Special Chapter 01-The New Generation

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Six years later...

Third Person's POV

"Io!Hurry up! We're going to be late to school!" A light blue-haired girl shouts from dowstairs. Touka is tired of waiting for her little brother,Iozaki.

"Coming!" The boy with dark green curly hair replies and quickly goes downstairs in hurry.

"Why did you have to be late every morning?!" Touka smacks Iozaki's head. She scowls in irritation.

Touka Shimura.12 year-old.Quirk,One For All. She has light blue curly,shoulder-length hair and a pair of green forest eyes.She can use One For All at full power even without training and muscles.Very sensitive and easily gets frustrated when people around her give her tension.She is also quick to forgive people.She wants to follow Izuku's footsteps.

The 9-year-old boy's eyes become teary. "I-I'm sorry,Touka-neechan..." He sobs and cries louder.

Iozaki Shimura.9 year-old.Quirk,Decay.He has dark green hair and a pair of crimson red eyes.Unlike his father's Quirk,Iozaki's Quirk can be activate and disactivate on his will.A very timid and crybaby like Izuku.

The 12-year-old big sister starts to panic. "Okay! Okay! I forgive you! Just please stop crying." Touka sighs and pats Iozaki's curly hair gently.

Iozaki's face lits up and he quickly puts on his sweetest, most adorable smile he has. Touka's heart beats so fast that she can hardly breathe.

'Oh God! Thanks for blessing me with a cute little brother' she says in her heart while clapping both her hands,showing her gratitude.

"Thanks,neechan!" He says and hugs his sister. Touka's anger soothes away and she hugs him back.

"Now I feel like going to school!" Iozaki beams in happiness. Touka's eyes go wide.

"OH NO!!! SCHOOL!!!!!!!!" Touka yells and hurriedly pulls Iozaki's hands and leave the house in total panic.

Both of them run as fast as lightning to the school...



After school...

Third Person's POV

Touka lets out a tired sigh."Finally..." She says in exhaustion.

"Touka-chan!!!" Two innocent voices call Touka. Touka looks for the owners of the voices. She smiles widely when she sees her best friends.

"Seiru! Shana!" Touka runs towards the 11 year-old twins. She throws herself at them and they hold her.

Shana Todoroki.11 year-old.Quirk,Flame.She inherits her father left side.She has shoulder-length scarlet hair and turquoise eyes.A cheerful and happy-go-lucky girl.

Seiru Todoroki.11 year-old.Quirk,Ice.She inherits her father's right side.She has waist-length white hair and silver eyes.A bit stoic but deeply cares for others.

"Hey, wanna come to our house? The arena that Papa built for us is finished! We can test our Quirk there!" Shana bounces in happiness.

Touka's eyes shine in excitement. "Sure!!" Touka nods non-stop.

The twins laugh at her childish nature. "Let's go now!" Shana pulls Touka out of her classroom.

Touka suddenly seems hesitate. "What's wrong? You don't want to go?" Seiru asks in emotionless tone. She is like her father,emotionless but deep inside,she cares for people around her.

"Well,my parents won't be home today so...I have to babysit my little siblings."  Touka sighs long. Her happy face dies and becomes clouded with gloom.

Shana and Seiru stare at each other. They both nod in unison. As twins,they have telepathy(okay,this isn't a Quirk,it's all because of their strong relationship as twins😅),since they are so close that they can communicate only through their minds.

"Then bring them along."  Shana suggests amd Seiru nods in agreement.

"Huh? Can I?" She asks in hope and happiness. "Of course you can! Why not?"  Shana locks her left arm around Touka's neck.

"Thanks guys! You're the best!!!" Touka hugs them again but this time tighter.

Touka accidentally activates One For All out of pure happiness,causing the two doppelgangers to be suffocated by her firm holds.

Touka then lets them go and tilts her head in puzzle when she sees both her friends panting heavily.

"Are you guys okay?" Touka asks in worry. Shana and Seiru give her 'thumbs-up'.

Touka only stays quiet,completely in confusion but then she brushes it away. She then smiles sweetly again.

She grabs the Gemini's hands and pulls them along with her.

The three walk in the hallway while chatting abour various thing like about their families and Quirks. "Oh yeah,did you guys invite Otori?" Touka suddenly asks.

Shana and Seiru stare at each other. "No..." Shana says in guilty. She totally forgets about that happy-go-lucky boy but sometimes can be really scary. Sometimes he says something horrible without realizing it. Even if he notices,he won't apologize.

Touka shakes her head. "Then let's go and find him!" Touka says half-scream and sprints in the hallway, leaving the Gemini the Twins behind.

"Wait-– Touka-chan!" Shana calls Touka but Touka ignores her.Seiru only sighs. "Well,let's go." Seiru says and leaves her twin behind.

"Seiru! Wait for me!" Shana shouts and chases after her doppleganger.

They both finally catch up with Touka who is hiding on the corner.

"Did you find him?" Seiru asks the ash blue-haired girl. "Yeah, I found him. But,he is..." Touka looks like she just saw a ghost. She looks excited and surprised at the same time. "He what?" Shana asks in thrill.

Touka doesn't answer but she points her finger towards the end of the hallway. Shana and Seiru both look at the direction and their eyes go wide.

Otori is standing there with a girl. The girl looks very nervous. "Um,B-Bakugou-kun..." The girl intertwines her finger.

"I-I've always like–"

"Stop. I don't want to hear it. I don't like you and in fact, I don't know you at all. So this is waste of time. Goodbye."  Otori says and leaves the heartbroken girl who is crying.

