Chapter 3:The Truth

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Abandoned factory...

Midoriya's POV

When I open the door, a light appear, blinding my eyes for a few seconds. When the light disappear, I slowly open my eyes again. My body is aching. I feel my head throbbing. "Ouch..." I hiss in pain.

I see All For One in front of me. I quickly distance myself and try to run away but fail. My legs won't move. I can't see Kacchan or my other friends anymore. They may have escape.

"Forcible Quirk Activation,Magnetism." All For One stabs Magne's body with black sharp nails to activate Magne's Quirk. I take this opportunity to run away.

But I suddenly feel something pulls me back. My body is shining with red sparks. "What..!?" I gasp in disbelief. What's happening?!

"YOUNG MIDORIYA!!" I hear All Might calling me. "All Might!!! Help!!" I shout to him for help. My body is getting closer to the portal. The other villains are getting pulled into the portal too.

All Might dashes to me but All For One stops him. "Don't take what's mine, All Might." All For One threatens. "No,sensei don't! With that'll..!!" Tomura tries to escape the portal but fails after I hit his body. "Tomura...protect her in my place..." All For One tells him. I'm shocked after hearing his words. What does he mean?

"ALL MIGHT!" I'm done for.My body is fully inside the portal and everything turns black...


A few days later...
Villains' base...

Midoriya's POV

I open my eyes and the first
thing I see is Himiko Toga, the villain standing beside me. "Oh,guys! Izuku-chan is awake!" Himiko announces excitedly and dashes out of the room I'm staying in right now.

"Dammit, Toga. Stop yelling,you crazy girl." I hear Dabi cursing. I get up and leave the room. I climb down the stairs and see the villain members hanging out.


I'm dead.

This is... The villains' secret base!

"Ahhh!!!" I yell and try to run away from them but one of the villains manages to catch me."Where do you think you're going, green girl?" the villain calls Mr.Compress threatens me.

"You've nowhere to go anymore,chick." a villain in tight suit says.

"W-Why? Why did you kidnap me?" I ask while trembling in fear. "Like hell we know! We're the one who should be asking! NOT YOU!!" Tomura suddenly yells, shocking everyone in the room.

"Why?! Why did he tell me to protect you!?! What is so special about you?!" he keeps yelling at me. I only stay silent while shivering in fear."ANSWER ME, DAMMIT!" he pulls my hair with brutal force. I hiss in pain.

"I-I don't know..." my tears stream down.  Why? Why is this happening to me?

"You're the one I hate the most! You always interrupt with my plan!! You're the reason I always fail! YOU'RE THE REASON SENSEI GOT CAUGHT!!!" he keeps yelling before letting my hair go roughly,making me fall on the ground. My tears stream down faster.

Wait... He just said All For One got caught...

Which mean.. All Might won!

"Calm down,Tomura Shigaraki. There might be reasons Sensei asked us to protect her."  Kurogiri calms Tomura down."Let's call him. Maybe he knows something about Midoriya." Kurogiri suggests.

Everyone looks at him in confusion. Tomura only responds with 'tch'. "Whatever.Just find out about this scumbag already." he says before giving me a deadly glare.

I avert his glares with facing Himiko-chan's face. Himiko-chan smiles at me and helps me stand on my feet. Kurogiri dials a number. The phone is ringing."So who is this 'he'?" Mr.Compress asks curiously. "This person is the one who fix Sensei's body. He's sensei's good friend." Kurogiri explains.

"Hello?" an old man's voice picks up the call. "Dr.Kirijo?(I create it ok?) Can you come to the 'nest' now? We need you to confirm some things." Kurogiri keeps talking to 'Dr.Kirijo'.

The phone hangs up. "Well,no worry anymore." Kurogiri assures.


A few minutes later...

We hear knocking on the door and Dabi opens the door. Dr.Kirijo and a young man in long coat enter the room. Wow,he looks quite stunning. "So,what did you wanna confirm?" he asks with bothered expression on his face. The young man suddenly looks at me and gives me a small smile, which creeps me out.

"Now,Doctor. Do you know anything about this girl?" Kurogiri pushes me forward forcefully. Doctor Kirijo stares at me for a long time.

I avert my eyes from his stares. "You're...oh dear! How I miss you,Izu! I can't believe I'll meet you again after that incident 11 years ago!" he shakes my hands happily. Everyone looks at him with qustionable expression.

"Villains, this girl is All For One's daughter." his announcement surprises everyone,including me and Tomura. "W-What the heck are talking about?! Sensei has no family!" Tomura tries to deny Dr.Kirijo.

"Unfortunately,he has. But he never mentions this for various reasons." Dr.Kirijo explains calmly. "All For One once met a young woman,who was a rookie hero at the bar that used to be our old base." Dr.Kirijo begins telling the story.

"That woman her name is Izumi. She was depressed for some reasons I didn't know so All For One used that chance to recruit her. Rumors said she'd a very powerful and dangerous quirk, Darkness." he pauses and looks at me.

Yes, there is no mistake. That woman I saw in my dream is my mother.

"But for some reasons, All For One opened his heart to Izumi and both of them fell in love.One night,they both slept together and the result was Izumi was pregnant of Izuku." he ends the story calmly.

That was... The origin of myself.

Everyone looks awed by the story .Tomura looks very shocked by this. They all look at me with the 'Seriously?' expression.

My body can't stop shaking. This is too much for me. "W-Why did mother die...? Who killed her?" I ask him in disbelief when I recall my dream. Dr.Kirijo looks at me and sighs. "A hero killed her. That's when you lost your memories. All For One erased them" he explains with regret. I drop on my knees. I rub my face with my hands.

I can't accept this...

Why... Why did the hero kill mother?!

Dr.Kirijo walks to me and pats my shoulder. "This is why hero is nothing more than trash of society,Izuku.This is the reality of the world. You can't deny it,dear." he says with calm expression.

"W-Why did he erase my memory?" I ask. My voice becomes croaked after crying profusely. "He didn't want you to remember such a horrible thing. You witnessed your mother's death and you also hurt the hero who killed your mother. He ended up giving you to Izumi's friend to raise you." he looks at me with face full of pity.

Mother's friend... Maybe he is referring to Mom.

"Now that we've reunited,you're now a new member of League of Villains." he announces. "And as All For One wish,you guys have to protect her with your life,got it?" he looks at the young villains' faces one by one before stopping at me.

" Yeay! I've female companion!" Himiko-chan hugs me cheerfully.

"Well,the more the merrier." Mr.Compress says unenthusiastically.

"Whatever.As long as you're strong." Dabi says with boring look.

"You're welcomed,not here." Twice welcomes me.

"She's cute so never mind." Spinner smirks at me with pervert face.

"Call me Big Sis Mag,not Magne okay." Magne smiles at me.

"Welcome to the League of Villains,Izuku." Kurogiri welcomes me.

For some reasons, I don't feel like I'm threatened anymore. It feels like everyone really welcomes me. Well,not everyone.Tomura is the only who stays quiet. Everyone is waiting for their leader's response.

"Tch." he leaves the room im anger and slams the door angrily. Dr.Kirijo only shakes his head. "Well,I need to leave too.See you later,Izu dear." he pats my head before leaving the base. The young man bows at me respectfully and follows Dr.Kirijo.

I only nod to them. Himiko-chan is still hugging me tightly,not letting me go. "Can't...breathe..." her hugs suffocate me. "Oops,sorry~" she apologizes in playful tone.

I wonder what kind of journey awaits me in the future...


A/n:Holla guys! So now you know Izuku's past? I have this idea for a few months already but I'm unsure whether I should write a fanfic or not.But I did it!!

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