Plotting and thinking...

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If you read my blog, you'd notice that I love talking about Anti and Jack. Well, if any of you watch him as well, you'd notice that Anti makes a few subtle appearances in his recent Detention series. Here's what I think:

Anti is real, he tried to kill Jack/Sean at the moment he he was strongest but failed not long after, which is when Jack made his video to say that Anti isn't real, he's still alive, then he goes on to explain where he got the 'idea' to make Anti 'real'. After Halloween, Anti layed low until he found a particular game he liked. Detention. He's decided to mess with everyone's mind one more time by slowly coming back to life.

Part 1: no Anti scenes
Part 2: 1 Anti scene
Part 3: 3 Anti scenes.

This is as far as he's gotten so far. And invade you haven't figured it out yet, I'm obsessed with the thought of Anti and love piecing together parts of puzzles like this and making up stories 😂

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