Special Chapter 05-Forgive

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Next day,
Shimura Household...

Izuku's POV

I wake up earlier than usual. I get up from my king-sized bed carefully so that I won't wake up my husband. He is still sleeping soundly.

I grab my towel and walk to the bathroom to take shower. I take off my clothes and then turn on the shower. As I'm cleaning myself, I recall my coversation with Tenko last night.

I can't believe he slapped Touka. No wonder both of them are on bad term right now...

And what surprised me the most is the part where Tenko said, Touka is scared of him...

Oh dear, he actually showed his villainous side to Touka...

I sigh as I turn off the shower. I leave the bathroom, walking to my dressing table to grab ny hairdryer. I switch it on, drying my soaked wet curly hair.

What can I do to help them getting along again?

Again, a long sigh escapes my lips, feeling a bit tired and stressed thinking about my beloved husband and my dearest daughter. They both get along well and are very closed to each other and this is my first seeing them fight.

Two strong arms suddenly hug me from behind, his head leaning on my shoulders. "Morning, little bunny." Tenko whispers sleepily into my ear and plants a sweet kiss on my neck. He then raises his head up and sniffs on my hair, causing me to blush slightly.

"I really love this lavendar fragrance, Izu..." Tenko chuckles quietly. I chuckle too and then reach my hand to ruffle his unruly silky ashen blue hair affectionately. Tenko purrs, feeling comfortable with my touch.

Tenko gives me a peck on my cheek before grabbing his white, blueish towel and heads into the bathroom.

As cheerful as ever.

I stand up from the chair and leave my room to prepare the breakfast for my precious family.


In the kitchen...

After waking up three of my lovely children, I head to the kitchen to prepare good, healthy meal for my little ones.

I go to Touka's room but she isn't in there...

I only prepare simple meal since we don't have much time in the morning. "Good morning, Mommy!" My twins children greet me happily, both of them get into their seats already.

Iozaki yawns while walking toward the dining table at a very slow pace, sleepiness still plasters on his face. "Mor...ning... Mommy..." He mutters sleepily before yawning again.

"Morning." I greet them back, placing three bowls of cereals on the table. Ikuna and Takuma beam in happiness, quickly grabbing the spoon in front of them. "Ittadakimashu~" They utter delightly, hungrily digging in their breakfast. I chuckle at my two little twins.

"I told you, it's 'Ittadakimasu', not 'Ittadakimashu'." I correct their false pronunciation just now. The two only smile innocently at me, don't really care about the correction.

I shake my head, staring at my healthy children deeply. I just realize that Tenko and Touka isn't here. "Io, can you go and invite Daddy to eat with us?" I approach my oldest son that really resembles my kid self a lot.

Iozaki is surprised, timidly nods to me, not opposing with my order. I smile gratefully at him and ruffle his soft curly hair. Iozaki leaves his seat and goes to my room.

Third Person's POV

Iozaki peeks through the slightly open door, checking whether his father is in there or not. Honestly said, he is a bit scared with his father. They aren't so close but that never mean they are in bad term. He is a very timid boy and sometimes Tenko scolds him for being such a crybaby. Touka is just like Tenko, always scolds him whenever he cries.

"D-Daddy..." Iozaki cowardly calls Tenko who is buttoning up his shirt. Tenko turns to look at his timid son who is standing outside his room. "Hm? What is it, Io?" Tenko asks the little boy softly.

"Breakfast is ready." Iozaki informs him, his voice sounds too low that Tenko barely hears him but still gets what he is saying. Tenko smiles warmly at his hero and walks to him. Iozaki shuts his eyes tight in fear but he is surprised when he feels a gentle touch on his hair.

Tenko ruffles Iozaki's fluffy, curly hair affectionately that seems to remind him of Izuku's hair. "I get it. Then, let's go eat together, okay?" Tenko says with gentleness in his voice, warm smile plasters on his feature, calming Iozaki's heart down.

Iozaki has never seen Tenko acting so gentle before, especially toward him. He smiles widely at his father, slightly bouncing. He pulls Tenko out of his room, leading him to the dining room. Izuku sees her husband and her son, walking toward them with both males smiling happily.

Tenko sits next to Izuku, sipping on his black coffee that seems has become his favourite drink. Touka suddenly appears in the room with her school bag hanging on her shoulder, causing a tense and intimidating aura to be emitted around Tenko.

"Touka sweetie, are you going already? You still haven--"

"I'm not hungry." Touka tells her mother harshly, stomping off toward the entrance of her house. She puts on her favourite red shoes that used to belong to Izuku. She walks to the door, slamming it roughly after stepping out of the house.

