Chapter 22:Tartarus

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Midoriya's POV

I get up from my bed after hearing Touka crying. Tenko sighs and huffs. I put on some clothes and go to breastfeed Touka. I take her out from the baby coat and hold her. "Izuku... How is your postpartum period? When will it end?.." Tenko asks in a very low voice.

"Nah, I'm already healed." I smile at Tenko. I walk to the bed and sit beside him. He looks at me in confusion. "I know it sound weird and doesn't make any sense but Recovery Girl said I have a self-healing Quirk." I answer unsure.

Tenko rubs his chin. "Now that you mention it..." I wait for him to talk. "When you were first kidnapped last year after that were gravely injured..." Tenko's words trigger something in my mind.

"But you surprisingly healed by yourself,Izuku..." Tenko explains while scratching his head in puzzled. " Dammit! I hate puzzle!" He gives up thinking.

No one know the real answer,except...

"All For One?" I say. His name suddenly come out of my mouth. Tenko glares at me. He gives me the "What the heck?" expression. He suddenly looks away from me.

His face darkens...

"He is the only one who knows,I mean...he is the closest person to me in the past..." I explain awkwardly. Crap,I should have not mention his name. This is a sensitive issue for Tenko.

The awkward silence continue. Tenko looks very mad now. I sigh long and get up to put Touka back in her baby coat.

He still cared for All For One...why did I mention his name? I already knew Tenko hate it when someone mentions All For One. I mean,Tenko is very closed to him.To Tenko,he is his savior...

I keep mumbling. "Shut the hell up!" Tenko yells at me. His yells shock me,even Touka. Touka starts crying again,frightens by Tenko's yells. Tenko only glares at me and Touka.

I pout and cuddle Touka. I sing a lullaby and she slowly falls asleep again. I put her back in the baby coat and leave the room in sadness.

This is my first time quarreling with Tenko. He never acts coldly towards me or yells at me before. It hurts so much. I go to the common area downstairs. I see Iida-kun and Ochako-chan chatting happily at the couch with Yaoyorozu-san and Kirishima-kun.

I sit between Iida-kun and Ochako-chan. Both of them are surprised by my sudden action. "Midoriya-kun, what's wrong?" Iida-kun asks in concern. I lay my head on his shoulder. My eyes tear up. I cry loudly.

"Midoriya-san! What happenned!?" Yaoyorozu-san panics. I don't answer. Instead, I bury my face in Iida-kun's broad chest. Ochako-chan rubs my back. "Deku-chan,please tell us..." She tries to persuade me.

"Did Bakubro said something mean to you again?" Kirishima sighs. I shake my head. "Tenko..." I mutter but then I cry again.Saying his name really hurts me."Shimura-san?" Yaoyorozu-san stares at me.

"That bastard! What did he do to you!?" Kirishima-kun clenches his fists in anger.

I finallt lift my head up. I keep hiccuping. "It's...not a big deal...he only yelled at me....but it hurts much..." I mutter between sobs.

Everyone stares at me in pity."Oh,so you got in fight with Shimura?" Ochako-chan guesses. I nod slowly.

They all stare at each other. "He...never me before..." I hiccup. "It's normal for couple to fight once a time,Midoriya-san.You don't have to worry." Yaoyorozu-san assures while smiling warmly.

"Y-Yeah.Don't worry, Shimura will cool down! Okay?" Ochako-chan gives me a closed-eyes smile. Iida-kun and Kirishima-kun agrees with them.

"I thought he hit you or something. If he did that,I won't hesitate to tell All Might!" Kirishima-kun grins at me, showing his shark-like teeth.

"T-Thanks all are my best friends." I give them a small smile while wiping away my tears.


Three days later...

2A's Classroom...

Midoriya's POV

It's already three days and Tenko still won't talk to me. I always feel awkward whenever I enter my room if Tenko is in there. We even sleep seperately.I sleep on the bed while Tenko sleep on the floor.

I sigh. Kaminari-kun suddenly approaches my desk. "Hey,Midoriya! All Might wanna see you!" he tells me.

All Might?Why?

"Okay!Thanks Kaminari-kun!" I thank him and leave my classroom.

I go to the faculty room. I see All Might and he waves at me while smiling. "All Might!" my eyes shine when I see the figure I love so much.

