how sweet he was to me, there could be no future for us. I would have only ended up hurting him.

Which I did anyways, I thought as I pulled the cover over us and snuggled close to Gajeel’s side as he slept. I couldn’t get that pained look he had given me out of my head. Why did he look so sad just then? I looked at his sleeping face, a content smile faint on his lips.

I giggled, kissing him on the jaw before laying my head on his chest. I’ll ask him about it tomorrow. “Thank you, Gajeel.”

Wow, so...that happened. XD I did warn you I'm terrible at lemons. Lol!

GAH! I totally forgot to do this when I posted the chapter, but I want to dedicate this one to @BambooGreen! She's amazing, and y'all should go check out her fanfics! She writes A-MA-ZING Gale ones--and there are so many! <3_<3 Go read them! Dooooooo iiiiiitttttttt!!!!!!

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