Izuku sighs in disappointment, feeling offended with Touka's cold behaviour. Tenko notices his lovely wife's sadness, panging his heart with guilty. If only he doesn't slap Touka yesterday, that girl won't act rebellious like that.

Iozaki looks at his mother in pity, tears seep from his big emerald eyes. He can't help it whenever he sees Izuku's sad expression. "Mommy..." Iozaki mumbles sadly. Izuku hears him and quickly approaches the brocolli-headed boy, rubbing his back to calm him down. "It's okay, sweetie. Mommy is fine so don't cry, okay? Io is a big boy, right?" Izuku utters in motherly way, burying Iozaki's head in her neck, letting him cries in her hug.

Tenko only stares at his wife calming their child down. He feels so grateful to have such a loving wife that deeply cares for her children. Tenko gets up and approaches those two, ruffling Iozaki's hair.

Ikuna and Takuma suddenly reach out their arms, clenching their palms and then open them again. "Huggies!" They speak adorably. Izuku chuckles and then lifts Ikuna's little body up while Tenko lifts Takuma up, hugging them affectionately.

Izuku nuzzles her nose with Ikuna's, earning cute giggles from the green-haired child. Takuma tugs his father hair roughly, causing Tenko to whimper in pain. "Well, it's time for the children to go to school. We should head out now." Izuku reminds her husband.

"Mommy and Daddy will send us?" Iozaki asks excitedly, gazing into their eyes in hope. It has been a while since his parents drive them to school and he misses that time.

Tenko smiles at Iozaki and nods at him. Iozaki gasps in happiness, quickly hugs his father. "Yay!" He cheers happily.

Izuku then walks to the car while still holding Ikuna with her, follow by the three other males in Shimura family. They all get into the car and Tenko drives them to school.


After school...

Third Person's POV

Iozaki walks through the hallway, looking for his sister. He has been looking for her for like 15 minutes but still doesn't see any trace of her. Iozaki sees the Todoroki twins and hurriedly runs toward them.

"Seiru-neechan! Shana-neechan!" Iozaki yells their name loudly. The two girls hear it and quickly turn their body only to see a little boy with green hair jogging toward their direction.

Iozaki pants, exhausts after running so fast that he can hardly catch his breath. "Haye you guys seen Touka-neechan?" He asks in rushing tone, seems very desperate to look for the blue-haired girl. Somehow, he has a bad feeling about this.

The two Geminis look at each other and then shake their head slowly. "Sorry but we haven't meet her yet today." Shana exclaims in guilty.

Iozaki's eyes widen in worry. "Onee-chan, where are you...?"


In the city...

Touka's POV

I'm roaming in this street aimlessly for a while right now, can't figure out where should I go to cure my broken heart. I'm very offended with Daddy's cold, intimidating behaviour toward me that I accidentally raise my voice on Mommy.

I didn't hate Mommy but because I was mad at Daddy,she got into this too. I wanted to apologize but my ego wouldn't allow me to do so.

I clench my fists firmly, gritting my teeth in frustration. "Hey, girl! Watch out!" Someone yells loudly at me, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Above you!" That man points something. I quickly turn my head and see a car is flying toward me. My eyes widen in shock and I hurriedly jump to the other side, barely avoiding the car. The car crashes on to the ground, cracking the road.

I pant heavily after that shocking incident. I slowly stand on my feet again, brushing off the dirt of ny shirt. "My, my. What do we have here?" A cheeky, husky voice speaks up behind me, sending shivers down to my spine.

I timidly turn my back, fear clouds my face when I see a large, monster-like villain behind me. I flinch back and fall on my back, frighten by his menacing aura. "Touka, stay back!" A voice I recognize very well calls me out.

In an instant, I'm pulled far away from that villain. A hero that saves me, hugs me protectively. I raise up my head and my eyes widen in relief. Tears leak out of my eyes as I see Daddy's face.

"Daddy..." I mutter in sadness and relief. "Touka, when I give the signal, run." Daddy spekas up in such a deep voice. I hesitantly nod to him.

"Surrender yourself, villains! You can't run away anymore!" Daddy yells at the monster villain and his other scary-looking comrade.

The scary-looking one is spinning a knife. He seems very calm. "Give that damn girl back, you hero bastard! She is mine! I'm gonna eat her!" The monster villain screams and dashes toward me and Daddy at crazy speed.

H-How can Daddy beat him?! He isn't that strong!

The scary villain throws something at the monster villain, causing this big guy to stop charging at us. "Oi, Sharp! What the heck are you doing?!" He yells at his comrade.