"Hey,Young Izuku." All Might ruffles my messy dark green hair. My face tints red slightly. Whenever we're both alone, All Might will call me by my first name. It really makes me happy!

"Have a sit,my girl." All Might sits at his chair. I sit on the cozy chair. "You see,Young Izuku..." All Might speaks up. "Yes?" I wait patiently.

"I got a call from Tsukauchi. He said All For One wants to see you..." My eyes widen when I heard the last part.

"All For One?Why?" I gasp in surprise. I cover my mouth to hold back my scream.

All Might shrugs his shoulder. "I don't know the reason..." he sighs. "When will I see him?" I ask him eagerly. "Tomorrow,since it is weekend. "All Might answer. " Aizawa,me and Gran Torino will escort you." He tells me while gritting his teeth.

"All Might..." I call out his name with worried look. He looks very worried. "I'm fine,my girl. Don't give me that face." All Might pinches my cheeks playfully.

I smile at him happily. All Might is like a father figure to me. He is so caring.

"Next day,sharp at 8.30 a.m., we will depart." All Might reminds me. I give him a 'thumbs-up'.

"Okay! Settle!" I grin at All Might. I wave a goodbye and leave the faculty room and return to my class...


Sunday,8.20 a.m...

In front of gate...

Midoriya's POV

I arrive ten minutes earlier and all teachers are already there."Okay,let'a go-"

"IZUKU!" A voice calls my name.I turn my back and see Tenko rushing to me, follow by my other classmates.

Tenko hugs me tightly. "Why did you never tell me you'll meet sensei!?" he asks me. "It's because you were sulking." I pout. Tenko bites his lips in frustration.

"Midoriya,should you go? I heard that place is fulls of terrifying villains." Kirishima-kun says. Everyone looks at me in worry.

"I want to.Because...that my birth father." I say. "But no worries guys.Senseis are here to escort and guard me." I give them a reassuring smile.

They all stare at each other before nodding. "If you say so...then we hope everything go smooth." Iida-kun smiles
Everyone smiles at me. My smile widen. Tenko only stays quiet.

"Midoriya,we've to go now." Aizawa-sensei taps his watch. I nod to him and turn my head to look at Tenko.

"See you later,Tenko." I smile at him.Tenko grits his teeth in worry.

Tenko suddenly grabs my shoulder roughly and pulls me into a kiss. He slithers my waist with his slender arm. I gasp in embarrassment. My face flush red. We break apart and Tenko hugs me tightly. "Be careful." he says before letting me go.

I don't say a word as I am too shock of Tenko's sudden action and feeling very embarrass. Smoke is coming out from my ears and my body face heats up.


My internal voice screams.

Everyone stares at us in surprise. The boys are blushing madly except for Kaminari-kun and Mineta-kun, the top perverts in our class. Both of them tear up.

The girls gasp in surprise especially Ochako-chan. They smirk at me mischievously. All of them give 'thumbs up' to me.

I only smile awkwardly. "Y-Young Izuku..." All Might calls up my name. I turn my back to face him and gosh, he is spitting blood!

"A-A-All Might! Are you okay!?" I ask in panic. I take out my tissues and give them to All Might.

All Might accepts it and wipes away the blood on his mouth."Can we go?" Aizawa-sensei shots a deadly glare at me.

I frantically nod at him and get into the car.I wave a goodbye to my friends and my lover.


In the car...

Third Person's POV

Midoriya and All Might sit at passanger seats. Gran Torino sits at the front passanger seat while Aizawa becomes the driver.

"Midoriya...kissing in school is forbidden." Aizawa calls Midoriya while shaking his head. Kids these days!

"I-I-I-I'm sorry! I never intend too!" Midoriya apologizes repeatedly. "You said you're going to...marry Shimura right? When is it?" All Might asks.

"We...still haven't decide." Midoriya replies while resting her chin against her palm. All Might sighs in relief,earning a confuse stare from Midoriya.


15 miutes passed ...

Midoriya's POV

I stretch up my body after getting out of the car. I stare at the building called Tartarus,prison for dangerous All For One.

The prison is full of high tech gadget and dangerous traps, in case any villain manage to run away.

"Young Izuku,are you ready?" All Might asks me. I smile at him confidently. "Yes!"


AN-Hey guys!!!!!Thanks for reading my book!Author-chan is sooooooooooo happy!!!!😭😭

Next chapter,Izuku will have a father-daughter conversation with All For One!

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