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"Tae come on wake up already. You might be late." yelled Kim Jiso in a not so kind way hoping to wake up the teenager who was still floating in his dreamland.She could hear her husband, Kim Daehyun's giggle from behind the newspaper. She glared at the said male and  tried three more times, seeing she got no answer, went up to her beloved son's room.

Their faces were inches apart, he could feel the other males breath fanning over his cherry red lips, the other male started to lean in more and their lips almost met...-" Kim Taehyung you better get your ass out of the goddamn bed this instant or I  swear I might explode" "Mom, we almost kissed. Why would you do this to me?" whined Taehyung at his mom who just glared at him. "Well good thing I stopped it at the kiss right? Who knows what could've happened?" she teased the male on the bed, still sleepy. He came to his senses and he felt his cheeks heating up as a blush crept on his face when he understood what his mom actually meant and whined at it. She left the boy to get ready for school. 

Jiso and Daehyun were enjoying their breakfast when their 16 year old ran down the stairs exclaiming that he was late. He grabbed a sandwich and kissed his parents goodbye as he rushed out to catch the bus. 


He waited for a few minutes before the school came into view.

He entered the bus and lowered his head due to the smirks and stares of the others filled with disgust . He took the last seat where no one was and looked out the window seeing the trees pass by as a sigh escaped his lips. 

He has been used to this for 2 years ever since someone outed his real sexuality. As the week boy he was, he couldn't do anything but put up with everything the other students said and did. 

'Loser' 'Faggot' 'Slut' He could feel tears well up in his eyes but he held it in. The poor boy was bullied by almost everyone in the school but never thought of telling his parents since he didn't wanna burden them with this. Though he loved them both very much, he knew they weren't his real parents. "Hey slut, looking for someone for a quick fuck?", said Jackson, one of his bullies as he traced Taehyung's cheek with the beck of his index finger. 

Taehyung could feel his hazel eyes getting glossy with tears as he bit his lips and lowered his head making his soft ash hair fall on his eyed. He felt Jackson grip his jaw with great force and lifting his head to look at him, "Fucking look at me when I talk to you." Taehyung felt a sting as a  palm came in contact with his soft cheek and felt hot tears which welled up in his eyes making their way down his cheek. "Aw I made you cry. Are you gonna tell your daddy ?", mocked Jackson, emphasizing 'daddy'. Taehyung again lowered his head as he felt more tears escaping his eyes. Jackson and his gang of friends smirked and turned to leave, except Jihoon, who pitied the poor kid who was crying with his head hung low. "You coming or what?" said Jackson and Jihoon looked at Taehyung once again and left with them.

No one came forward to help him as he got his bag and left for class not without covering the redness blooming on his left cheek.

'You are pathetic, Kim Taehyung' he said to himself as he looked at the mirror and left for class. He wished, no longed for someone who would love him and be with no matter what, but he was sure that it was nothing but a fantasy.

Well sometimes fantasies can also be real.....


Hey guys, I am new to writing I have read a lot though. Anyways I don't know if this was good so far, but I'll make sure to try my best in the upcoming chapters. Please do tell what you guys thought. If there are any mistakes, please let me know.I'm sorry since this chapter was short. I'll write more once I get the hand of this. Sorry.


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