chapter 25

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"Why???" A mere whisper slipped from Niharika's Mouth.....

Bhavini went towards her and confronted her...
" I'm sorry to say this but I'm not at all feeling any gulity for my behavior....and trust me I didn't wanted to kill you ...I just wanted to snatch your happiness....I just wanted you to suffer what you did"she said ...
Her voice neither carried gulity nor was emotionless....and niharika had no idea when her naughty lovely sister turned as her own murderer....

" Bhavi...are you crazy .? " Dheeraj pulled her aside by holding her arms ..she gave a sharp glare to him and her eyes turned moist....she freed herself from his grip and continued...

" Look jiju... I'm not crazy ... I've my own reasons for this..and don't ask me about I don't want to remember it...." She said Directly looking into his eyes ...

And Dheeraj was hell angry.... usually he is not a person who got anger in sudden but once came, it's difficult to Manage....he again held her wrist tightly and asked

" Don't test my patience bhavini...tell me...why the hell you tried to kill my wife ..and how dare you?" Dheeraj yelled senselessly before everyone....

Aham clenched his fist and about to come forward.. bhavini freed her hands and pointed her finger on him..
" I dare ... because you are also a reason you both are the reason for all my sufferings..." She shouted and dheeraj was taken aback....

" Us?" He asked with a questioning gaze ....

Niharika was all silent through out these time now got angry...her blood boiled up....

" Bhavi... what's our fault now ? First you told that you wanted to snatch my happiness and now you are telling that we is reason for your sufferings...."
Niharika put her both hands in her both shoulders and shooked and continued
" Now tell me...tell me what's the matter....why you wanted us to suffer..what was our fault..." Niharika yelled at bhavini to which she gave a disgusting smirk...

" want to know the reason ..then listen...your silence....your silent Love story made her life like a hell...." This time aham replied and everyone looked at him...

" did you know it and why are you supporting her .... what's your relationship with her..tell me man...?" Darshan came in between and held Aham's shirt's collor in anger....aham glared at him and removed his hands....
He walked towards Dheeraj.... where Dheeraj and Niharika stood perplexed...
How their silent Love story put her life in stake....whats the connection between her and their life....they both exchanged confusing look...they looked at bhavini sitting on the floor crying and she looked up at Dheeraj...

" Yes I'll support her ...and you know why? Becausewe both wanted justice for the same brother Ashish..." Aham said and Everyone looked each other in confusion... Dheeraj and niharika's head churned yo thinking about what's going on

" remember? I was the first one in our gang who got to know about your love for di...I requested you several times to propose her... But you didn't... after that , Ashish proposed her..and then Also I requested you to propose her...make her yours...but you didn't and you also forbidded me too from doing that....but I believed you that one day you will confess...but it hadn't happened....if once, once you said her that early before...then this wouldn't be happened....this... wouldn'" Bhavini said to Dheeraj and sobbed badly sitting on the floor.....her words broken down....

Niharika sat on the floor with bhavini...she consoled her and she just hugged her and cried...

" But what's the relationship between my silence and your....wait I didn't do..." Dheeraj was about to say bhavini cut him....

" I just wanted you to propose di Because.... because you will get dii and I'll get Ashish.....I...I...loved ... Ashish a lot....I loved him..." Bhavini said between her sobs shocking everyone....

Niharika pulled her apart from her embrace and looked at her...
She stood up and looked at bhavini....tears made their way down through her cheeks....

" Ash.... Ashish???....then why don't you....why don't you tell that to me...? Why????? I would have talked to him...I would have made him understand...why " niharika asked as she got hurt inside ....

" How can I... because I thought you also like him...and you are ready to marry him....I suppressed my own pain for my sister...I just wanted you to be happy....I just wanted your happiness....." Bhavini said back...

" Bhavi...I didn't... bhavi...we didn't knew that ...and I'm extremely have to tell me that you love him.... I would talkto him" Dheeraj tried to console her....

" How can were already tired with your problems then how could you and Ashish had also fallen for di....and what else can I " bhavini again cried....and continued

" I tried my best to show happiness during their wedding.....but I was broken...was broken when I heard that my Ashish is fighting for Life in hospital......I jyst wanted to scream out that I love him... but I controlled my emotions again...but snatched him away I was just like...I just wanted to die at that moment....if at that time, when the guest are not there,then definitely I should have done something like that " bhavini said and niharika just closed her mouth with her palm...