Otori Bakugou.11 year-old.Quirk,Zero Gravity.He has chestnut hair and a pair of brown eyes.A happy go lucky boy but has a dark and mysterious side and only Touka has seen it.

"Otori!!! Oi!!!" Touka waves to Otori. Otori notices her and smiles widely. "Yo,Touka." He approaches her.

"Only Touka?" The twins ask in unison. "Hehehe.Hi,Todoroki Twins." He chuckles and greets Shana and Seiru.

"So,what's up? Are you guys looking for me?" Otori says and he totally hits the spot.  "Wanna join us in Quirk Practice?" Touka asks him in excitement.

Otori shrugs his shoulder. "Sure.Why not? It sounds fun after all. I can't wait to beat you guys." Otori clenches his fist in his palm and grins excitedly yet creepily.

The twins sisters suddenly feel chills down to their spine. To them, Otori has his father's anger issue but worse than that.

"Heck yeah! Me too!" Touka says excitedly and grins at Otori too.

"Well,let's gooo!!!" Touka yells and begins to climb down the stairs to her little brother's class.


~A slight timeskip~

Third Person's POV

"Ugh...when will we reach your house?" Touka begins to grow bored. "Can you be patient? We're almost there."  Shana says in annoyance. This is the tenth time Touka has asked her today.

"Onee-chan,I want chocolates!" Ikuna and Takuma say in unison.  "Huh?But why suddenly you guys–" Touka stares at Kasumi who is eating Dairy Milk chocolate.

Ikuna Shimura.6 year-old.Quirk,Darkness.Twin sister of Takuma Shimura.She was born first and 5 minute earlier than him.She has light green straight her and emerald green eyes.Totally resembles her mother a lot.Her Dark Guardian's name is Yomi.

Takuma Shimura.6 year old.Quirk,Darkness.Twin brother of Ikuna Shimura and the little brother.He was born 5 minutes later than his sister.He has dark blue curly hair and crimson red eyes.Really resembles his father a lot.His Dark Guardian's name is Yato.

Fun fact about them: Chocolate is their favourite food and Izuku has to give them chocolate everyday or they will start throwing tantrum.If they do this,their Darkness will lose control and destroy the house.They had destroyed the house twice caused Izuku didn't give them any chocolate.

"Okay,I'll give you chocolate but wait until we arrive at Uncle Shoto's house." Touka says carefully. One wrong word and she is doomed.

"I want chocolate! I want chocolate!" Ikuna begins throwing tantrum. Her eyes become teary and she starts crying. Takuma starts crying too,following his twin sister's footsteps.

"Oh no! Shana! Seiru! Do you guys have chocolate?!" Touka starts to panic. Shana and Seiru shake their head.

Otori shakes his head and glares at Kasumi. Kasumi notices his brother's deadly glares.

"Here, Iku-chan,Takuma-kun.Take my chocolate." Kasumi gives up and gives her chocolate to the terrifying yet adorable twins siblings.

Kasumi Bakugou.8 year-old.Quirk,Explosions.She has blonde hair and blood red eyes like her father.She is short-tempered towards everyone around her,even her two best friends,Makoto Todoroki and Iozaki Shimura but she becomes much softer towards small kids like Ikuna and Takuma and also Touka.She is very scared towards her big brother who has a dark and mysterious side.She really respects Izuku and Touka.

Ikuna's and Takuma's eyes shine in excitement. "Yeah!!Choco!!" Ikuna and Takuma yell. Ikuna takes the first bite and then gives the choclate to her twin brother. Although they both like chocolate,they like to share their things.

Touka sighs in relief. "Thanks Kasumi.I'll pay back for the chocolate later." Touka says.

Kasumi shakes her head."No worry.They're kid after all." Kasumi says politely.

"You shouldn't eat chocolate in front of them,Kasumi. You know how wild and frightening they can be if you didn't give them the chocolate." Makoto says and shakes his head.

Makoto Todoroki.8 year-old.Quirk,Creation.He loves reading like his mother.He has black hair and eyes.He actually can skip elementary school due to his high intelligence that was on the same level as Nezu but he chooses to live a normal live like his best friends.

Kasumi glares at the black-haired boy. "Shut up,bookworm! I can do anything I want!" Kasumi scowls and averts her eyes from Makoto's stares.

"C-Come on. Stop fighting." Iozaki tries to make peace between his best friends.

Touka, Shana, Seiru and Otori stare at each other and smile. It is fun to watch younger kids having their fight. Touka's eyes widen when she sees her twins little siblings' dirty face. Their mouths are dirty with chocolates.

"Oh no,look at your face."  Touka sighs and takes out the pocket tissues from her pocket. She pulls one tissue out and wipes off the dirt on Ikuna's mouth. She did the same treatment on Takuma.

"My Lady,we've arrived." The butler says. He opens the door of the limosin car and the kids quickly get out of the car.

Touka holds Takuma's hand while Iozaki holds Ikuna's hand.

Everyone beams in happiness and eyes shine in excitement when they see the huge mansion in front of them.

"What are we waiting for? Let's go!!!" Shana shouts in thrill and dashes into the house first,leaving the others behind.

Seiru shakes her head. "Gee,can you stop acting like a child?" Seiru says and walks into the house follow by her friends.

I forgot to mention but this is...

The story of the new generation of heroes...


AN- Hey guys!!! So this is a special chapter.It is msotly about their child so I hope you guys aren't confuse ok!

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