Male Dying AK-12 User OC

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JeymisPeixoto, Can I have a request for Yandere One-shot Volume 5, Please?

Yandere Rejecting Team DEFY x Male Dying AK-12 User OC (Lemon)

Name: Kyle Barnes
Alias: White Hound
Affiliation: Griffin and Kruyger's, Task Force DEFY
Occupation: Rookie of DEFY. Mercenary
Age: 20

Personality: Depressed, Guilty, Strong-willed, Determined, Merciless to his enemies, Nice and happy to his yandere girlfriends (sometimes).



(His favorite Assault Rifle)


(His pistol)


(His Combat Knife)


"Are you girls ready?"
"Let's go"
"No, no, no, NOOOO!!!"
"How could this happen?*
"You should all burn in hell!"
"What have I done?"
"I'm sorry, everyone."
"Guys, I have something to say..."
"I'm dying..."
"...I'm infected with Parapluie Virus."
"I believe, there is no cure for me..."
"I wish I could spend time with my comrades for my final moments, but it's too late for me."
"I guess, Parapluie Virus has reached the second stage."
"Thank you guys for everything..."
"I can finally rest now..."
"Goodbye, my family... I love you all"
"You're all alive?!"
"Please, Let me go, I'll do anything! Can we just talk about this?!"
"I love you girls."




Kyle Barnes was once a Rookie of Team DEFY.

3 days before the mission, he confessed his love for them, but they rejected him, they only saw them as their brother. He agreed to their terms while hiding in sadness. As they left for a drink except for Kyle, they knew that he was too young to drink the beer, he cried alone for a few minutes before he calmed down and stayed strong as they did. He coughs a bit of blood, as the Parapluie Virus is getting worse. He took the painkiller to ease his pain.

Team DEFY was assigned to infiltrate the base. While on the mission, His team was ambushed by Sangvis Forces, and they got separated leaving him last. He tried to contact them, but no response. He realized that they were in danger He tried to save them but it was too late. They were nowhere to be found, only weapons lying on the ground. Heartbroken and blinded by rage, He was enraged and out of grief, while vowing his vengeance. He set out on his mission alone to stop Sangvis Ferri once and for all. Earning his name White Hound

His final battle began between him and Sangvis Ringleaders and their army, White Hound took action and took out the entire army. As he was about to finish them off, Scarecrow begs for mercy in tears. It made him realize how far he had fallen, so he spared them as he finally let go of his vengeance, knowing it wouldn't bring them back. He apologizes to them before telling them the truth.

He was dying due to the Parapluie Virus Infecting his entire body. They were shocked that the virus was supposed to infect the Neuron Cloud of a T-Doll, but one of them was infected with his disease, and he's currently dying because of the infection. He coughs in blood, and clenched his chest in pain. He told them that the virus had reached a second stage. His final wish was to spend time with his friends but it was too late for him. Knowing that he'll die without happiness and that there's no cure for the disease,

This causes their heart to shatter and touched by the truth, they finally realize their wrongdoings. They abandon her evil deeds and comfort him. They told him that they regretted everything about her actions and apologized to him. 1 week after that, They spent time with him, giving him happiness that he never had, along with the AR Team & Squad 404. He was now a happy man, but his life was about to end.

2 months later, the Parapluie Virus reached its critical and final stage as he was on his deathbed. As he drew his last breath, he thanked his friends for everything they had done for him and gave them a smile for one final time before he died peacefully, Griffins and Sangvis mourned his death, and M4 were crying while M16A1 and her friends comforting her, Squad 404 tearfully salutes him as respect for his bravery, determination and will. All of the commander salutes them including Kalina. At his funeral, They delivered their eulogy and bid farewell to him.

Kyle woke up in his ghost form and looked at them while smiling. He bids farewell to his friends and tells them that he loves them as his family. He saw the light, knowing his time had come. He ascends into Heaven, hoping to see his family. But as he was about to reach his light, Team DEFY who was somehow alive returned, unable to accept the fact of his fate, AK-12 grabbed his soul back into his body, and they revived him by using an Anti-virus Serum, and performed their CPR. They were surprised by their return and Kyle was shocked. Team DEFY confronts them for not saving him and falsely accuses them of not developing the cure. They tried to calm them down but DEFY gunpoint at them, they won't let him touch their beloved white hound. Then they dragged him into their dorm, tied him up, and they told him that they regretted rejecting him before they started making their love.

They forced him to have sex with them as they would take turns. They kept having sex non-stop until they became pregnant with 40 children; 40 girls and 40 boys. They forced him to sign a marriage certificate and propose to them. At their wedding, they kissed him one at a time. Now they have their children to take care of, he has no choice but to love them, much to their happiness. He loves them, and in response, they love him too in happily.

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