"Easy, Oni. No need to rush. I'll be the one to end this hero's life." The villain calls Sharp grins at us creepily, eyes glaring at me in weird, sadistic way. I flinch back again, accidentally let Daddy go and run away from him without his instruction first. I'm too scared!

"Wa-- Touka!" Daddy yells my name. I turn my back and only to be greeted with a knife charging toward me.

I can't react or protect myself so I only close my eyes tight, wiating for ghe knife to pierce into me.


I wait for a few seconds but feel nothing. No sharp pain or blood dripping out. I slowly open my eyes again. A man is standing in front me.

Tears flood my eyes as I realize Daddy is standing in front of me with a knife stucks on to his stomach. "Dad...dy...?" I gasp in horror at this scary sight.

Daddy spits out blood, suddenly falls onto the ground weakly. I quickly hold his body, tears fall on his face. "No... Daddy..." I call him out.

Please...! Please don't leave me!

"Touka... Run away..." Daddy tells me. "Hm, I'm not wrong after all. This girl is your daughter, right, hero?" Sharp says cynically, satisfies to see us suffering.

"Tenko!" I hear Mommy's voice but it sounds so far from me. For some reason, I feel anger burning inside me.

I slowly stand up on my feet again after laying Daddy on the ground gently. My face clouds in fury, glaring at the two villains in disgust.

An enormous amount of shining blue and red sparks emit all over my body, creating a gust of strong wind around me. My eyes gleam bright sapphire colour, staring at them in hatred.

Third Person's POV

Izuku gasps in shock when she arrives at the scene, only to see Tenko bleeding a lot with her daughter next to him. She can't believe she let the villains flee like that. If not, this won't happen!

But what surprises her the most is Touka's unexpected action. She suddenly activates One For All while glaring at the villain.

Izuku hurriedly rushes to her husband, healing his deep wound in seconds. "Tenko, please open your eyes, dear." Izuku says desperatedly. Her eyes are still on Touka.

"Touka, stop it! What are you--"

Touka suddenly dashes toward Oni at crazy speed, balling her fist where she activates One For All. "SMASH!" Touka yells from the tops of her lungs, swinging her arm and punches Oni right into his face, sending hin flying to the buidling

Sharp shivers in fear after witnessing Touka's immense strength. "Y-You damn brat! How dare you--" Without him finishing his sentence, Touka is already standing before him, teleporting there in the blink of an eye without him noticing at all.

"This is what you get..." Touka activates One For All in her right arm. "FOR HURTING DADDY!" She yells extremely loudly, punching his stomach with all her strength. He receives the same punishment as his comrade. Touka sends him flying to a building.

Touka deactivates One For All. Exhaustion attacks her, causing her to feel weak and instantly falls on to the ground.

"Touka!" Touka can barely hear two voice call her but she is too tired to answer so she only shuts her eyes tight, her conciousness slowly fades away.


Next day,
At hospital...

Touka's POV

Where...am I? I remember defeating the villain and then I...

"Touka dear!" I hear Mommy crying all of sudden. I quickly open my eyes and see Mommy next to me, burying her face in my bed, her hand holding my hand firmly yet gently.

"Mom...my..." Tears seep from my eyes as I sat up on the bed. My head starts throbbing but I ignore the pain. "Touka, you should rest. You're still exhausted..." Mommy tells me, pushing me back to lay me down but I shake my head, telling her I'm fully fine.

So I was in hospital. This white ceilings and all...

I observe the room and a rush of realization hits me. "Mommy, where is Daddy?!" I say, clutching onto her sleeve panickally. "How is Daddy? Is he fine?" I ask her worriedly.

Mommy smiles warmly and pats my shoulder. "Daddy is alright. I manage to heal him on time." She assures.

All of sudden, the door opens and reveals Daddy who is bringing a plastic with him. "Izu, I brought your--"

"DADDY!" I quickly rush to Daddy, hugging him tightly. He looks surprised but hugs me back delightly. "Sorry... I'm so sorry..." I mutter between sobs.

"Sorry for calling you and Mommy liar... Sorry for saying you both are jerks... I-I-I--" I cannot continue my sentence and cry out loudly.

Back then... I thought I won't see him anymore. That's why I was so scared...

But I'm relieved that he is still alived...

Daddy pats my hair gently. "I already forgive you, Princess." He says so softly. My sobs decrease, feeling a bit calm after hearing those words.

Mommy approaches us and wipes off my tears. "Parents will always forgive their children no matter how many mistakes they had committed." Mommy tells me, nuzzling her nose with me.

At last, a happy smile tugs on my lips as I nod at her, agree with her statement.

I was very grateful for being blessed with such loving family. I hope we all will stay happy, forever....


-Special Chapters End-

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