chapter 20

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Raj...why you love me.. right?" She asked and he looked up at her all perplexed...
As according to him , it's a secret that no body knows except him.....

He was hell shocked and looked at her in astonishment.... unknowingly his eyes welled up with tears.....
He immediately looked down and asked stammering
" Who"

" I saw your diary.." she said directly, without any hesitation....

Again his eyes shred beads of tears... but immediately he felt a warm hands over his red cheeks...
He looked up to see his love wiping his tears....
She too had tears filled in her eyes....

" Then why didn't you tell me..?" She asked

" I was just...I...I.." he stammered without meeting her....

" And you didn't bother to know my feelings..." She asked back with tears..

" I was in love with ash...." He asked

" Quiet quiet!!!!!" She yelled this time which startled him...

" How can can you say that?...I loved you...not him.." she yelled and stormed to the balcony intentionally....

He just sat on the bed in astonishment...his lips parted aways and he sat on the edge of the bed with his hands on his head....

" What she just said....???she ... she....saw my.... oh god ...she knows that I love her and she loves me she loves me..oh god Dheeraj she loved you..but why she married Ashish? Why?......." He mumbled to himself , bitting his nails...

He got up from the bed and walked out of the room to find her.... to ask her...
He saw a figure standing in balcony
Her arms crossed against her chest.....he slowly went near her and stood beside her...she looked at him...

" Raj I...." She was about to say something, he cut her

"Sonu...why Sonu..can't you tell me...I agree that's my mistake also but you should have tell me...I was..then why Sonu...why did you marry him... why?? Sonu.. "

" I wasn't married to him...I wasn't.." she again yelled but in a  low voice..

" What? What are you saying Sonu...'s.." he placed his hands on his head as it pained badly...

Niharika got scared seeing his condition...he sat on the floor still his hands on his head ....

"Raj.. sorry...raj...sorry...I ..was just me ...I didn't want to hurt you...I love you... is it hurting" She tried her best to calm him down and she just hugged him and placed his head on her chest....

He found solace in her touch as his head got the warmth of her chest..he again snuggled more into her chest and  hugged her tightly as if he is in trance ....
She , she just got melt in his touch after days ,she too felt his warm embrace.....She too felt solace

A myriad of emotions rushed into his mind....his head started churning up ...he felt like this all happened before....he closed his eyes tightly to find some vague memories passing through his brain....

He held her more tightly and closed his eyes more tightly....

" Sonu ....I can't...I can't..." He whispered as his head ache got badly....
She loosened her grip and just cupped his face ...
She saw streaks of water on his face and it flushed blood red..he was sobbing....

She just closed her eyes and without thinking twice, she smashed her lips with him....
He was taken aback at first...he tried to pull himself out from the kiss...but she tightened her grip on his soft locks....
Slowly he too got hypnotised by the warmth of her lips as he also started to reciprocate it....
His hands involuntarily travelled to her  waist and held it tightly made her lips parted and he locked his thick one with her soft and juicy one....
He tasted and even drank her saliva in slow process as he felt her warmth lips after a long gap of months.....
She too reciprocated with same intensity as unknowingly her tied hair fell open in his continuous pressing on her hairs ....

This made him more addicted and pulled her even more it became more passionate and intensifying that they didn't even realised their position and the door was opened.....

" Dheeraj....I... " They heard a sound from behind and they turned to see aham standing at the door ,all perplexed

They parted away and saw aham standing there...
Dheeraj looked at himself and her and their closeness...
Guilt  engulfed his fragile mind and  doesn't took time to shatter it ...
He immediately went from there leaving a baffled niharika there.....

She , with teared eyes , slowly stood up  and looked at direction he went...
She glared at aham for his entry at wrong time....

" Sorry...Nikku " he said and left..
She gave a deathly glare without saying anything and  left from there....

Aham just turned back and smirked at them, with the satisfaction of executing his plans smoothly....
After sometime,
Dheeraj sat on a swing in the lawn , drowning in his own thoughts....he recalled her words.....

"How can can you say that?...I loved you...not him.."

"I wasn't married to him...I wasn't.."

Again he got confused....he recalled each and every moment with he was in confusion...

Dheeraj's pov
She loved me....but why did she married him.. why??why?? why?why she didn't tell me...well that's not actually her fault..i also hide my also responsible for that ...but wait..she told me that she didn't get married to him...then why she is wearing mangalsutra..why sindoor on her forehead...why?why ....
Pov ends...

At night,
Niharika came back to their room to find out that Dheeraj sleeping soundly, probably because of his medicines....
She sat beside him...
She ran her fingers through his soft stands of hairs and placed a kiss on his forehead....
Next day,
As usual , darshan went to his work and aham is not at home... And she was much relieved thinking that... dheeraj was resting in his room.... niharika already gave him medicines and suddenly she got a call from her home.....

It was her mom... she said that her father isn't well and admitted to hospital last night....
Niharika got hell panicked as she loved her father a lot....

Niharika : papa fine....I'm     coming..I want to see him...

Sangeetha :" beta's nothing to worry and chachu is's just a mild cold...

Niharika: " then why in hospital you are lieing ...tell me what happened?"

Sangeetha : beta I'm telling the truth... because of his high temperature, he fainted ..that's why we brought him to hospital.."

Niha : "don't worry I'm coming..."

She hung up the call and entered her room to take her handbag ....
Just then Dheeraj saw her coming in hurry and getting ready....

" Hey Sonu...what happened? You seems tensed?" He asked

" Raj...papa is hospitalized...maa told me that it's just a cold...but I don't think so... I've to go.. please take your medicine at time...I'll be back soon..."

She said taking her hand bag and wrapping a stole around her neck...

" Sonu...  I will drop you..wait" He asked hurriedly jumping off from the bed...

" Seriously raj...? Can't you see your condition. don't you remember what doctor won't come anywhere... you'll just rest ,rest and rest... nothing else..." She replied in a bossy tone....

" Why Sonu..... uncle is sick and can't I visit him?" He asked back..

" Yes you can...but not take rest..I'm leaving bye..." Saying so, she stormed out of the room....

" But... listen..Sonu " he said and went behind her and he saw her leaving in car..
He sighed and went back....

Niharika is waiting for 5 minutes and guess what ,she struck in traffic....
She tensely looked at her watch and sighed....
She looked outside slightly tapping her steering with her fingers....
Suddenly she noticed a small cafe , surrounded with glass ...she lowered her car's glass window and curiously looked into it as it's a new one there....

She was noticing the exterior of the cafe ...but suddenly her eyes fell on the door which opened suddenly and the scene she  saw just blown her away....

Aham was coming out of the cafe .. followed by a girl and a boy....
She looked at the girl carefully and the only dialogue ran through her mind was " I've seen her before"

She tried to remember the face again and again and suddenly her eyes widened as she recognised her....
"The same girl whom she saw at her engagement...!!!

" She knows aham!!!??" Niharika asked to herself....

Within this time, she saw them leaving in a car....

" Why was she....wait ...aham hasn't came casually....he came here for some purpose..for sure...But what?" Niharika thought to herself and green light lit up...

She changed  gear and decided to follow them....she took the car a turn , following them...
So niharika finally caught aham...
This book is also going to end soon and I'll try my best to update regularly from today as I want to complete it and concentrate on other works....

So I hope you guys like the chapter...
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Stay happy
Stay safe 🙏

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