Chapter 31:League of Villains

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Dabi's POV

"Dabi!Wake up!" Toga suddenly wakes me up from my slumber.

"What the hell?Stop yelling,Toga." I huff in annoyance.Toga smiles crazily.

It had been three weeks since Shigaraki and Izuku were gone. And here we are stuck with that crazy bastard. But I'm glad we're finally free again. At last,Elementa got caught a few days ago. We all know Izuku is the one who defeated him.

I stay quiet for a few seconds.Toga stares at me with her crazy smile. "Geez,I really missed Izu-chan and Tomura-kun! I wonder how Touka is doing! She might be chubby! I want to pinch her soft cheeks!!!" Toga starts fangirling.

Oh yeah....they have kid now.I let out a sigh of dissapointment.

I leave my room and go downstairs where Kurogiri and the villains are hanging out.

"Sup guys." I greet them.The villains nod. "We're finally free!" Spinner cheers. "Yeah,it was a hell for us." I agree with him.

The three hell weeks flash in my mind....


Three weeks ago...
Villains' base...

No one's POV

Two days after Izuku and Tomura were gone,the villains gathered downstairs to submit themselves to the police.

Kurogiri called Doctor Kirijo but he wouldn't pick up.

A few time after trying,he finally picked up the call. "K-Kuro- *cough,cough*'ve to *cough,cough* escape! E-Elementa-"and then they heard the sound of chopping.

"Damn old man! Why the hell you called them!?" Elementa's voice was heard at the phone.The call ended.

" What the hell is happenning!?" Spinner asked Kurogiri in panic. "I don't know but we've to go now!" Kurogiri opened the portal but something suddenly came out from the floor.


The vines pierced into Kurogiri,causing him to lose his conciousness. "Oi!Portal Dude! Wake up!" Dabi called him out but there was no respond.

"Where do you think you're going!?" Elementa appeared out of nowhere.

"You...!!" Magne activated his Magnetism but something was preventing him. Vines were restraining his arms!

"Oh yeah,so that girl and Tomura are gone now..." Elementa smirked evilishly. "You guys are under me now.Follow my order or I'll kill you!" he threatened.

Dabi positioned himself in fighting stance. "What have you done to that old man!?" Dabi used his Quirk but Elementa gracefully avoided his attack.

"Dead,why?Are you sad?" Elementa laughed. He dashed to Dabi and stabbed his stomach with lightning sword."DABI!!!" Toga cried out. She ran to Dabi and held his shoulder.

Dabi placed his hands on his now bleeding stomach. His body wouldn't stop shaking. "Listen! If you guys don't help me kill that green girl,I'll end your life here and now!" Elementa threatened.

"And why the hell we've to help you!? I won't kill Izuku!! Never!" Dabi yelled in madness and hatred.

Elementa smirked devilishly.His eyes darted from Dabi to Toga. Dabi noticed it and shouted; "Toga,run!!"

But it was too late. Elementa dashed to Toga at crazy speed and tried to stab her right through her heart. But Dabi protected her. "DABI!!! NO!!!!" Toga's eyes became teary.

Dabi was panting heavily.He had lost lots of blood. He could die anytime. "Please stop! We'll help you!" Toga pleaded in desperassion.

"Ahh,what a good girl." Elementa grinned at her. Toga could only tremble in fear. For everyone's safety,she will do anything to protect them!

" to do..?" Dabi asked in pure hatred."Just want you guys to kill lots of people with powerful Quirks to make some Nomus. Easy right?" Elementa smiled cynically at the villains.

And for the past two weeks,they killed many people non-stop to create Noumus. Elementa was the only one who knew how to create them without All For One helps.

And after that,he went to UA and abducted Izuku's child so that he could fight her.

Kurogiri unwillingly teleported the Noumus to the city since Elementa's threat scared them. He was much stronger than them.

But there was always blessing in disguise. Elementa then was defeated and caught by the police. He was sent to the Tartarus.


Dabi's POV

And after that incident,we submit ourselves to UA without Izuku and Shigaraki knowing.

And here we are,at a homestay that UA had prepared for us.

All Might almost tells both of them but we ask him to keep it secret for a while. We've no courage to face them.

"Soooo,when we can see Izu-chan again?? I'm homesick now." Toga pouts. I glare at her.

"Yeah,I'm starting to miss that little girl." Twice says,agreeing with her. Her eyes shine in happiness.

"I want to meet them too. I missed Izuku and Touka." Kurogiri sighs.

It was my order not to allow them to meet Izuku and Shigaraki.

"That's it! I can't hold back anymore! I want to meet them!!!" Toga leaves the room in hurry. "Wait,Toga!" I call her but she ignores me. I rush to her and manage to grasp her hand.

"Why!?Why you still didn't want to meet them!?" Toga scolds me.I stare at her in silent.

"Oh,could it be because you were afraid to see Izu-chan!? Because she didn't like you back,you didn't want to see her! You coward!!" Toga says cynically.

My heart burns in anger. How dare she calls me a coward!!

"I'm not a coward!It's just-"

"Just what!? Are you saying you're not ready to see her because your heart isn't ready!? You were afraid it will break your heart if you see her with Tomura-kun!?"

I stay quiet.

"Can you just be a man and forget about her already!? There is plenty of women out there!" Toga's words enrage me.

"You think it is easy to forget someone you love!? You think it is easy to find another woman!?" I deny her.

"Yeah! It is easy!" Toga's eyes become teary. "There is no way there is woman out there that will love me! Izuku is the only one who has showed affection to me!"I yell.

"There is! There is woman out there that like you! I like you! I love you so much!" Toga's last words shock me.


Toga begins to cry. This is my first time seeing her crying. "I love you. Why you haven't notice at all?" she covers her face.

"I've always cared for you,Dabi. Even Izu-chan noticed my feelings towards you. She always encouraged me..." She speaks up.

"But I've always jealous of her because you liked her. That's why I agreed to help Elementa. B-But I rellalized it will only hurt you if Izuku die..."

"But you still didn't notice it.You still liked Izu-chan...." She cried louder.

No wonder...she had been so clingy to me...

My heart is pounding fast.I unconsciously pull Toga into hug. "I'm sorry...I was too idiot...dense...that I didn't notice you..."I say.

Toga is surprised but she hugs me back. "D-Dabi..."

I let her go and gaze into her eyes.

So...this is true love...

I get closer to her face. I slowly press my lips against Toga's. Toga cups my purple cheeks.We stay in kiss for a few minutes.

"Woah!!!The ship has been sailed!!!!" Spinner's voice catch us off guard!

We quickly break apart. The villains are smirking at us.Toga only giggles. "Congrats both of you." Kurogiri applauses.

"So,Dabi.Can we see Izu-chan now?" She asks eagerly. I smile at my new love and nod. "Of course,baby."

The villains give us wolf-whistling. I shake my head. What a kid.


AN-Hi guys!!!!Nice to see you guys!!!I'm sorry this chapter has no Tenko or Izuku!But I hope you enjoy my story!!!

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