Chapter 29:When?

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Two days later,
Class 2-A Dorm,
Izuku's room...

Tenko's POV

Izuku suddenly passed out after she managed to stop Kuroha's rage. She passes out due to fatigue and overusing her Quirk. Touka is admitted into the infirmary too to make sure she stays healthy. Since there are a lot of unexpected things happen, Touka might be shocked so Recover Girl offers to take care of her for a while. I am alone in Izuku's room.

I receive a call from All Might that Izuku is finally awake along with Touka. We're in good term right now.

I leave the room and see the future heroes hanging out in the lounge. "Hey,Shimura! Are you on the way to see Midoriya?" Spiky Hair greets me while grinning,showing his shark-like teeth. "Yeah.Wanna tag along?" I invite them. The others nod in excitement. We all walk together while chatting along the way.

A few minutes of walking,we finally arrive at the infirmary. I open the door slowly and take a peek. Izuku is breastfeeding Touka and I see a dark blue hair girl in black dress sitting beside Izuku...

"What the heck!?" I yell in shock. That girl is surprised and she suddenly disappears. Touka starts to cry and Izuku tries to calm her down. "Tenko! Why are you yelling!?" Izuku scolds me.

I enter the infirmary and sit on the chair next to Izuku's bed. Her friends enter the room too. "I'm sorry. I was...shocked to see she is here." I apologize in guilty.

Izuku shakes her head. "Izuku!" a woman's voice calls Izuku name in panic. "Oh dear! I'm glad you're fine!" Mom cries out in happiness. "You always make me worried!" she says.

Izuku scratches the back of head. "Sorry Mom." she smiles at Mom warmly. "Oh,Touka!" Mom stares at Touka and Izuku hands her to Mom.

Mom gladly takes her from Izuku and cuddles her. The girls surround Mom to play with Touka.

"So,Midoriya.How are you feeling?" Half-Half-boy finally speaks up. "I'm okay now. Just a bit tired..." Izuku smiles at him which make me mad.

I glare deadly at that mismatch boy. I am about to open my mouth when someone suddenly interrupt. "Yeah,she is still tired so get the hell out of this room." Kuroha glares at him too.

Everyone is surprised by her sudden appearance. We stare at her in fear, afraid she will go berserk again. "What?" she asks in cold tone. She huffs in annoyance and then disappears again.

Izuku sighs long. "Sorry. Kuroha really needs lots of time to get along with you guys." she apologizes. "Is it safe for her to come out?"  Four-eyes asks in doubt.Everyone stares at each other in worry. Izuku nods.

"No worries anymore. She won't go berserk again." Izuku assures them with a warm smile. Her smile is the most beautiful thing I've ever seen in my life. Kuroha suddenly appears again. She walks to Mom and the girls and plays with Touka. Touka giggles at her.

Mom doesn't look surprise at all and welcomes Kuroha. She gives Touka to Kuroba.Kuroha is surprised by her kind attitude. "You're not scared of me?" she asks in disbelief.

Mom shakes her head and smiles at Kuroha. "Oh,I'm used too your kinds. I've seen Izumi's Dark Guardian before so I'm sort of used to it." she explains the reason.

"But I think you're a unique one you know.Izumi said to me that Dark Guardian never have emotion and feelings like humans did." she smiles warmly at Kuroha.

Kuroha stays quiet. She is thinking about something.Izuku stares at Kuroha and Kuroha stares at Izuku back. "See? I told you you're special " Izuku chuckles.vKuroha's smile widens.

"Yeah! Of course I am!"  Kuroha praises herself. " about you do it now?" Izuku suddenly asks.We looks at her in confusion.

Kuroha suddenly averts Izuku's stares. She plays with Touka. " promised..." Izuku stresses her voice a bit.

Kuroha sighs in frustration. She turns her back to face us with annoyong face. "I'm sorry for hurtung you guys." she apologizes but it sounds a bit blunt. "What!? Is that supposed to be an apology after you hutt us,you crazy chick!?" Blonde yells in anger.

"I only apologized because Izuku told so. Why would I do it sincerely to someone with broken brain and short-tempered like you?" She mocks Blonde while smirking.

Blonde is ready to attack and his friends have to stop him. "Dammit Deku! What kind of story about me did you tell her!?" he pushes his friends away with strong force and ready to attack Izuku. I get up and grab his left arm.

His skins start to crumble. He groans in pain. "If you dare to lay a finger on Izuku,I will turn tou into dust." I threaten with deep,cold voice. Even though I'm not a villain anymore, the villainous side is still inside me.

The kids start to shiver in fear,including Mom. Izuku stares at me in concern. I roughly let Blonde's arm go."If you dare to try to hurt Izuku again,I won't hesitate to hurt you!" I remind him.

Izuku sighs in relief and thanks me for letting Blonde go.

They all chat for a while when Recovery Girl and All Might enter the room. "Midoriya,you're allowed to return to your dorm." her announcement makes me jump slightly. Everyone leaves the room except me and Mom. She asks me to stay in the infirmary for a while.

"So Mom...what do you want?" I nervously ask her.We've never talk much so it feels a bit awkward. "Tenko,when are you going to marry Izuku?" she asks eagerly. "I know both of you were just engaged but I think you should marry her as soon as possible." she says.

I stay quiet. Am I really ready? "I don't know...." I fidget. What should I do? I'm freaking nervous!

"If you don't have any plan yet,then I'll help you." She smiles in excitement. I stare at her in confusion. "Help me...with what?" I ask her,still confuse. "Help you propose Izuku of course!" she pats my back.

My jaws drop. "I know I'm rushing thing too fast but I just want both of you and Touka become a real family." she speaks up in calming tone. "You can't wait till Izuku finishes her study,Tenko." she says.

"I'll propose Izuku...on my own..." I finally agree. Mom's smile widens. "Thanks Tenko. I hope the best for three of you." she says. Mom ruffles my unruly hair affectionately.I feel a little embarrass.My face blush a little.

It had been long time since I was treated like a kid that I forgot mother's love.

Mom leaves the room follow by me. I am the last one to leave the room and see All Might standing outside. "Oh, Shimura. Inform me if you want to propose Young Izuku." All Might pats my shoulder while smiling at me.


"You heard?!" I yell in shock and embarrassment. All Might chuckles. "I heard you,young man. Don't worry, I won't tell her." he assures. I can only let out a heavy sigh.

"You better hurry.Young Izuku is waiting for you outside." he tells me before leaving me alone. I nod and leave the building..


Outside UA's school building....

I see Izuku patiently waiting for me. She looks at her watch. I call her name."Izuku!"

Izuku hears me and quickly rushes to me. "What's taking you so long?" she asks before giving me a warm hug. "I was talking to All Might." I reply while patting Izuku's fluffy curly hair.

"About what?" she asks curiously. "Nothing. Just chatting." I lie. "I'm glad you're getting along with him." Izuku praises me. Izuku breaks the hugs and gazes into my crimson red eyes. She slowly presses her soft,pinkish lips on my dried lips. I am surprised but I still kiss her back.

I slither my hand on her waist and pull her closer to me. Izuku caresses my cheeks and deepens our steamy kiss. We kiss for a few good minutes. We break apart to breathe some air. "A gift for you..." she speaks up in seductive tone.

"Thanks...for everything,Tenko...I love you..." She comfesses. I get closer to her face and our forehead are touching.

"I love you too,Izu...." I say with a warm smile.


AN-Hey guys!!!Another new chapter!!!Next chapter is going to be very,very sweet and romantic!!!I can't wait!!!


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