Chapter 4

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Maxwell went to bed after a few more hours of laying on the hammock. I really enjoyed his company but there wasn't any way that I could literally follow him everywhere. He needed space. Besides, I don't sleep so I might as well explore a little. I walked around the house, exploring rooms that I hadn't seen before. There was a little study with a few bookcases overflowing with literature. I love to read so this became my favorite room of the house. As I picked up a book, it turned transparent just like me but I would still be able to read it. I sat by the window and began reading out loud to myself. It was a story about princesses and knights and dragons. Fantasy was my favorite genre since it was different from mundane life... or death. People were really creative sometimes, too, and it made me wonder if they had ever experienced such interesting lives. I always believed there were different dimensions and maybe some humans were able to see into these new dimensions. These books would then be their experiences, their first person perspective of everything they saw, touched, smelled, tasted, and heard.

I smile when the knight slayed the dragon and saved the princess. I stood up and laughed as I pretended to be that knight. I loved pretending I was in the story. It made things more interesting for me and I just wanted to see how I could fit myself into their lives. I stepped forward, book in one hand and my invisible sword in the other. I read the lines of the knight, stepping forward and swinging the sword, dodging when I needed to. I would save the princess and become the hero of my own fairytale.

"And for humanity, I will slay thee, monstrous beast!" I yelled, cutting of the dragon's head. I floated up and sighed, laying on my back in the air and reading the ending. I felt happy in this world, but that didn't last forever.

"But the princess doesn't live forever, Isaac," a voice said. My head snapped toward the source and Max was watching me, leaning on the doorway with his arms crossed and a sweet smile gracing his lips. If ghosts could blush, I would be.

"Uh... you... didn't see that... did you?" I ask, frowning and looking away. I floated to the ground, standing on my own two feet and sighing. I felt embarrassed, having forgotten I'm not invisible to one person.

"You like reading, huh?" Max looked around the study, sighing. "This was my father's study. I used to come in here and run over to him. He would let me sit on his lap as he read a story and once we memorized every line, we would act it out. He would be the villain of every story and I would be the hero, fighting for what's right... He always let me win, even if there was no way I could. We made up our own stories and just had fun with it..."

I could see the despair in Max's eyes, knowing he was upset and missed his father dearly. Something about Max missing his father made me sad too, though I had no idea why. It was a weird feeling deep in my soul, one that I had never experienced before. Was it sympathy? Or was it something deeper than that?

Max looked over at me and smiled. He walked to me, taking the book once I set it down on the table and looking through the pages. His smile was sad, too, something I had never seen before. Smiles were meant to be happy, but Max proved me wrong.

"... I'll let you stay in the study if you let me read to you every night," he offered. I looked around, wondering how many stories we could act out together.

"Yeah... That sounds really nice..." I said, smiling and looking at Max. He held out his arms and I was a bit confused but I knew what he wanted. I went toward him, wrapping my arms around him as he closed his arms around me. I felt comfortable like this and it felt warm. A hug... I thought. I looked at Max, his hair messy and his face looking tired. That's when I realized, I woke him up.

"Go back to bed, Max... I didn't mean to wake you. I'll be quieter," I say, gently pulling away. Max nods and pets my head, making me pout.

"I'll see you tomorrow..." he said and with that, he left the room as quietly as he appeared.

I let my eyes scan the shelves of the study, sighing. I sat by the window, staring out and just wondering how I could be a hero of my own story when my story was cut short. It was impossible for a ghost to come back to life. I'd never meet my parents. I'd never be able to live. I could never be a hero in a story.

I decided to get up and do something, wanting to explore all my possibilities. I left the house and walked down the sidewalk. I scanned my surroundings, admiring the darkness and the quiet of the night. It was nice to be able to have the freedom that I have. I just wish that I could move on with my afterlife. I didn't enjoy being here.

I looked up at the moon as it's light illuminated the night. The stars sparkled and made me smile, thinking about the little fun fact about stars that I learned when I read a book about 3 years ago.

"You guys only sparkle because of the Earth's atmosphere... It's kinda cool... I wonder what you'd look like in space... I can't even float all the way up there..." I said to myself. I talked to myself a lot when I was alone, finding a simple comfort in it. It allowed me to think about everything and organize my thoughts.

I found myself walking around my death place, the house that I lived in. I had no idea why I knew this however I remember I appeared right here when I died. I was confused and started crying until another ghost came by and helped me out. I remember the ghost was an old woman but I couldn't imagine her face. It was difficult. The ghost took me away to take care of me and she was around for about a year... Then she disappeared and I was alone once again... Just as I am now...

I sighed, looking down. I was getting really lonely and wanted Max by my side. No matter what, he was always on my mind, even if he was somewhere hidden in the back. It kinda bothered me but at the same time, it made me wonder if he was my ticket to leaving this world completely.

I shook my head, though I don't know why. I sighed, running back to Max's house. I went into the house, going upstairs and sitting beside Max as he slept. He looked angelic and peaceful, his chest rising and falling as he breathed steadily. He was smiling faintly which made me wonder what he was dreaming about. I never knew what a dream was. I only know about them because I read so much as a ghost child. I always wished I could experience what a dream was but I couldn't sleep. Since my real body was sleeping for an eternity, I was unable to sleep as a ghost. Maybe what I'm experiencing now is a dream. It's a crappy one but it's a dream. I don't need sleep anyway, but I do wish that I could experience a real dream just once in my life. Then, maybe I wouldn't be so cold and angry at the world.

Max stirred a little, but settled and continued sleeping after a few moments. I sigh, laying beside the human and just thinking for a moment. I scooted my way under one of his arms so he held me close. I just wanted to be held by him while he slept. I decided to play pretend here as well, closing my eyes and pretending to sleep. I felt at peace like this, wondering if maybe this could be a reality one day or if I was forever forced to stay awake...  

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