" Please...bhavi.. please... don't say like that...I'm sorry beta... because of have suffered a ..." Niharika tried to console her but she again cut her off and said

" The real suffering was after that....I was happy for you both...or may be I was the most happiest person when I heard that jiju is going to marry you di... because I always loved you both and I always wanted you both together....and I was happy till the date of your marriage...till the day I met aham...." She said looking up at aham...

" You met him..?when ? How?" Niharika asked in surprise because according to them, bhavini and aham never saw each other face to face before them....thus they assumed that it's the first time they are meeting which was actually not...

" Yes...on your wedding day" aham said

Flashback starts ( refer chapter 6 and read that chapter to get a clear picture of this flashback)
A boy is seen sitting in Ashish's room...
He is crying sitting in that dark room...
His eyes glistened with tears but got red with anger...
He took a small photo frame from his wardrobe..
He saw Dheeraj, niharika and Ashish's pic in it..
He suddenly threw that picture forcefully to the ground ...

And that boy was aham....on that day it was aham who Was sitting in the dark room and was crying.....

He just threw that flower away and came downstairs to see a girl about to come upstairs in darkness...
She had her mobile torch in her hands..

" Who's that " he asked

The girl lit up the torch to his face and her eyes widened...
She was about to scream..he suddenly placed his hands on her mouth..
She stared into his black brownish eyes and he into her black ones......
And that girl was bhavini......

After their wedding, Bhavini went away from the venue to Ashish's house to spend some time lonely there....which was just only a little far away from that place....she just went there to spend some time,to feel his presence, sitting was already dark but she never got scared.....

She came near the house gates and to her surprise, she saw the gates are opened....
She got confused as she knew that Ankit and Radhika was still there at the wedding venue then who must be inside?

She decided to check once.... and she was not at all sacred as she knew karate a bit... gaining her courage,she went inside the house .....

She lit up the torch and slowly looked here and there in the house .... suddenly sfe heard someone coming down from the upstairs and her heart Started to beat....

What if it's a thief..she now got a bit scared but not showed it on her face...she slowly lit up the small light of mobile torch on to the person's face and her eyes widened in shock....
A man exactly looking like Ashish standing infront of her.... Her eyes Turned moist and he looked up at her in surprise....

First she thought that it's his ghost...she took slow step backwards in fear and about to shout...
He immediately closed her mouth with his palm and held her shoulders tightly....
Her eyes widened again in shock plus fear ...but this time she felt a bit relief that she can feel him ...that means he is not ghost....

She stared into his black brownish eyes and he into her black ones......
Tears welled up in her eyes seeing him...

" Who are you ? " He asked in confusion..

He saw a lot of emotions in her eyes...her tear filled eyes made him feel pain deep inside to which the reason was unknown to himself...

He slowly removed his hands from her mouth and she asked in a low voice....

" Ashish???"

Aham:" No....I'm ..not Ashish...I'm aham..."

Bhavini : " Aham?but you looks like....wait ..are you his brother?"

Aham : well yes...

Bhavini : " why didn't you come to wedding"

Aham gritted his teeth in anger...he suspiciously looked at Bhavini...

Aham: "who are you?"

Bhavi: "I'm Bhavini... Ashish's junior and Nikku di...oops sorry.. niharika 's sister..."

Aham's anger got doubled... sister of the person whom he believed that destroyed his brother's life....

Aham :( cold voice)" then why are you here....go and enjoy your sisters wedding..."

Bhavini:" that I.....I..." Her voice got heavy...tears brimmed in her eyes.....

Aham:" tell me why are you here....what you want...I don't know you ..then why you came here....who is here for you to see..."

Bhavini:" I often came here ..."
She said looking away, without meeting his eyes....aham frowned

Aham : "are you crazy... what's your business in this empty house... mom and dad had just came here for marriage.... otherwise this house is empty..."

Bhavi :" yeah...I know...but....I ..I... can feel...your brother's presence here..."

Aham:" oh..wait... what??? Are you just getting filmy...stop doing drama and go from one is here..."

Bhavi:" please don't...I want to spend some time here please.."

Aham : " why? And what's makes you so special here...and who is my brother to you?"

Bhavini : ""

Aham : " tell me now "
Aham raised his voice a bit...

Bhavini : " love.."
And aham was taken aback....
He git surprised...

Aham :" what ?"

Bhavini :" I.. I've to go... it's getting late "
Saying so ,she was about to leave, suddenly he held her arms....

Aham :" Tell he know it?"

Bhavini :" no..."

Aham :" why ? "

Bhavini :" he loved my stepped aback"

Aham: ( smiled sarcastically)" oh so your dii is the villain in your love story too..."

