Special Chapter 03-Attachment

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Third Person's POV

All children go to the main hall of the Todoroki Mansion in silent. Momo sees the children so she approaches them. Touka and Otori start panicking when they see Momo.

"Hey,everybody.Where are my girls?" Momo asks while looking for her twins daughters.

"Er..." Touka looks at Otori and he looks at her back. "We defeated Seiru-neechan!" Takuma and Ikuna say innocently.

Momo is shocked when she sees their appearance. "Seiru-neechan fly to the roof! Wooshh!!" Ikuna and Takuma say happily and walk around Touka while stretching out their arms like a pair of wings.

They both laugh adorably. Momo looks at Touka and Otori. She gives them 'What just happenned?' look.


"I'm home." A man voice speaks up. Everybody turns to look at the owner of the voice
Shoto enters the house with other two grown-ups. Touka's eyes go wide open when she sees her Mommy and Daddy!

"Welcome,Shimura-san and Izuku-san." Momo welcomes her friends. "Mommy!Daddy!" Ikuna and Takuma run towards their parents. Izuku is surprised to see her twins children's appearance change.

Izuku reaches out her arms and lifts up Ikuna while Tenko lifts up Takuma. "So you guys are here?" Izuku tickles her little daughter. Ikuna laughs adorably.

Izuku darts her eyes at Touka who looks agitated and nervous. "Sweetie,are you okay? You're sweating a lot." Izuku asks in worry.

"Erm...err...Seiru...Shana...arena...roof..." Touka stumbles upon her words. She intertwines her fingers in fidgety. Otori sighs. "Seiru and Shana are stucked at the arena's roof. We can't get them down." Otori tells them.

Momo's and Izuku's eyes go wide open. Shoto sighs and walks to the arena.


A few minutes later,


Third Person's POV

Shoto and Momo work together to get their daughters down. Shana and Seiru both look pale as if they have seen ghosts.

"I thought today is my last day..." Shana and Seiru mutter in unison.

"Ikuna,Takuma..." Izuku stares at her twins children. "Actually the one who sends Shana there is Touka." Otori says bluntly,shocking Touka.

"Wha– Otori!!!!" Touka smacks his back with all her might,causing Otori to kiss the ground.

"Touka! What's wrong with you?!" Otori hollers at his childhood friend.

"Touka,why did you do that?" Izuku stared at her eldest daughter. "Well,I just use too much power,hehehe...." Touka laughs awkwardly while scratching her head.

Izuku shakes her head,disagrees with her daughter's action. "I told you your power isn't for hurting other,Touka." Izuku advises her daughter with gentle voice. Touka looks down in guilty.

Tenko suddenly elbows Izuku slightly. Izuku gets the sign and turns her head to face her dear husband.

Tenko gets closer to her ear and whispers something. Izuku nods and mouths 'thank you' at Tenko.

"Touka,me and Daddy are going somewhere. You're coming with us." Izuku tells her daughter with a small smile. Touka tilts her head in puzzle. "But how about Io? Ikuna and Takuma?" Touka asks her mother.

Izuku smiles." Momo! Can you take care of my little children for a bit?" Izuku asks her dear friend.  Momo nods in agreement. "Okay,Izuku-san." She accepts her request.

"Come,Touka." Izuku reaches out her hand to her daughter. Touka holds her hand and walks out of the mansion together with her parents.


In the car...

Third Person's POV

"Um,Mommy,Daddy. Where are we going?" Touka asks her parents in anxiety. Izuku and Tenko both stay silent.

"Do you remember the story I told you?" Izuku asks Touka in serious voice.

Touka tilts her head,trying to remember. "You mean...the one about One For All and Granpa Toshi?" Touka states. Izuku nods slowly.

"There is more to that story..." Izuku begins telling the story about the Symbol of Evil and the origin of One For All.

Touka gasps in shock after Izuku finishes the story. "A-A-Are you saying,I have to defeat this All For One?" Touka asks nervously. Sweats pours a lot on her body.

"No,he is already been defeated." Izuku exclaims. Touka becomes more confused.

"So,where are we going actually?" Touka asks eagerly. "Tartarus...to meet the Symbol of Evil." Tenko replies while focusing on the drivings.

Izuku pats his shoulder. Touka stares at her parents in shock. Why do they want to meet him?

Touka doesn't ask anymore question and the car drives to Tartarus silent.



Third Person's POV

"Be careful,sweetie." Tenko says and kisses his wife's forehead. Touka watches her parents while giggling.

Izuku blushes madly. Tenko chuckles at his beloved wife. Izuku holds Touka's hand gently. "Eh? Daddy isn't coming with us?" Touka asks Izuku who only stays quiet.

They continue to walk into the huge building,fulls of security cameras and dangerous traps. "It's a pleasure to meet you,Deku." The guard bows to Izuku politely.

Izuku nods to him. The guard presses a button and the door of the elevator opens. "Here,go first,Touka." Izuku pushes her daughter forward.

Touka enters the elevator,follows by Izuku. The elevator goes down to a room.

The door opens,revealing a room. There is a chair and a mirror there. And a man...

Touka flinches back. She clutches her mother's clothes all of sudden. Izuku rubs her daughter's back.

"Izuku...?" A deep,hoarse voice speaks up. "It has been awhile,Father." Izuku's words shocks Touka.

"F-Father?! B-But,Granpa Toshi–" Touka looks at Izuku in total confusion and extreme shock.

"Calm down,girl." Izuku pats her shoulders and tells her the true story. "Granpa Toshi and Grandma Inko...are your foster parents?" Touka asks her in disbelief.

"Then,this Symbol of Evil here..." Touka turns to look at All For One. "So this is Touka,huh? She is big now." All For One chuckles.

Touka can't believe her real grandfather is the former Symbol of Evil. "...is your real father...?" Touka stumbles back in extreme shock.

Izuku knows her daughter won't believe her. "No way...You're lying,right...?" Touka turns to look at Izuku in disbelief. She wants to deny so bad.

"Sweetie,it's the truth." Izuku says and reaches out her hand to touch her daughter but Touka slaps Izuku's hand.

"Why?! Why did you keep it secret all this time?!" Touka yells at Izuku in madness. She feels betrayed.

"That's why I brought you here today." Izuku says. Touka clenches her fists. "Mommy, you liar!" Touka runs away. She gets into the elevator and leaves the room.

Izuku sighs in disappointment. "Izuku,why did you bring her here?" All For One asks his daughter.

"Well,I discussed with Tenko and we decided to tell the children the truth." Izuku says and touches the mirror that seperates her with All For One.

"I want to introduce them...to their real grandfather." Izuku smiles sadly. Her daughter's reaction really hurts her.

"That' so kind of you,Izuku. I hope I can hug you..." All For One lowers his voice. Izuku sheds tears of sadness.

"Don't...say that..." Izuku's voice becomes croaky. She looks down and cries. Her bangs covers her eyes,creating a foreshadow.

"I want to do that too..." Izuku confesses and tears streamed down faster. Even though they can only communicate through the glasses, Izuku grows attached to her birth father each time she visits him. She really loves him from the very bottom of her heart.

But no matter what she does, she can't free All For One even after she becomes the Symbol of Peace. "Izuku..." All For One calls her daughter in sadness.

He misses her. The last time he hugs her was when she is still a kid.

"Deku,your time is up." A guard announces. Izuku's face clouds with gloom and sorrow.

"Looks like I have to go..." Izuku smiles bitterly while clenching her fists. All For One only stares at her until her figure leaves the room.


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