Bhavini :" no...I can't say that...she is's all my fate..."

This time aham got angry....

Aham:" fate..huh!???my foot....she is the reason for losing your love girl...." He yelled

Bhavini : " no..what was her was Ashish who proposed her and she's my fault that I didn't tell them's my fault...and that accident..that one's fault in it.."

Aham :" and there you are mistaken....yeah it's true that it's not your sister's fault that he proposed her....but Dheeraj loved her right?"

Bhavini :" yes ...but jiju didn't have the courage to admit it.."

Aham :" and you know what? Your sister loves him too..."

Bhavini:" what??!!!!!"

Aham :" yes...and you know what my brother.... Ashish already knew it..."

Bhavini :" what are you's not true are lieing... right?"

Aham :" why should I miss ...I don't want to...ask your sister once , that she loved Dheeraj or not..she will definitely say yes...."

Bhavini :" then why Ashish didn't step back "

Aham :" yes...he did..."

Bhavini :" how ?"

Aham :" through that accident"
A lone tear escaped from his eyes which he quickly wiped...

Bhavini :" accident..."

Aham :" yeah .it was not a was's a suicide bro had purposefully crashed his car. "

World of bhavini crashed into zillion pieces there as she heard it.... Ashish commited suicide....

Bhavini :" no...this can't be" she yelled

Aham :" yeah that's the truth....he stepped aside for his best friend....for his love..."

Bhavini :" dii can't do it...she can't cheat"

Aham :" ok ..then You believe her..."

Bhavini :" then tell what evidence do you have to prove it....tell me "

Aham looked at her and took out his mobile...he played an audio clip and hearing that unstoppable tears came out from bhavini's eyes....

Bhavini:" no this can't be"
She cried sitting on the floor...
Aham sat beside her and said....
" Ok then don't believe me...but I'm telling you... because of her you lost your love....your life... think.."

Bhavini just sat there and cried out loud and aham looked at her vulnerable state helplessly....
Flashback ends

Dheeraj and niharika just stood like a stone there.... Dheeraj's eyes shred unstoppable tears and he looked horrified at aham who stood there emotionless looking at them ...Not only them everyone stood there looked shocked.....they never expected such an outcome for this situation...

" what are you guys looking at.. do you know something....that this your married life's just an's my brother's sacrifice......." He said...

" And you all know what? .... niharika do you remember a girl whom you see at your engagement day...that girl was sent by me.... she was my friend.... and you remember one day.... someone followed you....and you both saw the shadow of a man on your windows...that was also my man...I just sent them to keep an eye on you both ...."
Darshan remembered the incident and widened his eyes....

Aham continued" and I know niharika...that you knew it already....I saw the CCTV footages of my house and saw you went running out of my house..." He added which shocked her....

" And you know don't know the rest....I was the one who was behind your husband's accident...this Dheeraj's accident...yes it was planned by me....and bhavini did her job neatly by calling him to drop her...yes, in all these...she was also with kill just snatch your happiness... just like my brother did for you first I was disappointed that you didn't die but soon I got to know that he lost his memory and I changed my plan...I planned to make him kill himself..just like my bhai did" he yelled and Within seconds, he felt a sharp pain on his cheeks...he felt his cheeks burning...
He placed one hand on his cheeks and looked forward to see a furious Darshan Standing infront of him...

Dheeraj looked the whole scenario shocked... someone planned to kill him...he was baffled with each and every word aham spoke....

" How dare you even think about harming my brother!!!!!" Darshan yelled....

" Don't over react.... because of your brother... my brother lost his life...he committed suicide just for happiness of your brother..." Aham yelled back...

" Shut up" darshan again said

" Why are you shouting at him darsh bhai... because of him... someone sacrificed his Ashish killed himself for them...then can't we do this much for his justice" bhavini asked back made darshan startled

Niharika remembered bhavini's words on her reception....
Mm..but never forget di...your happiness is someone's sacrifice"

Niharika looked at bhavini and moved towards her....she slowly held her hands ...but she took her hands back...

" No di... I've lost what I wanted.... just because of you two...if you two confessed your love before, then I would get him back...why di...why you cheated him..if you loved jiju.. then why...and that's why I wanted to snatch your happiness from you.... just like you did to me...but I never wanted to kill you. .I just did it because of Aham's instruction" she said

Niharika wanted to tell her the whole story but words stuck on her throat itself....and also she knows that bhavini won't believe her words now....she stood there looking at devastated bhavini....

But Dheeraj's mind stuck on word suicide...never.... Ashish was not a person who just sacrifice his life for love failure....he is not that much fool to kill himself....

He gained courage and asked aham....
" What evidence do you have...and about which you are talking about..."

Aham just took out his mobile and played an was a recorded voice call... between him and his brother just 2 weeks before his death ...he played the audio....

Aham:" hey ashu .. congo yaa"

Ashish:" it's the 100th time you are congratulating me..."

Aham :" I'm so happy yaa....I'm so happy for you my bro... finally my bro going to get his love..."

Ashish:" my love? is my to be wife...not my love"

Aham :" what happened bro...kal tak to tik the tum.."

Ashish:" nothing yaa...achcha chodo yeh batao.. when will you come?"

Aham :" yeah I've booked tickets..I'll be there on the day of your wedding..don't worry....

Ashish:" come fast...I just want to see you..."

Aham :" what happened yaa? why are you so low?"

Ashish :" Nothing. Just...felt like I want to see you... what if we can't see after this "

Aham:" what rubbish are you talking..why wouldn't we meet after this"

Ashish :" life is like bubble aham... it will break within no time.."

Aham :" why are you saying like this.."

Ashish :" just like...but before going...I just want my Dheeraj and niharika happy.."

Aham :" why them.m?"

Ashish :" because they love each other..and I want them together..."

Aham :" what are you...are you mad ashu."

Ashish:" no ..I'm clear at my words... maybe we Never meet hereafter this phone call....or not...I don't know..but I'm sure..Nikku and raj will be happy...amd I want that "

By saying this the call was cut off....

Dheeraj confusingly looked at furious aham standing there... suddenly Dheeraj remembered something m..he know the reason behind all this...that means this phone call made this whole misunderstandings.....
Dheeraj Clenched his fist and went upstairs....
Everyone looked at him in shock..... niharika was unable to decipher what's happening's more than like a film story to her.....

After sometime,
Everyone saw Dheeraj coming down stairs with something in his hands....
He stood infront of aham and threw a diary and some files to his face....

Aham looked at Dheeraj all perplexed and finally Dheeraj spoke ...

" You said that your brother committed suicide and we are responsible for this.... then let me tell you that you didn't even know him well....he is not a person who just ran away from his problems...he was strong enough to handle it...but he spoke to you like that....and do you want to know the reason why he talked like that? Then read this file " Dheeraj said pointing towards the file...

Aham took the file in his hand and read it...his eyes welled up with tears.. everyone looked at him in confusion of what's in it..and finally to everyone, Dheeraj opened up ..

" He said that because he was damn suffering from the fourth stage of blood cancer...!!!!!"

Niharika stood there all numb and bhavini too.....they looked at Dheeraj on utter shock ..he continued...

" Yes..he was...and I got to know it when he was on his death bed...he made me promise that not to tell anyone...I kept it as a secret and now I can't....if you aren't ready to believe then, I'll call the dr who diagnosed him.." Dheeraj said , his voice was heavy with emotions....

"And about me and niharika....yes we loved Each other but was unable to confess it... And Ashish knew that I love her too...... here's his which was written by him for me... read it for yourself and then tell me..." Dheeraj again said and turned away.....

Niharika stood there looking at Dheeraj....
Dheeraj pulled her into a warm embrace and both cried hugging each other....
Maheshwari, Sangeetha , rekha and everyone there also had tears in their eyes....

Aham and bhavini carefully read the whole diary...their tears cascaded down through their cheeks like waterfalls while reading each and every line of it....

" Why didn't you tell me about Ashish's disease?" Niharika asked in a low voice

" I was promised to...I'm sorry" he said and again hugged her...

Suddenly niharika felt Some one touching her feets and crying...she looked down to see bhavini crying hugging her legs....

" Dii... I'm a big Sinner...just hate me... ignore me.... I've tried to ..." She cried out loud hugging her legs...
They looked up to see aham standing there with his hands joined....

Dheeraj was about to say something, a furious Darshan cut him off...

Darshan was still in rage .....he can't tolerate the fact of Dheeraj got tried to kill by aham....

" the police . we have to hand over these two criminals immediately" he said which made every one shock....

So finally the whole truth is out and literally my hands are paining ..... such a long chapter...I've never written such a long chapter...

And don't worry, a bonus chapter+epilogue is waiting for you all.....

And once again thanks to all my readers and silent readers for helping and motivating me and without your support I couldn't complete this book so thankyou....all....keep supporting....

Hope you all like my twist....

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Stay happy
Stay safe 🙏

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